Kevin Williamson doesn’t like daughters. He also has strange beliefs about how sperm works. Does the National Review edit things before they publish them? One has to wonder.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I don’t understand what this column is supposed to be about other than pointing out that there’s a gender pay-gap, and bitchez belong in the kitchen. Can you explain, monsieur host?
Sure. Sexy men are rich men. And rich men father boys at a higher rate the everyone else because they’re sexy.
That is beyond words strange. The man needs to be committed to a mental institute by days’ end.
I’m in the middle of reading a great book called Mongol Queens which is the story of how Genghis Khan relied on his daughters to hold and rule the lands he conquered. A real jolt to put that book down and come here to read that article.
I thought it was an Onion piece to be honest.
I’m scrubbing and scrubbing, and I can’t get that column off of me. Ick.
Your Republican Party: Men Who Hate Women, and the Women Who Love Them.
It appears that Mittens is being encouraged to embrace his inner douche. See the asshole, be the asshole.
I read that “article”, gagged, paused a moment, then read the comments. THEN I threw up.
It’s offensive on more levels than I can count. shudder.
WTF is wrong with these people???
Not only was that article offensive but it was also stupid.
I get the vision of a return to feudal society, watched over by the resident deity Mammon.
One might argue that we’ve already arrived.
One links says they’re after the Aryan Nations Brotherhood:
Interesting. I’ll have to note whether any of the usual hecklers are absent from the audience at the county council meeting tonight.
Then there’s also the “He-Man Woman Haters Club”.
This guy must be speechwriter for Willard’s campaign, a gross volume of lies and misrepresentations. Simply put: lecture for STUPID insofar they ever attempt to read anything.
Libertarian reviewer David Gordon criticizes the book, writing “Williamson lacks the ability to report facts accurately and his work contains preposterous errors.” Williamson previously worked at the Institute for Humane Studies [funding by Scaife, Koch, Bradley, Walton and Carthage foundations], where he directed college seminars on journalism. He was the editor of The Bulletin, a former daily newspaper in Philadelphia.
Does the National Review edit things before they publish them? One has to wonder.
Do we really have to wonder? If they do have an editor, that person believes the same stuff as the author.
The editor is Mr. Starbursts.
I couldn’t make it past the first paragraph. I resent the posting of that trash here. Thankfully, I did not toss my laptop across the room in anger.
This is what I got when I went to the link
This NRO Section Is Currently Offline
We should be back shortly. Thank you for your patience.
Did they take it down?
Maybe someone on the staff finally read that tripe and pulled it in a blind fit of rationality.
I’m sure it will be back up when cooler (thicker?) heads prevail.
Off the subject, but latest from Sister Sarah:
She wants Sarah Steelman to run 3rd party!!!!!
Has anyone evertold this Bimbo she has as much political acumen as PeeWee Herman?
No, because Pee Wee has far more.
Pee Wee had the sense to know when it was time to get out of the spotlight and keep quiet.
I couldn’t even make it past the family photo at the top of the story. What is it about Willard and his penchant for coordinating everyone’s wardrobe? It’s like that old Huckabee family pic in front of the AR Gov mansion with the guys all dressed up in Kingston Trio shirts, but on steroids.
And d’you notice how almost every one of them has that same, exact same eerie smile.
And lastly, I haven’t seen a married couple who resembled each other as much as Mitt and Ann since Arnold and Maria. Spooky.
I can’t get over those shirts. It’s like the kids were watching The Sound of Music one day and decided to make outfits for themselves out of an old tablecloth.