As of now, the National Hurricane Center is projecting that Hurricane Issac will make landfall somewhere in South Florida on the evening of August 25th or the morning of August 26th. The Republican National Convention is scheduled to start on August 27th in Tampa. It is far too early to have any confidence in this projection, but it has the potential to disrupt air travel to Tampa, at a minimum. Dana Milbank sees it a sign of divine retribution. Obviously, like most of what Milbank writes, that’s stupid. But the possible disruption of the start to the convention is something to keep an eye on in the coming days.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Well…don’t believe in randomn chance, or coincidence…a Hurricane hitting the GOP would be great! You know, to quote the Scorpions, Gonna Rock You Like a Hurricane?
Wrong quote…”Here I am, rock you like a hurricane”…I like our team…Christie keynote…Ryan…then Rubio introduces Romney! Like a right-wing hurricane!
don’t we wish.
It has the potential to disrupt air travel to Tampa… coming from Miami. Otherwise no problem.
If I can read a map, only PR, the Dominican and Haiti will see hurricane; the southern part of FL may get a “tropical storm” and Tampa is well north of that.
God moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform.
I am in no way a fan of Milbank but the religious right do have a great propensity of blaming whatever bad that happens in any city to the hand of God. New York is wicked, New Orleans is sinful, etc, etc. All that said, I live only thirty miles from Tampa so next week should be interesting for one reason or another!
But it’s a GOOD omen!
Yup, all the destructive blowhards are coming together and will blow over and depart, leaving fair weather for the rest of us.
Well, there will be a lot of hot air, regardless of the weather.
I have no doubt the Reince Priebus, Romney, Ryan and the rest of the crew are now assembling Prayer Warriors (yes, Virginia, such people really do exist) to pray for a shut down of Tampa.
There is no way, the R leadership wants a complete and open convention, this year. Ron Paul, the TP Players, Akins and his Closed Cunt Assmeblage, Kill Granny Zombies, RightWing Zingers coming from people who haven’t had to screen their language for 30 years (because they live under rocks), Birthers, Tenthers, Truthers, … and the list goes on and on.
Yup, gonna be interesting if it doesn’t get cancelled.
My greatest concern is that there will be enough popcorn to go around.
Really, Boo. You honestly don’t recognize humor/irony when you see it? I think the column is pretty funny, the way it twists the gopper obsession with “divine retribution” into a tongue in cheek prophesy. I don’t like Milbank most of the time, but am pleased to learn that he as a sense of humor, unlike some I could mention on a bad day. Your charge of Stupid was grossly unfair and misdirected in this case.