Ten people have been shot just outside the Empire State Building. Early reporting says that two people were killed, in addition to the shooter. Mayor Bloomberg is going to be someone to reckon with over this. The man is going to go ape.
Update [2012-8-24 10:58:43 by BooMan]: Now reporting is that there is only one fatality in addition to the shooter. Also, the weapon appears to have been a shotgun, and many of the injuries were to the legs and buttocks from ricocheting pellets.
Update [2012-8-24 11:49:35 by BooMan]: So, pretty much all the early reporting was wrong.
The shooter is dead. It is a tragedy and Bloomberg won’t be able to pick up political points from this.
He’s worried about large size sodas.
“If only some of the unprepared, inexperienced and marginally trained bystanders on that busy city street had been armed.” – NYC Morticians’ Guild
It looks like cops shot everybody but the original victim.
A more accurate version of your post:
Believe it.
I have been a witness to so many low-level IQ cops armed to the teeth and (justifiably) paranoid as they walk the streets of this occupied city…occupied by Wall Street, an occupation maintained by police force… that I cannot even begin to lay it all out for you.
Sure, there are some good, decent cops, but in this rapidly devolving culture most of them are in it for the money and retirement benefits because if they weren’t policemen/women they’d either be driving a bus or a sanitation truck and where’s the fun in that kind of work? They are in it to survive as well, and who can blame them for that? If it results in a little collateral damage, well…what the hell, it wasn’t cop damage, right? They’re covered.
Think not?
Look at how few police shootings are punished. They’re New York’s Finest, after all. What’s to punish? Who’s to blame?
Who’s to blame?
Collateral damage in S. E. Asia during the Vietnam War. Lots of it.
Collateral damage in Iraq.
Collateral damage in Afghanistan.
So why not collateral damage at home?
Who’s to blame?
Hell…if not the presidents and their cohorts/the generals and their troops? Then certainly not NY’s Finest.
What’s that you say?
The word “finest” is relative to the level of the group from which it is sourced?
Guess you’re right.
Yore freind,
Emily Litella
P.S. Wake the fuck up.
P.P.S. “By what measure of kindness are your killed considered innocents while ours are considered worthless? By what school [of thought] is your blood considered blood while our blood is water?”
Osama bin Laden said that in the spring of 2004. I never thought that I would be saying this, but I see the same thing coming rapidly around the corner here. It was not just a statement of war; it was prophecy. Now it’s coming to the U.S. Watch. It’s getting worse by the day.
Four more years of this shit?
UH oh!!!
Shoulda listened to Ron Paul when you had the chance.
Too late now, bunkies.
Too late now.
Now it’s TweedleDumb or TweedleSmart
One hell of a choice, eh?
One hell of a choice.
Nice work.
Looks like the cops shot everyone but the guy who was murdered.
NYT update included this:
So it appears that the gunman fired five shots at his intended target, one at the police, and that police response shot 8 or 9 bystanders plus the gunman.
brilliant shooting there.
The guy was shooting into the crowd. They didn’t know if he had other guns.
The police did the right thing.
The fact that the gunfire didn’t hit a lot more people, is a testament to their abilities.
It’s so easy to criticize from the outside.
This happened very quickly.
I am tempted to say, you go into that crowd with an enraged shooter and you handle it.
I’m sorry, but the nasty comments about the NYPD are unfair.
As I wrote recently in a comment on Steven D.’s post Repubs Will Raise Taxes – For Civil War:
“…in the almost weekly nutcase killings…”
And here’s another one.
We are now in a feedback system.
One nutcase feeds a bunch of others.
One cop fuels a bunch of others as well.
What? You didn’t notice? That “8 or 10” wounded number? It looks like the shooter shot the victim and the cops shot the other “8 or10” wounded, including the shooter.
Nice shooting, men. Back to the firing range.
What’s that you say?
It don’t shoot back?
Bloombeg is going to be pissed.
Chasing away the tourist trade like that.
I can hear it now.
And money is what Bloomberg is all about. Check out his media outlet for all you need to know about that.
Google pins it.
I can hear him now.
“Can’t you keep that shit in the outer boroughs where no one will notice much?”
No one important, that is.
Just brownish people.