Me too.

Here’s your answer.

It’s the bosses.

Ex-U.S. ambassador Crocker arrested in hit-and-run
By Nicholas K. Geranios, Associated Press

SPOKANE, Washington – Ryan Crocker, the former U.S. ambassador to Iraq and Afghanistan, faces hit-and-run and intoxicated driving charges after his vehicle collided with a semi truck and a breath test registered twice the legal limit for alcohol, authorities said.

Crocker, who was long one of the top U.S. diplomats and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, was arrested Aug. 14 in Washington state, Trooper Troy Briggs said. He registered a .160 blood-alcohol content — twice the legal limit — and a .152 in successive breath tests when was arrested in Spokane Valley, Briggs said.

Crocker, who was driving a 2009 Ford Mustang convertible, was stopped in the left lane at a red light. And when the light turned green, he tried to turn right across the path of the semi in the right lane, Briggs said.

The vehicles collided and Crocker’s car spun out, but he kept driving, Briggs said. A witness followed him to a nearby bank and called police.

“He was very cooperative but obviously intoxicated,” Briggs said.

Crocker pleaded not guilty in court the next day, KXLY-TV reported.


“A witness followed him to a nearby bank and called police?”

Well…yeah!!! He went to a bank to get some bribe money for when the cops showed up. Betcha. I mean…it worked in Iran and Afghanistan, right? Bigger crimes and bigger bribes, but the same principle. Betcha.

“Crocker pleaded not guilty in court the next day…”

With bosses like this, who needs enemies? Watch. He’ll cop some sort of plea about how “sick” he is and then skate on his connections. Watch.

Read on.


This year, Crocker announced he was retiring due to a serious health issue that he previously had while ambassador to Iraq.



Lookit how successful he was.

He also ran embassies in Iraq, Pakistan, Kuwait, Lebanon and Syria.

Crocker was in Beirut when the U.S. Embassy there was blown up in 1983, killing 63 people, including 17 Americans. His residence in Syria was ransacked by a mob when he was ambassador there in 1998, and insurgents attacked the embassy in Kabul last September during Crocker’s service there.

He served as ambassador to Iraq from 2007 through 2009.

Great record, bubba. Bring the heat wherever you go.

Ill? Betcha. Sick with fear of eternal damnation or at the very least least an IED planted in front of his official limo as he drove to his various embassies. Gotta steady them nerves, Mr. Ambassador. Cain’t let them wogs see ya shakin’ like that. Have another. Red light? You’re Mr. Ambassador!!! Weren’t no red lights stoppin’ you in Beirut or Baghdad, right? Make that turn!!!

Former President George Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor.

Crocker has been on leave from his position as dean of the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University.

The Bush School of Government, eh?


I got yer Bush School of Government.

Right here!!!

Bush door

And here, too.

Lynddie England

We are the laughingstock of the world.

When it ain’t cryin’, of course.


But true.

Definition of an “ambassador” of this outlaw state?

A drunken murderer in a suit.

Bet on it.
