To the degree that The Hill’s Alexander Bolton and Peter Schroeder are just reporting what Republicans are saying, their article is fine. But what about this?
But it was [Paul] Ryan’s Wednesday night speech that was widely acclaimed as a home run and showed he can perform confidently on the national stage.
Widely acclaimed by whom? In the context of the article, it is almost clear that Bolton and Schroeder mean widely acclaimed by Republicans. But that’s not what they wrote. Paul Ryan’s speech was widely panned as the most dishonest and lie-filled speech ever delivered at a political convention. Bolton and Schroeder could have mentioned that.
So what’s your take? Are they just sloppy, or trying to pander, or taken with “dreamy eyes”, or what? I think they make it sound like the Village “acclaimed” the speech, but, surprisingly, that didn’t happen this time. Or did they just make this up assuming the hype would prove correct?
Well, it’s probably bad editing, frankly.
The piece isn’t actually about Ryan’s speech but his prospects within the party going forward.
Widely panned by Whom? Well, by Leftists, of course.
Leftist apoplexy over Ryan’s speech is quite revealing.
Did even you look at the list in the link Boo gave with “widely panned?” Sure, half of them were from the left, but dozens weren’t, and even Fox was on the list calling out Ryan’s lies.
This time, you don’t even have the excuse of never leaving the alternate universe of Fox et al. We need better trolls at this site. Whatever happened to Liberty for All?
It’s the same guy; he’s been posting under this new moniker and also some conglomeration of letters and numbers ever since LFA got blocked by Booman.
Waste of bandwidth, if you ask me; but banning each incarnation just produces another round of whack-a-mole.
You realize there have been several incarnations, of course.
Other than LFA, my favorite is still Jane1966!
MassDem is in honor of Elizabeth Warren!
Sorry, went down the list…all leftist commentators…Sally Kohn with Fox News is the self-described “progressive voice” of Fox News…just another leftist…
With all this documentation, why cannot you provide me a quote from Paul Ryan that is false?
The fact that a hundred leftist bloggers fall in line with the same talking points doesn’t change reality…you cannot provide a quote from Ryan that is not true…
As for Liberty For All, I’d have to ask him, but I’m sure he would love to come back and post comments under his original user name, but, alas, the powers that be banned him from commenting!
MassDem’s ability to post may be in jeopardy now, too!
The fix is in.
In fact, I’m still waiting for someone on this blog to put forth an actual quote from Ryan’s actual speech that contains a “lie”.
Bueller? Bueller?
Ahem. Willfully ignorant are you? Or just asleep for the last few days?
Sorry…epic fail.
I read the link…there is no actual quote in there that asserts something that is not true, and you know it.
For example, when Ryan says that Obama did not act on Simpson-Bowles recommendation, that is a fact…the fact that Ryan didn’t vote for the recommendation (because it didn’t address rising health care costs) does NOT change the fact that his statement is true. How is Ryan’s statement a “lie”?
Progs…please accept my challenge to put forth an actual quote from Ryan that is factually false, instead of putting forth links. Not one link that anyone here has submitted actually quotes a “lie” in Ryan’s speech.
Still waiting, Bueller.
Still asleep I see. You might try actually reading the piece before you comment, particularly section 2. And note that it is actually posted at the Fox News site.
And don’t pretend to know what I think. You don’t know the first thing about me.
Sorry…read the link again…please show me the quote from Ryan that is a lie. Please…give me the Ryan quite that is not true…section 2 in this link does not do that.
You can’t do it, because he didn’t lie. You guys are just pissed that Ryan can beat Obama at his own game.
I’m not normally known for feeding trolls but there’s always a first time.
From the Fox link above:
From the text of the speech:
Indicating that the closure was due to some failure of President Obama to follow through with his promises/obligations. The plant closed before President Obama actually took office. If you need that date, as always, google is your friend.
Ah wait, here’s more:
WaPo blog link
What exactly is the game at which Ryan beat Obama?
Which statement from Ryan is false? Give me the specific statement above that is not true.
Sorry…good try… At least you tried…
If Ryan said, “the Janesville plant closed after Mr. Obama took office”, then that would be untrue.
Please put the exact Ryan words above THAT ARE NOT TRUE!
You can’t do it.
Ah, I see now. Willful ignorance. I was right the first time. It’s too bad. I get the same thing from my 13 year old.
Stop evading the question, and give the factually untrue quote! Please!
I gave one above. Feel free to research the others.
Once again. Any alleged failure of President Obama wouldn’t have saved a plant already closed. The opposite is indicated in Ryan’s statement above. What more do you need? Is there a reading/comprehension problem? Ryan intentionally left the listener with the misrepresentation that some failure of the administration could have otherwise saved the plant, one that was already closed. I suppose that I really do need to paint you a picture. Fortunately, I’m uniquely qualified to paint it. (See my post on the recommended list.) I hope that acrylics are okay.
I will be happy to start painting but will waste no more words on you. Let me know.
Just to give another example, he omitted the fact that Simpson-Bowles has no plan because its plan was rejected .
Read the WaPo link…still no quote from Ryan that is not true…
Someone, please, give me the quote that is not true!!!
Better troll, please.
Do you have the quote?
What’s the definition of “troll” again? Someone who disagrees with the predominant sentiment of the blog?
Go to Karl and get your pay. You have completely blown it by hectoring and playing dumb.
As far as widely acclaimed speeches go, everything I’m hearing is that Rubio’s was one of maybe the two best speeches, although not without its lies, too. I can’t remember who the other one was off the top; just woke up over here.
hz…help me out…I’ve asked everyone here to show me a quote from Paul Ryan that was factually untrue…all they do is put forth links that fail to demonstrate a Paul Ryan quote that is not true.
Please help! No links! Give me the quote!
I realize I’m wasting my time, but you’ll find a massive Ryan lie here:
And because I’m so nice (and stupid enough to waste even more precious time), I’ll point out some key passages for you. First of all, Ryan’s quote:
The debt commission did not come back with anything. Their proposal didn’t even make it to a vote in Congress, because 11 of 18 members on the bipartisan panel appointed to review it voted against it. Ryan was one of those 11.
So not only did President not receive any actionable legislation from the “bipartisan debt commission,” a key reason he didn’t receive it is Paul Ryan’s vote. It’s a double whammy.
Acting on the commission’s recommendations wasn’t even under the President’s purview, and thus the failure had nothing to do with him. It had everything to do with Paul Ryan, and the 10 other members of the panel that voted to prevent it from going to a House vote.
I must be feeling generous. Here’s another Ryan lie, in his own words, from the same link:
Which is ridiculous, and if Ryan were half the math whiz his acolytes credit him with, he’d stick his head in a bucket of lard out of pure shame. President Obama didn’t add that new debt, he merely changed the way it had been reported during the Bush years. He put the wars on budget, rather than basing their funding on emergency supplementals. There are other details worth exploring, but I don’t have the time or the expertise, and it wouldn’t matter to you anyway.
The point is, Ryan’s assertion is absolute horsecock, because it’s well established that President Obama’s administration has seen the lowest increase in government spending since Eisenhower.
I’ve got one more quote for you, since I’m already in so deep: “There’s no sense debating with someone who declares victory no matter the outcome.” That quote is attributable to me. I said it. Please feel free to go back to ignoring me.
This troll is a waste of time, but responding with facts is not. His/her opinion doesn’t matter, but being reminded of the reality is useful to the rest of us. It brings us back to the basics that get lost in the barrage of lies that have become the GOP’s primary tactic.
Plus, somebody said decades ago something like: the madman in the marketplace rants and no one stops to dispute him, and thereby his point is irrefutably established.
Obi Wan (Boo)…you’re my only hope!
Please give me the Ryan quote that is not true!
Or stop saying that he “lied”…
Please show me the part of your police record that proves you’re not a drug dealer. No links now. I want the actual scanned record!
better trolls — STAT