Once again, political expediency is put ahead of common sense and respect by the Democratic Party.
“Labor has no place to go.” – Chris Hayes
WHAT WOULD Democrats be without labor? Where would they be?
What would the American middle class look like without unions? Before we met, my own husband was in a situation for many years in Nevada where the threat of unionization in the company where he worked solidified his living wage and benefits.
So, why, in the middle of a union fight in Wisconsin, did Pres. Obama decide to not only sidestep the discussion, but stay well away from offering anything but the most perfunctory support?
Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that Democrats in Wisconsin fielded a candidate against Scott Walker who said he wasn’t a union man. Except that wouldn’t stop the President from making the argument about Gov. Scott Walker’s governorship stripping workers of a path to middle class prosperity by gutting collective bargaining. Pres. Obama’s numbers with blue collar workers aren’t exactly great, so it could have benefited every Democrat. Instead all we got from the leader of the Democratic Party as labor went to battle was one tweet.
As a former UAW member raised in a union family, I am insulted by the Democratic Party’s decision to hold their 2012 convention in an anti-union state.
Weak, very weak.
Our so called congresspeople attending the convention, whooping it up and having a great time (on our dime) while we have around twenty million UNemployed/underemployed people is also an insult and frankly, a disaster.
it proves just how out of touch “our” representatives are.
Happy Labor Day??
As the late, great Molly Ivins used to say, “You got to dance with them what brung you”.
Too many young voters have no clue about the 8 hour day, weekends, etc., etc. OTOH, too many elected officials get to The Village and forget the little folks back home as they pal around with their new, monied Villager friends. The dance partner thing goes both ways.
It would be interesting to know if there was a pre-convention conversation involving NC’s anti-union sentiments at all.
Too many young voters have no idea what an 8 hour day is, as their employers demand they bring work home to do nights and weekends. They demand their employees check their work e-mails hourly and work on anything their bosses demand on the spur of the moment. Prospective employers demand e-mail and facebook passwords before they even consider whether or not to employ them.
Thirty years ago I tried to organize computer programmers and always got the responses, “Unions? They are all about getting big money without working. Sorry, I’ve got a work ethic.” or “Unions? The mafia controls them. No thanks.”
Yet, the blatancy of the message will go over the heads of union workers that are Democrats as easily as Akin’s “lady parts biology” goes over the heads of contraceptive using GOP women.
Not that any self-respecting real liberal needed to wait for this message — Arne Duncan and Rahm Emmanuel have been busy trashing one of larger remaining union organizations in the country.
I’m not in favor of boycotting a state because of how their legislature acts. Many years ago the American Physical Society would hold conventions in Chicago and the East Coast (NY, I think). Then the Illinois legislature rejected the Equal Rights Amendment and Trudy Bell decided to punish the state by eliminating the Chicago convention. She did this explicitly because of ERA. After a few years of being a second class member, I dropped my membership and the $400 dues. Why should I be punished for what the Illinois legislature did?
We are just starting to crack the South. Why should NC Democrats be punished for what their legislature did? I don’t think the D’s are in control, so why slap them in the face?
TarHeelDem, if you are reading this, what do you think?
For so long, I’ve been deeply frustrated because I am not what you would call, “Pro-Obama”. I try to be a Progressive. I’m not a Democrat. I’m one of those whacky Liberals. Meaning I’m not easily placated by mere words. I look at one’s actions.
I have not been pleased.
Yes… the alternative would have been much much worse and yes Obama has made some strides…
But mostly I feel backstabbed by this administration. Betrayed. Completely betrayed by many things. Environmental issues, education – how many schools need to close down???!!! Torture, drones, we continue to bomb countries. Hell, I was at an Anti-War March last year when we found out that Obama was bombing another country.
Medical Marijuana…. Yeah right. More violent raids than ever. So much so that doctors are warning patients NOT to get legal because this Admin is using the medical lists to attack people. My doctor is a big time Dem and he told us not to trust this Admin with regards to medical marijuana. People are suffering as well as dying do to this.
I have no faith in any administration who continues to torture and illegally detain protesters and whistleblowers.
Gitmo is still open and doing business as usual.
Yeah Bin Laden is dead, but it would have been really nice to have taken him into custody and made to stand trial. I’m glad he is dead… but at what cost?
I will always hear the cries of the little boy from Iraq who had white phospherus burns all over his body. Another casualty of war crimes.
Anyways, I’m glad that you speak up. All I hear from many is that my having issues with Obama will hurt him.. What? Really? I can’t ask questions or raise concerns that are affecting my family because of yet another election cycle. That if we just clap harder… well you get the drift.
I’m not a Paul-Bot. I’m not a Libertarian. I’m not “a witch” LOL But I am a really pissed off Liberal.
Although didn’t need much help with that when Obama began naming his cabinet and releasing his inner neo-liberal and war-hawk positions. As painful as watching him perform has been, it’s even more painful to observe his supporters defend Romneycare. Would have been easier and cheaper to switch parties and get that guy elected in 2008 and then we could all complain about the third GWB term because it would be a Republican instead of a Democrat overseeing it.
I was once dumb enough to think that Carter would be better than Ford and Clinton better than BushI. Might have been dumb enough to think that Carter would have been better than Reagan, but as the country didn’t go down that road, that can’t be known.
Cultures have always moved too slowly for the changes that appear (and religious cultures are the slowest of all). As technological changes over the past 150 have been very rapid, the consciousness, skills and knowledge of most people keeps dropping further and further behind what’s required for democracies to operate at a minimal level of efficiency (which is about the best any of have done).
There’s a thoughtful diary at dKos that is getting ignored – What Would I Be Willing to Give Up. Ignored in favor of a diary cheering the rebound in US auto sales. Stripped of partisanship, not much difference between what individuals consider good economic news.
Maybe they’ll have a fly over… using drones.
I’m still angry over drones, torture and we’re still occupying other countries while peaceful Occupiers are getting beat downs.
Nice catch.
This anti-union state just saw the successful organizing of the workforce at Smithfield Foods.