We just got back home from NYC and besides your good news, the rain gauge showed that we got just under 2 inches of rain. Not close to what they were predicting but still very happy-making.
Thank you! Glad you’re back safe from the big city. Hope the wedding was fun. That’s about what was in our rain gauge here. All our outdoor green things seem much happier now.
The wedding was lovely — they had on a pier/park on the Hudson River and the weather was just perfect. He’s very nice and charming and they are clearly over the top in love.
There were over 100 people but that was largely her family and some of their friends because only his mom came over from Turkey. But the newlyweds and Marlo’s parents went to Turkey for a second wedding ceremony which they had in Istanbul (on a boat in the Bosporus) Thursday.
I’m glad you waited till I got back to post that. I would have been undone by its loveliness while I was still trapped in the car going across the endless nothingness of the Ohio interstates.
What a beautiful spot to just rest and renew! I don’t think I could sit there and concentrate on a novel with so much natural loveliness to contemplate.
I am leading an extremely quiet life these days. Six weeks at the cabin (with an occasional escape to Oslo – 2 hrs away). Moving to NY early October.
We were at the vet today with our Gracie for more bloodwork (she’s recovering from immune-mediated thrombocytopenia), and Finny loves to check out all the cats in the cat carriers, but he got a big surprise today. The only cat carrier had a ferret in a hammock in it! He was ready to go home with those folks, he was so taken with it.
Reminds me of an old cat we used to have. A rescue cat from Guam’s Animals In Need. A black cat named Jack with eyes that bulged out of his tiny head.
I worked for the airlines and wore rather a skirt to work. This particular cat really liked to do his own thing unless you were in the bathroom or were trying to put on stockings. I can’t tell you how many really nice stockings he ruined jumping at my legs as I raveled the silk up my legs. I wore stockings and garters because pantyhose … well they suck. Especially when it’s hot and humid. Pantyhose after a long day can be their own cat hammock iffin you know what I mean.
Black – is our recent rescue Dylan.
He was given up at 3wks of age and had been shuffled in and out of shelters till he ended up at Portland’s House of Dreams where badly abused and older cats who have been passed up for adoption go. He was 5 years old when I laid my hands on him and adopted him. He’s like a big kitten.
Stripey is our Moonya – gifted to us by a friend who rescued her pregnant, feral mom.
I know I’m supposed to “ooh” and “ahh” at how cuuuute they are, but I know these guys on a deep, dark, personal level. I have experienced just how gang-like, mean and downright nasty they are. Hell, they even wear masks.
And they take really big shits on the top of your outdoors stuff. Canoes, lawnchair, water toys.
Yeah! We had half grown raccoons slipping in via the cat door to rip off the cat food until we moved the cat bowls to another room where the tempting odor (ugh) didn’t waft outside.
It should make you very happy to know that they were chased up there by two dogs who were still down at the bottom of the tree, barking furiously and scaring the masks right off them.
That axe was what I used to fell it. The poor thing was rotten to the core, as they say, and I didn’t think it would look good as an addition to the kitchen furnishings. Had already had a good sized limb come through the ceiling in a windstorm, so although we hated to see the tree go, it had to be done. The toy needs a new muffler and spark arrestor before I proceed further.
I enjoyed the creative cursing comments thread as well.
I got it from my Mom. She’s got a Doctorate from Brown, and swears like a sailor. There’s something somehow more powerful about a highly educated person swearing. Like they choose their swears very carefully and emphasize everything just right.
When things are a mess, she always says they are “rat-fucked”.
The comments were hilarious! I needed a good laugh; one of the women I work with passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning, and it’s so sad at the office.
A Chorus of Ribbits to the Portland Winterhawks! Who will have a season and I, for the first time in my life, have season tickets to go support my local boys since I went to 30 out 36 home games last season. Cross yer froggie legs that Wesley will continue to work with the Winterhawks in his final year at his post HS program. I meant it… cross them appendages!
(I’m the old lady in glasses. The other is my hockey pal and young co-worker who has a heart of gold) Remind me never to take a photo with some hottie who is half your age LOL – just makes me feel damn old)
Two solid ribbits to making it home safe and in pjs.
Wes got the job with the Portland Winterhawks!!!!!!
The school axed the work experience program this summer so the hockey team said they would interview him on their own. His teacher actually took him. He’ll be doing the same thing as he did last season but more days and he has a meeting with their new equipment manager for practices.
I am so damn happy right now. And so proud.
The NHL may be screwed up right now but the WHL is still rocking it
AND for the first time ever, I got season tickets and they arrived yesterday. Suh-Weet.
I don’t know if this world is falling apart right now but I’m so relieved and happy for Wesley. This has been the best help for him ever.
Thanks! Just got back from a quick paddle. Have tons of photos of the herons and ducks. The river is already changing into her Fall clothes. I’m changing as well I think. I might have to do another Zen River diary… But this weekend is so busy…
Got some more info from the Winterhawks about Wes’ meeting with them. Wes also chatted it up with former Kings coach and Head Coach of the WH’s Mike Johnston. Wes’ boss is going to set up a game night for Wes’ classmates. And.. AND!!!! Winterhawks are looking into having a promo whereas some of the profits go to support Wes’ school district for special needs students. Too. Frikken. Cool!
Wes’ boss is going to make a personal flier for Wes to pass out for ticket sales. I’ll be able to hang it up at work and Wayne’s work.
Recovering from a sinus infection today, but I think Finny and daddy and I are heading to the farmer’s market this morning, followed by a trip to the Y for a swim (requested by Finny this morning).
I’m also trying to figure out whether I can make it for a short run this morning…crazy, probably. What is everyone else up to this weekend?
on September 16, 2012 at 11:24 am
Women are awesome…they create Life!!!
Mother Mary, full of Grace, Blessed is the fruit of thy Womb!
I’m repairing new kitty damage, so yeah. Spackle, texture and paint. At least now she’s using the scratching posts so maybe no more walls in her future, or mine.
Woke up last Saturday without internet connection at the cabin. The horrors, the withdrawals.
The laptop would not speak with the router. Tried all sorts of diagnostics and they pointed to the firewall.
Turns out an update for McAfee was the culprit. What’s that all about, they are supposed to help you with a safe and smooth web experience – instead, they shut you out.
Oh, it was long enough.
Their customer service was closed for the weekend.
Yesterday, I had to drive to the library in the nearest town to download a patch that would help me uninstall McAfee (the damned thing would not let go). Then, reinstall new version afterwards.
I emerged from the house this AM to find a large branch had fallen on the old Mazda, MM, during the storm. It doesn’t seem that any damage was sustained though. Lots of debris all around though.
Glad there wasn’t any damage to the car! We had a similar occurrence one January that took down the power lines to the house on a Fri. evening. Needless to say, we couldn’t get an electrician until the following Monday and it was a miserable, chilly weekend. Our lines are now safely installed a couple of feet underground.
Since we heat with wood, the frigid hasn’t ever been a problem. It was the ever-warming fridge/freezer, dark house, and internet-lessness that got to us but now that we have the standby generator, that’s not so much of an issue.
About the end of the summer…
Not me ~ we just met our new granddaughter, just shy of one day old. I was holding her and sniffing her little baby head and guess who came to mind?
Mazel tov, Grandpa! (what no photos to post!?!)
We just got back home from NYC and besides your good news, the rain gauge showed that we got just under 2 inches of rain. Not close to what they were predicting but still very happy-making.
Thank you! Glad you’re back safe from the big city. Hope the wedding was fun. That’s about what was in our rain gauge here. All our outdoor green things seem much happier now.
The new kid for AndiF
Cutie patootie!
Ah for the ability to sleep like that. 🙂
She obviously takes after grandpa in the napping dept.
Oh, I can almost Nell her from here! What a beauty!
Congratulations to all!
Congratulations Gramps! 🙂
Welcome back! How was the wedding? Is he a nice fellow?
The wedding was lovely — they had on a pier/park on the Hudson River and the weather was just perfect. He’s very nice and charming and they are clearly over the top in love.
Did they have cupcakes at the wedding? 😉
I was wondering as well. An extra-special, special recipe.
Nope but the wedding cake was made at Sweet Revenge.
Is on my bucket list! 🙂
That’s great – she deserves someone very special. I’m wishing (of course) for pictures…
Your wish, my command (though perhaps a little more “command” than you might have been wishing for).
Pre-wedding and wedding photos
Thanks! Looks like it was a small and lovely celebration.
There were over 100 people but that was largely her family and some of their friends because only his mom came over from Turkey. But the newlyweds and Marlo’s parents went to Turkey for a second wedding ceremony which they had in Istanbul (on a boat in the Bosporus) Thursday.
Retracing Jason and the Argonauts steps? 🙂
Istanbul is on my bucket list, too.
lovely photos!
Wow – congratulations!
Keep sniffing that head (I hope she is close by).
Thanks ask! They’re only about 30 minutes away. Quite convenient for baby visiting and pampering.
Sweet, lovely smell.
And lovely to look at as well.
Congrats to the entire ID family!
Thanks b2!
She’s perfect! Smell her head for me.
Worn love seat, just bring a cushion.
I’m glad you waited till I got back to post that. I would have been undone by its loveliness while I was still trapped in the car going across the endless nothingness of the Ohio interstates.
What a beautiful spot to just rest and renew! I don’t think I could sit there and concentrate on a novel with so much natural loveliness to contemplate.
Evening view from love seat.
Blogging station
That looks fabulous!
Nice. Makes me want to go back to my recently ended vacation.
Wonderful. You could make that your wallpaper on your laptop and then you could be there in every time you close an app. 🙂
I’m beginning to think you are Bond, James Bond. 🙂
I am leading an extremely quiet life these days. Six weeks at the cabin (with an occasional escape to Oslo – 2 hrs away). Moving to NY early October.
Bond and the Bond kids
you look totally ready to foil the Soviets. Either that, or drink that beer.
Working on my “Hunt for Red October” beard. And, man, was that beer good! The one following immediately after wasn’t bad, either.
What, no vodka martini? (Shaken, not stirred of course.)
Didn’t Daniel Craig wear that exact same shirt in Casino Royale?
Girly girl absinthe? 🙂
Nice looking family you have there.
There is nothing girly about real absinthe…
Absolutely nothing.
But that bottle is pepto pink. 🙂 Oh my… could it possibly be…
Race for the Absinthe!!??
I’ll go give another few bucks to Planned Parenthood. 😀
Sorry to burst your bubble. The bottle contains something as unpoetic as regular tap water.
Gale force wind here today with occasional showers. Indoor day.
Which is so much better than toilet water.
I’m auditioning for the perky foreign contact with a positive outlook 🙂
click for larger
Thunder/lightning and heavy rain here. Flickering lights now. It’s a good day to lay low.
Watchin’ the speeches from her cat hammock.
We were at the vet today with our Gracie for more bloodwork (she’s recovering from immune-mediated thrombocytopenia), and Finny loves to check out all the cats in the cat carriers, but he got a big surprise today. The only cat carrier had a ferret in a hammock in it! He was ready to go home with those folks, he was so taken with it.
Love that photo!
She’s quite the character.
Reminds me of an old cat we used to have. A rescue cat from Guam’s Animals In Need. A black cat named Jack with eyes that bulged out of his tiny head.
I worked for the airlines and wore rather a skirt to work. This particular cat really liked to do his own thing unless you were in the bathroom or were trying to put on stockings. I can’t tell you how many really nice stockings he ruined jumping at my legs as I raveled the silk up my legs. I wore stockings and garters because pantyhose … well they suck. Especially when it’s hot and humid. Pantyhose after a long day can be their own cat hammock iffin you know what I mean.
But really, lovely face on that pootie!
Black – is our recent rescue Dylan.
He was given up at 3wks of age and had been shuffled in and out of shelters till he ended up at Portland’s House of Dreams where badly abused and older cats who have been passed up for adoption go. He was 5 years old when I laid my hands on him and adopted him. He’s like a big kitten.
Stripey is our Moonya – gifted to us by a friend who rescued her pregnant, feral mom.
Sleeping in formation. 🙂
Damn straight they are! 🙂
click for larger
I know I’m supposed to “ooh” and “ahh” at how cuuuute they are, but I know these guys on a deep, dark, personal level. I have experienced just how gang-like, mean and downright nasty they are. Hell, they even wear masks.
And they take really big shits on the top of your outdoors stuff. Canoes, lawnchair, water toys.
Screw raccoons and their shifty little fingers.
Yeah! We had half grown raccoons slipping in via the cat door to rip off the cat food until we moved the cat bowls to another room where the tempting odor (ugh) didn’t waft outside.
“… gang-like, mean and downright nasty they are. Hell, they even wear masks.”
Except for wearing masks, I thought you were describing the Teapublican party.
I didn’t say the little buggers were stupid 🙂
THEN they’d be on the same level as the folks from Teabagistan.
It should make you very happy to know that they were chased up there by two dogs who were still down at the bottom of the tree, barking furiously and scaring the masks right off them.
Good doggies.
It’s actually chilly here this morning, in the 40s! It’s going up to the 70s but Summer has truly come to an end.
A touch of autumn is in the air here as well after a line of storms and more rain Friday evening. What a relief!
No, I’m not ready to do all the Here’s Comes Fall Upkeep. I don’t even have bulbs to plant yet.
Runs away in a panic. (Actually I’m just on my way to work)
I’ve already started mine, gutter cleaning, etc. Sigh.
That has become a CB job around here. I guess you still have a few years before you can pass it along to B2B. 🙂
A “fall” project for me
That looks massive.
Hope you have all the required
toysequipment.That axe was what I used to fell it. The poor thing was rotten to the core, as they say, and I didn’t think it would look good as an addition to the kitchen furnishings. Had already had a good sized limb come through the ceiling in a windstorm, so although we hated to see the tree go, it had to be done. The toy needs a new muffler and spark arrestor before I proceed further.
OMG! This is awesome.
I enjoyed the creative cursing comments thread as well.
The comments were hilarious! I needed a good laugh; one of the women I work with passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning, and it’s so sad at the office.
Hugs, CG.
Sorry to hear, CG.
Warts to Vertigo. I feel it coming on so had to rush home from work. All medicated and awaiting The Hell.
Major Warts to the looming NHL Lockout. May Gary Bettman and the NHL 1%er Owners rot in hell!!!
Hockey is NOT about money, it’s about the moments that last a lifetime.
I stand with the Hockey Players and the Fans. Bettman the Owners can go fuck themselves.
For a great video (albeit 8 mins long) and to sign a petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/gary-bettman-the-nhl-save-the-hockey-season-nolockout
A Chorus of Ribbits to the Portland Winterhawks! Who will have a season and I, for the first time in my life, have season tickets to go support my local boys since I went to 30 out 36 home games last season. Cross yer froggie legs that Wesley will continue to work with the Winterhawks in his final year at his post HS program. I meant it… cross them appendages!
(I’m the old lady in glasses. The other is my hockey pal and young co-worker who has a heart of gold) Remind me never to take a photo with some hottie who is half your age LOL – just makes me feel damn old)
Two solid ribbits to making it home safe and in pjs.
Old? You both look great to me;-)
I’ll never be too old as long as I can still point to freckles on my face. 🙂
Thanks IndianaDem 😀
Somebody visiting a little known spot.
How do you find this little out-of-the-way treasures? 😉
I believe that I heard about it on some blog.
I wonder what you told the hotties in high school about the size of your…
the size of your IQ 🙂
Cavernous, of course.
click for larger
That’s just Man Eegee porn.
It was actually meant to be an Alice lure but it doesn’t seem to have worked.
Love the big yawn of contentment.
The yawn is good but the shape of Bebo from the rear cracks me up.
Bebo’s ass end looks like a half of a meat pie.
I’ve done that pose in Yoga. Bebo Yawning Lotus.
Bebo’s butt looks like a Furry Watermelon Wedge.
I think it looks like she swallowed a ferengi.
At the crack of dawn; Moon and Jupiter witnessing.
Quite a bit later
Finally (it was cold this morning at 44)
Lovely views, ask.
Have these been declassified? 🙂
They’re encrypted. Real image hidden in the code.
Those skies are beautiful.
Misinformation; that is actually Venus. The Moon and Jupiter were close together just before/during last weekend.
Isn’t misinformation part of the spy game?
Well, you can make your own interpretation (as you apparently did).
I love the palette of colors in the middle picture.
The theme is Hands. The diary is here [LINK]
Wes got the job with the Portland Winterhawks!!!!!!
The school axed the work experience program this summer so the hockey team said they would interview him on their own. His teacher actually took him. He’ll be doing the same thing as he did last season but more days and he has a meeting with their new equipment manager for practices.
I am so damn happy right now. And so proud.
The NHL may be screwed up right now but the WHL is still rocking it
AND for the first time ever, I got season tickets and they arrived yesterday. Suh-Weet.
I don’t know if this world is falling apart right now but I’m so relieved and happy for Wesley. This has been the best help for him ever.
Yay for Wes and congrats!
Thanks! Just got back from a quick paddle. Have tons of photos of the herons and ducks. The river is already changing into her Fall clothes. I’m changing as well I think. I might have to do another Zen River diary… But this weekend is so busy…
Gotta go get my yoga game face on. Later Skaters.
Excellent news!
Got some more info from the Winterhawks about Wes’ meeting with them. Wes also chatted it up with former Kings coach and Head Coach of the WH’s Mike Johnston. Wes’ boss is going to set up a game night for Wes’ classmates. And.. AND!!!! Winterhawks are looking into having a promo whereas some of the profits go to support Wes’ school district for special needs students. Too. Frikken. Cool!
Wes’ boss is going to make a personal flier for Wes to pass out for ticket sales. I’ll be able to hang it up at work and Wayne’s work.
I’m doing cartwheels right now. Okay maybe not.
I’d pay Dani big bucks* for a video of you doing cartwheels.
* disclaimer: big is a relative term.
Recovering from a sinus infection today, but I think Finny and daddy and I are heading to the farmer’s market this morning, followed by a trip to the Y for a swim (requested by Finny this morning).
I’m also trying to figure out whether I can make it for a short run this morning…crazy, probably. What is everyone else up to this weekend?
Women are awesome…they create Life!!!
Mother Mary, full of Grace, Blessed is the fruit of thy Womb!
Parthenogenisis fan?
Was that an 80s band?
It was a girl group.
Ha Ha!
Thanks for the reference–I like to learn something new every day!
The 80s seems to have been a particularly good time for girl groups.
Or maybe that was the Wild Snakes.
Weekend chores just plain suck.
I’m repairing new kitty damage, so yeah. Spackle, texture and paint. At least now she’s using the scratching posts so maybe no more walls in her future, or mine.
Happy birthday, Booman!
Adding my birthday wishes to ask’s.
Woke up last Saturday without internet connection at the cabin. The horrors, the withdrawals.
The laptop would not speak with the router. Tried all sorts of diagnostics and they pointed to the firewall.
Turns out an update for McAfee was the culprit. What’s that all about, they are supposed to help you with a safe and smooth web experience – instead, they shut you out.
Irritating, isn’t it. Glad the pain didn’t last too long.
Oh, it was long enough.
Their customer service was closed for the weekend.
Yesterday, I had to drive to the library in the nearest town to download a patch that would help me uninstall McAfee (the damned thing would not let go). Then, reinstall new version afterwards.
You might consider taking a look at Avast anti-virus. I’ve been using it for a couple of years now, with no issues.
I think I will check it out. Others have mentioned Avast as well.
Also got a recommendation today for AVG. Will have to do some research.
I use Avast as well, no issues here either. Got a problem with AVG, got hit using it.
latest tests
Thanks, Bob. Reading now and bookmarked for future reference.
That’s what I use, also with no issues.
In honor of Steve Sabol:
Also, too.
“… rain of biblical proportions. Turn over begot turnover….”
Love the subtlety and nuance of NFL films.
click for larger
I emerged from the house this AM to find a large branch had fallen on the old Mazda, MM, during the storm. It doesn’t seem that any damage was sustained though. Lots of debris all around though.
Glad there wasn’t any damage to the car! We had a similar occurrence one January that took down the power lines to the house on a Fri. evening. Needless to say, we couldn’t get an electrician until the following Monday and it was a miserable, chilly weekend. Our lines are now safely installed a couple of feet underground.
I’m jealous — we were able to get our phone lines buried but not the power lines.
Everything is exposed here. We let it all hang out, so to speak.
We had to hire an (Duke Energy) approved trenching contractor and wow, was it expensive! Beats a repeat of the frigid weekend, tho…
Since we heat with wood, the frigid hasn’t ever been a problem. It was the ever-warming fridge/freezer, dark house, and internet-lessness that got to us but now that we have the standby generator, that’s not so much of an issue.
Morning everyone, here’s a new panoramic.

Rose Garden
Great photo and a beautiful place.
Equinox sunrise:

Brr, it was cold overnight. Frost in the grass this morning.
Gorgeous shot!
It would make a great picture for a new cafe (hint, hint CG)
I am a day early with the equinox, but rain in the forecast tomorrow, so today’s shot will have to do.
And here I thought it was just another example of Swiss efficiency. 😀
Beautiful, chilly sunrise, ask!
Happy Friday! And good luck to all those on line waiting for an iphone 5.