Abigail Wagner is a dunce and she makes her readers stupid. If anyone believes what she writes, they’ll wind up being misinformed. For starters, she uses the old trick of cherry picking one poll to prove what other polls refute. Gallup Polls, for example, have shown consistent improvement over the last month in Obama’s job approval ratings among women. And, today, his overall job approval stands at fifty-two percent. Moreover, Gallup also shows a persistent gender gap, with women approving of Obama at a higher clip than men.

But Wagner could do some investigation to see what’s really happening out there. For example, Barack Obama wouldn’t be leading in New Hampshire if not for women giving him a 16% advantage. So, how does Ms. Wagner explain this big advantage Obama has among women?

She denies it exists and then she explains:

Feminine voters don’t want to be part of a condescending party that sees them as one big stereotypical bloc motivated by fringe social issues…

…Democrats like to instruct women that they can be anything they want as long as it isn’t a stay-at-home mother or wife. Liberals want this choice to be seen as unsuccessful, though nothing could be further from the truth.

The women in my life don’t want be part of a condescending party that wants to boss them around and humiliate them with waiting periods and compulsory vaginal ultrasounds. And I don’t know any liberals who look down on stay-at-home moms.

Ms. Wagner just gets more delusional as she goes along:

Mrs. Romney was in good company speaking for the Republican ticket, with South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez all taking the podium in prime time. With backgrounds running the gamut of professional and personal experience, the GOP’s female stars can’t be pigeonholed. What they share in common is a belief in the American dream — that success is open to anyone willing to work hard to get ahead. These women don’t accept that their sex means they should care more about taxpayer-funded abortion than deficits, monetary policy or the conflict between Israel and Iran. As the election nears, women are showing they need the Democratic Party as much as a fish needs a bicycle.

Now, I don’t want to suggest for a moment that stay-at-home moms do not work hard. But the kind of work they do isn’t the type of work that pays very well. If they work from home, that’s different. But if they are basically restricting themselves to being homemakers, like Ann Romney, then their work isn’t going to turn them into a financial success and they aren’t going to “get ahead” on their own. So, I think Ms. Wagner may be stepping on her message here a little bit. More importantly, I have probably met no more than two people in my life who were actually active advocates of taxpayer-funded abortion. The only taxpayer-funded abortion that ever occurs is to save the life of the mother, or in cases of rape or incest. That’s the law, and almost no one is trying to change it to include all cases of unwanted pregnancy. It’s the Republicans who are trying the change the law by redefining rape and eliminating the life and health exceptions. And it’s Republicans who keep taking their money-is-fungible theories to absurd lengths to insist that a tax subsidy to help you buy a health insurance plan is direct funding of abortion services. In any case, they won that argument.

As for women needing the Democratic Party about as much as a fish needs a bicycle, that’s just wishful thinking. Mitt Romney is going to lose badly. And he’s going to lose badly because women are going to vote in greater numbers than men, and they are going to choose the Democratic Party over the Republican Party by a very wide margin.