According to this study, Romney got a significant bounce out his selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate, but he actually got a negative bounce out of his convention. I think the early announcement of Ryan, which finally stopped the bleeding around his tax returns and time at Bain Capital, robbed him of his convention bounce. Well, that, and his convention sucked.
I think it’s time to go back to his taxes and Bain Capital. Let’s push those electoral college numbers back to the 330 vote range.
Romney on the stump today said: “I will not take God out of our platform, I will not take God off our coins, & I will not take God out of my heart.”
Then he led the crowd into an impromptu reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Is this dude insane? Jeez, the polling must be bad for Romney that now they are playing the cultural stuff?
The OBama camps response to Romney’s God and coins remark today:
This really does sound desperate. Combined with the pulling of ads in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, this is a really good sign for Obama. Of course anything can still happen.
Maybe this explains Romney’s desperation:
“Bill Clinton to campaign for Obama in Florida”
Go Bill! I’d like to see Romney go down like Harold Stassen. Failing that, only taking part of the Confederacy. If we can hold him to eleven states (FL and NC to Obama) that would be fantastic.
Did you mean Alf Landon? “As goes Maine, so goes Vermont” Alf Landon — the guy who lost every other state? I don’t think Stassen ever managed to get the Republican nomination, though he did try many times.
A landslide would be awesome. Landon territory is out of the question; no way does Obama win states like Texas or Alabama. I’m happy with any win, but particularly so if Obama has coattails. Let’s hold the Senate and take the House!
What would be great would be all the 2008 states plus GA, MO, AZ and one of the Dakotas. Maybe that would be enough to shake some sense into the GOP.
Right! Landon, not Stassen the perennial candidate.
I forget, did Goldwater do worse than Landon?
I think Goldwater won more states but I’m not sure about the popular vote. I think LBJ did better in the overall vote than FDR percentage-wise.
Jeez, the polling must be bad for Romney that now they are playing the cultural stuff?
This guy was going to come in here and talk about running Bain Capital, and we were all going to trust him to manage the economy. Oops.
Now he’s slumming it with the religious right to get votes.
Hmm, so Ann Romney will be on MTP with Mittens tomorrow. Is this usually how it’s done? I don’t remember if Obama and Michelle or McCain and Cindy did joint interviews on MTP.
Not that I expected any hard-hitting journalism from David Gregory, but we can surely NOT expect anything now, unless Gregory has the balls to ask Romney hard questions even if Ann is sitting next to him.
But I doubt. I expect softball questions from David and then having all the MSNBC crew, yes even Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz, all saying how Gregory did a “hard-hiting” interview.
I expect nothing less than the worse from Gregory..ugh
ETA: One of the guys at TPM asked and it seems that they will both interview together and then Romney is also supposed to have a one on one interview.
So expect the whole hour to be a Romney soft-sell.
Ann is probably there so there is a Man to interview.
He’s bringing his wife to MTP? And that’s not seen as pathetic? Will Anne help him get thru the debates too?
Remember the bulge?
Mommy, make the mean man stop!
Last joint interview I remember during a campaign was Bill and Hillary responding to the Gennifer Flowers accusations.
Someone pointed out to me that that was on 60 minutes. Not a purely “Political” show like MTP
i think it’s time to back whatever play Team Obama makes. they’re DAMN good at this shit.
Romney supports graven images – h/t Jesse LaGreca
Yes, it is time to go back to Romney’s tax returns and Bain Capital. But it is second tier surrogates who have to do this and lots of them. The President can continue the themes of his acceptance speech, especially the framework of citizenship.
The Gawker piece on the Bain documents has traction. It is still richocheting around the internet.
Bill Clinton and Harry Reid are good at this. Or do you mean a tier below them?
A tier below them. They can savage R/R on policy. It’s going to take a lot of widespread pushing by folks at least a tier below those guys to make the media not discount it again.
They happened back to back and I think Akin really damaged the republicans. The convention just underscored it. And on that note well played team D for managing to tie his words to the rest of team R so effectively. Of course it helped that team R embraced Akin’s stance in their platform.
Obama posts gains again in all three tracking polls.
“Obama increased his lead over Romney in certain favorable characteristics. Asked who was more “eloquent,” 50 percent of the 1,720 registered voters questioned in the poll favored Obama, compared to 25 percent for Romney. Asked about being “smart enough for the job,” 46 percent sided with Obama compared to 37 percent for Romney.
In fact, Obama led Romney in a dozen such favorable characteristics, such as “represents America” or “has the right values.” The only such category in which Romney had an advantage was being “a man of faith,” as 44 percent picked Romney, who is Mormon, compared to 31 percent for Obama, who is Christian.”
Only 50% said that Barack Obama was more eloquent than Mitt Romney? Come on, man. I’ll bet if a 6′ 5″ Democrat ran against a 5′ 10″ Republican, maybe 5% of Republicans would admit that the Democrat was taller.
I don’t get it. If I got the poll question, “Who has better hair, Mitt Romney or Barack Obama,” I’d answer Romney. Duh. “Who has a better chin?” “Who has a better profile?” I don’t think Romney would get 50% on these questions, I think he’d get 85%. Just about all Democrats would actually give the obvious, honest answer. Obviously, from that question, that’s not true of Republicans.
They’re such petty, bitter little things.
I’ve been reading alot of reactions to the DNC speeches and the convention, but this one I found just fascinating.
Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech Goes Viral in China
Allowing for slow reaction media types, will the release of the thumb drives on Sept 28 with Romney’s taxes on them end up being the October surprise?
I think the theft is a hoax.
But Larry Flynt has offerred $1 million
ha! Larry’s a great gift to the hoaxers of the world!
People on the internet are full of shit.
um, okay. What? Are they still pushing the Clinton angle? Does Romney really believe that enough people did not actually see the Clinton speech. He skewered him. And if they didn’t see the speech, wouldn’t this make them wan to see the speech to see how it “elevated” the convention. And what will they see? Clinton eviserating Ryan and Romney? How is this good strategy?
Romney Embraces Bill Clinton Again
Man, that is clueless! Even by Mitt standards. Dude, the guy just brought down a ton of whoopass on you. The subtle feints toward, “My administration will be like Bill Clinton’s — moderate, successful” ain’t gonna work. First off, even the stupidest Americans remember Republican efforts to impeach the guy. Second, dog whistles only work with Tea-Jihaddist true believers.
this surely can’t be what his handlers are recommending. hello…even the dumbest talivangelist reichwinger still hates clinton with a vengeance only slightly less than that they have for obama.
the man is completely oblivious to reality.
I see it as his way of trying to move to the middle, with enough subtlety to not upset the knuckle draggers. No way will it work; he’s not fooling anyone. In fact, it just makes him appear weak and pathetic. But it’s a good indication that the internal polling is not looking good for the weasel.
the knuckle draggers don’t do subtlety… or nuance for that matter.
l hope the lousy internal polling extends deep down ticket to the house and senate races.
It’s obvious to me. Romney’s still trying to foment a rivalry between Clinton and Obama, to divide the Dems, not realizing how utterly 2008 that is. Like the PUMA factor is a factor? Christ, Clinton is going to campaign in FLORIDA for Obama. Romney is clueless.
And I bet he reads the papers, too. All of ’em.
Just whatever they put in front of me, with a great respect for the people who put these things in front of my reading.
@politico: Obama heads out of the conventions w/much clearer path to winning, top Romney advisers privately concede: