If you’re a guy, you’re probably not going to want to miss the recently discovered footage of former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s 1978 appearance on The Dating Game. I think she discovered 80’s hair a couple of years early, but she was a very cute 19 year old and I love the suspenders. I wonder what the bachelors think about their experience today.
What’s on your mind this morning?
The whole outfit is hilarious!
This video sure has gotten around hasn’t it. At least that video can be considered cute and not really embarassing, but if we are gonna spend time on daytime tv appearance, ya’ll have gotta read the linked story about the Romneys on LIVE With Kelly.
My first reaction was shudder (ew naked Mittens) then laughter (Snooki…really) then shudder again (eww naked GWB) then laughter again (cause I can so see GWB fratboy saying allegedly what she said). The sad thing though is that it’s so obvious that these people are trying to compete with the Obamas as a couple it’s just ridiculous.
“Romney Does Daytime TV”
Did someone in the campaign suggest that giving voters the chance to imagine Mitt naked, or to imagine Ann all atwitter at upon opening the wrong door in the White House and seeing GWB naked, would be a good thing?
Guys, I don’t think this will have quite the effect that you thought it would. Way to get the youngs, shoving the picture of a couple of naked old farts into their heads.
“He was also asked what he wore to bed at night and replied, “I think the best answer is as little as possible.”
What – no magic underwear?
I don’t know how many times I’ve watched Jennifer Granholm’s speech at the convention. Part performance, part rallying call, it still inspires me. And so different from the sober minded arguments she has offered as governor and political analyst. This clip from the Dating Game shows she was a bit of a ham way back then and more than capable of playing the entertainer with a pizzazz few folks can muster.
Did you notice that bachelor #2 was (or would later become)the coke addicted corporate asshole in the first Die Hard movie?
I did not notice that.