Nancy Pelosi is talking smack about taking back control of the House of Representatives.
“On August 11, when Gov. Romney chose Ryan, that was the pivotal day,” Pelosi told CNN chief political correspondent Candy Crowley on “State of the Union.” “That is the day things really changed. We were on a path. I would have said to you then we were dead even. Well, the momentum is very much with us, the Medicare issue in this campaign.”
But, it won’t be easy. A cursory review of the races only unearthed about 33 solid pick-up opportunities. We need 25. That means the Democrats have to come close to running the table and not suffer more than a couple incumbent defeats. And, even then, the majority will be so small that Pelosi might not have the votes to become Speaker again. We could see Steny Hoyer jump in front of her.
Any chance Hoyer understands that Pelosi was an extraordinary Speaker and would support her?
I’m kidding of course.
Speaking of Sunday morning shows, did anyone watch Bibi on MTP?
I hear from da twitter that David Gregory called him the “leader of the jews” or something and Gregory immediately ran to twitter to apologize and ammend it to call Bibi the “leader of the jewish state“.
All I wanna know is did Bibi just go right ahead and endorse Mittens?
Nah, I saw a short clip and he mumbled that he didn’t want to participate in American politics.
I think we can add Benjamin Netanyahu to the growing list of poeple who think that Romney’s toast in November, right above George Will. They were both on TV this morning talking about how Obama is committed to protecting Israel.
Question is, with Pelosi stepping up the pressure, who are the takers on bets of which, how many, and how fast will the Rep’s rush to insert their collective feet into the GOP mouth? Here kitty kitty…
My favorite part of Nancy’s interview today was when, through her questions and statements, Crowley methodically built the right-wing argument that if Obama is reelected, there will continue to be full gridlock because the Republicans will never work with him, so the only chance to avoid gridlock is to vote the Republicans in.
Candy even got Pelosi to talk about her House’s occasional ability to pass legislation in cooperation with W. Bush. Crowley jumped on that: “Then you would be able to work with a President Romney?”, she asked.
With a big smile, Nancy said, “Mitt Romney is not going to be President of the United States.” Then she pounded it home: “I think everyone knows that.”
God I hate that argument. It actually has some sway with moderately liberal people. It’s why Scott Brown is even remotely in the running.
Too many Dems still think that “being reasonable” and having both parties with power is a good thing. I don’t understand how they fail to understand that repubs want to destroy Dems entirely, not work with them.
So, Crowley was making an argument in favor of the hostage takers. Can’t say I am surprised, but I truly wish Nancy Smash had weighed in with that as a response.
Agreed, the hostage takers’ meme is really offensive, but Nancy went right to the prospect of Romney winning the election and not only dismissed the possibility, but actually made fun of anyone who still holds the opinion that Romney’s campaign is to be taken seriously. That’s way more effective than getting into an argument with Crowley about a stupid premise or question, I think.
It’s not over ’til it’s over, but Pelosi pointed out the Romney/Ryan campaign is a rotting corpse and asked the interviewer, “Can’t you smell that?”.
OT, but just read this and had to share.
Bonus Quote of the Day
I hate to link to Halperin, but right after I read Taeggard’s post above, I just happened over to Halperin’s page and read this:
Coming Attractions
Go check the picture of the ad over at Halperin’s page if u want.
That kind of ad running in the New York Compost? Cue Claude Rains!
No WAY!!!
damnit, Obama is a KENYAN SOCIALIST NAZI. Period.
If he was the son of Frank Marshall Harris he would be an American Communist. Not a Nazi at all. And he would be elligible to President. Except that he’s black.
Took the pixels right outta my keyboard.
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Steny Hoyer is ok, I guess, but I’d rather the next Speaker be a Democrat.
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