Apparently Kos is a bit put out that his troll hunters blew it.  That a bit of news gold was dropped in their laps and was quickly shoved down some memory hole.

Odd considering how so many were taken in by “The Nephew” who seemed highly questionable to me.  Odd that they have yet to learn the first rule about suspected trolls; don’t feed them.  Without reinforcement, they get frustrated and either quickly flame out or move on.  That sort of patience and flexibility requires a liberal mind.  

The dKos community also missed out on breaking the Gannon/Guckert story.  So many on the site were doing solid and good data collection on the guy — but the threads quickly became so long and filled with unnecessary comments that a key tip uncovered in the first two or three days was overlooked.  Then a second one was consciously rejected as too unseemly because it required checking out porn sites.  Leaving it to Aravosis to find and break that part of the story.  Sadly, it mostly died after that without getting a reveal on the full story.

Why do I make these comments here instead of dKos?  After ten years, the troll hunters took me down.


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