Long Island Representative Peter King may not care about fact checking, but I have a different question. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that President Obama did start his presidency with a global Apology Tour. Isn’t that standard public relations? After British Petroleum leaked a metric gigaton of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, didn’t they change executives and tell everyone that they were sorry? George W. Bush’s presidency was a global disaster that we are still struggling to recover from. Isn’t pretty much everyone, from the foreclosed family in Reno to the Tsonga tribesmen of Mozambique, entitled to a profuse and protracted apology? I mean, can we get serious for a moment? George W. Bush was so bad that his actual existence was airbrushed out of the last two Republican political conventions, one of which occurred while he was still in office!
So, if Obama perhaps suggested that some mistakes might have been made, is that really anything that the world didn’t already know? Isn’t the problem more that he didn’t say we’re sorry and he didn’t apologize on our behalf rather than that he did?
Rep. Peter King thinks that it’s wrong to apologize to people even if they are very deserving of an apology because it shows weakness and invites attack. But show me an example of this being true in any area of daily life. Let’s say that you accidentally cut someone off with your car or you mistakenly step on their shoe or you absent-mindedly slam a door in their face. Are you more or less likely to be attacked for those actions if you immediately and profusely apologize?
While there are some predators in the world who are on the prowl for someone weak who they can attack, it is far more common that conflicts are instigated. You can be a very peaceful person, but if someone bumps into you and then doesn’t even give you the courtesy of an apology, you’re probably going to get pretty annoyed with that person. Setting up Gitmo, legalizing torture, invading and occupying Iraq under false pretenses, and destroying the global economy were quite a bit worse than merely bumping into someone. Doing stuff like that makes people very angry, and some of them will want to make you feel some of the same pain that you’ve dished out. This is especially true if you refuse to acknowledge that you did anything wrong or harmed anyone in the process.
The truth is that Obama did not do an Apology Tour. He probably should have.
Mitt Romney Video: Barack Obama Voters ‘Dependent On Government’
That’s at least as offensive as the cling to guns and religion comment.
More so. Romney views these people with disdian. Obama’s statement was more one of understanding and even empathizing.
Present-day Republicans are neo-Dickensians.
Booman, you have got to see the tape over at Mother Jones.
Twitter is melting down. This one has gotta be a nail in the coffin.
I’m putting the video up here, now.
In many ways, from the world’s perspective, Obama did do somewhat of an aopolgy tour, in a positive way. By saying what we don’t do any more, i.e. torture, he was basically saying, what we did was wrong and we won’t do it again if I have anything to say about it.
Unlike Bush, he didn’t say “sorry” or anything, but it served the same purpose.
Unfortunately, many Americans on both sides of the aisle feel that being the United States means never having to say you are sorry. Just like many Americans feel it would be horrible if, during the opening parade of nations at the Olympics, our delegation ever dipped our flag in respect to the host country. (Of course these same people woudl be very upset if a visiting country didn’t do that if the Olympics were held here.)
King is a Neanderthal.
No…that’s giving Neanderthals a bad name.
Man does he take a bad picture!!!
He hates everything and the camera hates him.
PhotoKarma at work.
Pity his children.
Middle class/working class ethnic (Italian and Irish, mostly) Catholic white Republican Long Island deserves him, though. I grew up there…I know them only too well.
Remember Al D’Amato?
Like dat.
Only even cruder.
Peter King reminds me of Leonid Brezhnev, only Brezhnev was better looking.
In the late ’80s I had the (volunteer) job of answering the mail from Texas inmates for ACLU in Houston. About 150 letters a week came in, and I answered roughly 148 of them. I signed them as “Alphonse D’Amato”. It was a gas.
And yes I was a card carrying member. I was issued card #4 of 25 by the Houston ACLU in ’88, after the “card-carrying member” flap.
IIRC, there was a study done by a hospital that found that, if the hospital and doctor apologized immediately after finding out that they had a made a medical mistake, that they ended up having to pay less for the mistake than if the never apologized at all.
So it’s even good business sense.
Here’s a compilation from U Mich Health systems:
ok, this implies thinking, and they don’t do that. it gets them in trouble, because of all the hidden agendas that get exposed.
instead they map, from input, to response.
that’s what the talking points are for … fast response, pull the trigger. after a while, in such a fact-free universe, it all becomes junk.
looks like romney is becoming sufficiently junk-romney to make it embarrassing even for republicans, and that’s an achievement.