Bill Kristol thinks that Mitt Romney is stupid and arrogant. I think that that means that the sentiment is universal. Probably more damaging is Romney’s lack of faith in a two-state solution in Palestine. If Romney became president, he’d immediately make America the enemy of virtually every country in the world not named Israel. Yes, even countries like England, France, Germany, Japan, and South Korea would feel compelled to keep their distance from a Romney presidency. That’s how toxic his position on the Palestinians is.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The 47% stuff is straight conservative orthodoxy right now. The only surprising thing is how much Mitt took a shine to it. I guess it makes sense for personal reasons. Maybe Grand Moff Kristol thinks it was a really dumb thing to say, but he’s a neo-con, not a tea-partier. Most everything wingnuttia has been saying for the last year is about seceding from the other half. They’re pretty much openly embracing the idea that people who receive government assistance (as long as those people aren’t corporations on wall street) shouldn’t vote or have any voice at all.
Wonder if Mitt has plans to deny his group of “freeloaders” access to interstate highways, since they obviously had no part in paying for them?
another one down
Republican Senate nominee Linda McMahon distanced herself from Mitt Romney’s comments declaring that 47 percent of Americans are voting for President Obama because they want government entitlements.
“I disagree with Governor Romney’s insinuation that 47 percent of Americans believe they are victims who must depend on the government for their care,” said McMahon, who is running for Senate in Connecticut, in a statement Tuesday.
“I am sympathetic to the struggles that millions of Americans are going through because I’ve been there. As a young couple Vince and I lost our home and our car. With two small children it was not an easy time for my family.”
What did you expect BooMan, you don’t bite the hand that’s feeding you. Netanyahu and Romney are buddies from earlier days. Bibi doing the smuggling of Krytron nuclear trigger devices and Mitt buying into capital from Salvador’s death merchants families.
See my diary: Palestinian Peace – Mitt Kicks the Can Down the Road [Secret Video]
Ehud Olmert knows all about Palestinian peace plans – American right-wing Jew Adelson took down Ehud Olmert for peace proposal to Palestinians.
My hope is that even though the 47% video won’t alienate his base because they agree with him, it will at least highlight what a monster he is. For undecided voters, this may be distasteful enough to make them think twice.
They have to decide if they want a cruel, vindictive man who clearly has a giant lack of compassion for humanity as the leader of the country. And if they are okay with that, then fuck ’em. They can sit in the losers’ arena when the elections are over.
I strongly suspect that you are right in your analysis, donnah. The “undecided” (all 6 of them) obviously are not going to vote for Obama unless forced to by Romney. On the other hand, this incident and the Isreali thing last week is not going to encourage ANYONE to vote for Romney … except, of course for those already in the tank.
Rich ‘Starbursts’ Lowry:
Mitts key thesis is that Dems have 47% committed vote and Republicans the same and the battle is for the 6% in the middle.
However Mitts attack on the 47% includes many of his own base – Seniors, military, students, relatively poor social conservatives. Instead of just fighting for the 6% in the middle, the Obama campaign should set up camp behind enemy lines and fight to break up Mitts 47% into its component parts – rich business types, libertarians, the elderly and social conservatives.
Nixon had a Southern strategy which broke up the Dem base in the south by playing the Race card. President Obama should now reverse that process by breaking up the Republican base by playing the lower taxes forthe middle class card – i.e. by playing the class (rather than race) card.
Mitts key thesis is that Dems have 47% committed vote and Republicans the same and the battle is for the 6% in the middle.
However Mitts attack on the 47% includes many of his own base – Seniors, military, students, relatively poor social conservatives. Instead of just fighting for the 6% in the middle, the Obama campaign should set up camp behind enemy lines and fight to break up Mitts 47% into its component parts – rich business types, libertarians, the elderly and social conservatives.
Nixon had a Southern strategy which broke up the Dem base in the south by playing the Race card. President Obama should now reverse that process by breaking up the Republican base by playing the lower taxes forthe middle class card – i.e. by playing the class (rather than race) card.
One big problem with breaking up the GOP coalition is that the mark is the con man’s strongest ally.
I’m not planning to follow that link – does Lowry think that’s a good thing or a bad thing?
A bad thing.
I guess “thoughtlessly” is the tell.
But what does Jen Rubin think? That’s what I want to know.
She thinks the videos are excellent news for Mitt Romney.
Really??? I could believe it.
That woman makes me laugh.
ps That was a joke (obviously).
ummmmm….Really? Eric Erickson over at RedState seems to think that the Romney who thinks 47% of Americans are leeches would win in a landslide.
That sentiment is being reiterated throughout the Whackadoodle Right Blogosphere.
Mitt might be wrong about nearly everything, and his lack of support for a two-state solution is for all the wrong reasons, but nobody with any real awareness considers the two-state solution viable now. Just look at a map, and pay attention to reality. Israel has obviated the two-state solution. It is simply not a practical reality anymore.
Indeed. I support the one-state solution out of reality, and the fact that it’s the just thing to do. Of course, for different reasons…and I suspect, different outcomes…than Romney or ethnic-cleanser Bibi.
Warren: Romney Wrote Off Half Of America As `Deadbeats’
Scott Brown: Romney’s Comment `Not The Way I View The World’
On the other hand, the one constant in politics is that no matter what, Bill Kristol is always wrong. Not sure how to square that with the comment here. I hope he is still predicting a Romney victory despite Romney being stupid and arrogant.