How old young does this make the birthday boy now? 42? 43? I think I asked the same thing last time and I can’t believe it’s been a whole year already… but we were about the same age.
Your first gift of the day is the news that Mittens proclaimed 47% of voters are government-dependent victims. The man is the anti-candidate, a guy who will spend a fortune to be sure he DOESN’T win.
On a day you expected the surprise breakfast on bed … it were the kids up at 6:30
The gift-wrapped surprise you dared not open, hint-hint some handy-man’s tools
The refreshing shower you did get ’cause the kids were in first and left you the cold stream
Can’t complain though BooMan, plenty of love in your cabin and your pond.
Happy Birthday, BooMan! You don’t look a day older than… whatever year it is that you’re now a day older than. Let’s hope this is your happiest year yet.
Happy birthday, Boo!
Have a wonderful day with the family.
oldyoung does this make the birthday boy now? 42? 43? I think I asked the same thing last time and I can’t believe it’s been a whole year already… but we were about the same age.Anyway, Happy Birthday Booman!
Happy Birthday dear Booman…Happy Birthday to You…..and Many More!!
A sincere thanks for all you do. Hope you enjoy the day.
Happy birthday Boo!!!!!!!
And many more, with much health and happiness.
Oh, and this:
Hope it’s a great day with family and friends, Booman!!
Even though it’s likely to be a VERY interesting news day, I hope you get to spend some quality time away from the computer. Feliz cumpleaños!
Happy birthday from out here in flyover country! I’m betting there are good things on the menu at your house;-)
HaPpY B’dAy 2 U!
Your first gift of the day is the news that Mittens proclaimed 47% of voters are government-dependent victims. The man is the anti-candidate, a guy who will spend a fortune to be sure he DOESN’T win.
Dude, there’s no way to get beer through this tube, so you’ll have to get one over there. HB.
Happy Birthday from a loyal fan! I hope you enjoy friends, family, and your favorite birthday cake. 🙂
Happy Birthday, BooMan
One of these years we are going to have to get you a frog-marched Rove for your birthday.
Maybe next year.
Happy birthday! Take a break and spend the day with sane people!
Happy birthday BooMan! Have a great day!
Happy Birthday booman!
It was so nice of Mitt Romney to give you that gift of his smack-talk on the 47%.
Happy birthday, you wild and crazy guy!
Happy Birthday Boo. Relax and enjoy the day with family and friends.
… or should i say: happy boo’ day!
indeed. many happy returns of the day.
Happy birthday, BooMan!
Forget Booman, how old is that cake? I could swear I’ve seen it before…
All kidding aside, HB and have a great year!
Happy B Day Bro ;)+!
Happy birthday, Martin!
Birthdays are good for us; without them we don’t live long. Congrats, Booman, on another successful circumnavigation of the solar system; you rock!
Happy Birthday Martin!
Goodness, another year already? Happy birthday! Keep thwacking that Romney pinata; maybe his tax returns will fall out.
Thanks folks. Here’s my present to you. If you know, you know. If you don’t., listen.
Happy Birthday, BooMan!!!
Happy birthday and I hope you blow all your candles out! For doing your part and asking us to do ours every day, thank you and now go enjoy yourself!
Damn missed it again! Oh well, have a great day my friend with your wonderful wife and your boys.
You will find they keep coming faster, but at least they keep coming.
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Booman, may you have many happy returns of the day!
On a day you expected the surprise breakfast on bed … it were the kids up at 6:30
The gift-wrapped surprise you dared not open, hint-hint some handy-man’s tools
The refreshing shower you did get ’cause the kids were in first and left you the cold stream
Can’t complain though BooMan, plenty of love in your cabin and your pond.
Perhaps you want to comment on this post @EuroTrib – BooMan Tribune founded on Dkos pie fight.
The carrot cake is in he oven…
And I faked him out this year by pretending I hadn’t had a chance to post it before he got up… 🙂
Well if I’d known we were linking videos I’d have put up this:
Clap for the Booman!
Happy Birthday Booman, er Martin, have a great one.
Happy Birthday and thanks for your interesting posts. Enjoy your day.
Happy birthday, Boo.
We owe you a Sweet Revenge cupcake and adult beverage.
Happy Birthday, BooMan! You don’t look a day older than… whatever year it is that you’re now a day older than. Let’s hope this is your happiest year yet.