According to WAPO Election Blog Team Mitt was at least eleven million dollars short in primary campaign funds. So, they just took out a $20 million loan to get them to the General Election monies.
In campaign financing terms that eleven million dollars will not be considered a big deal. But how many Romney donors didn’t chip in the maximum? The not wealthy GOP donors that Mitt insulted this week?
Might be a larger problem than just primary campaign funds: From the NYT Romney Campaign Cautious With Ad Budget
Should only get worse from here. Might have to reduce the fleet of Mr. Buses and lease a couple of Wienermobiles.
Yet more evidence of the CEO’s managerial skills, eh?
This guy couldn’t run a corporation that actually makes things or delivers services that people want or need if his daddy gave it to him. Then again, most US corporate CEOs aren’t any more skilled.