My birthday is almost over, but I have to say that the best gift I received was delivered by David Corn. Thanks, David, you made my day!! The most remarkable thing about what has happened in the presidential campaign is how the right has peeled away from Romney and started attacking him. The only comfort Romney is getting is from folks who actually like what he said at that May fundraiser and want him to double or triple down on those remarks. In other words, the Tea Party racists are the only people still in Romney’s camp. And that means that the Tea Party is going to own this defeat. The GOP Establishment will line up behind Jeb Bush on Nov. 7. But they will discover that they no longer control the Grand Old Party at all.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Happy Birthday Booman. Hope u had a good one.
BTW, make sure you catch POTUS on David Letterman. He’s on now for the whole hour and man dude gives good interview…
Even before all the hidden video mess, Romney just never seems comfortable in his own skin. Obama’s in his element.
There’s another aspect to this which I like even more: Republicans will have to choose between doubling down on this glibertarian attitude and disavowing it altogether. It will no longer be possible for them to have it both ways. That. Is. Huge.
You are right, and it appears they have chosen the double-down approach.
Their own analysts – as Romney articulated in that video and elsewhere – got that the people who voted for Obama 4 years ago still like him and aren’t going to buy into the kenyanmuslimatheistsmarxist shit, so the campaign had to focus on the economy and essentially say “he tried, but failed, so give someone else a try”.
However, that hasn’t worked. Frankly, I think a competent GOP candidate might have successfully made that case (4 years at over 8% unemployment sucks – even if we know that it was the GOP that blocked more effective economic action), but the GOP today can’t nominate a competent candidate – a competent candidate (Huntsman) can’t get 1% in the primaries.
So now they are trying Palin tactics. A 1998 mis-edited video mentioning redistribution – a less effective Joe-the-Plummer. If that didn’t work in 2008 when Obama was a newcomer it’s not going to work in 2012 with Obama well known. Trying the “pallin’ around with terraists” approach with accusations of sympathizing with the Libyan bombers – an act that was met with condemnations from most GOP leaders.
Clearly this won’t work, by the Romney team’s own analysis. I’m not sure why they are doing it – perhaps to placate the big contributors and keep the funds coming in.
I see Willard has found yet another pooch to screw – is anyone keeping count?
The Peggy Noonan piece is a keeper.
Thanks for all your insights. This site has become an important part of my day, pretty much every day. And happy birthday again.
You can keep it.
Happy birthday, Booman.
I wanted to write something about the Noonan piece, but i just didn’t know where to begin. I finally gave up. Now Carpenter’s done it for me:
Yep, and done it in his usual eruditely no-holds-barred style.
He’s one of my daily must-reads.
This sentence from the article caught my eye:
“What should Mitt Romney do now? He should peer deep into the abyss. He should look straight into the heart of darkness where lies a Republican defeat in a year the Republican presidential candidate almost couldn’t lose.”
I’ve heard this sentiment from a lot of gop propogandists, that Obama was going to be easy to beat. I honestly don’t know why they thought this. It’s pretty damn disrespectful. There’s a reason why a lot of potential candidates sat this one out.
But let them keep saying it. Once they get shellacked, maybe they’ll reevaluate their crazy party.
Describes the average American precisely.
How do I make a donation to your site, btw? I promised you over the years that when I got a job that I’d give you a little something. Time to make up on that promise.
Button top right “Donate”.
Oh I know that, but I didn’t wanna use PayPal. I was gonna mail it, and needed his address.
Mailing address is:
Martin Longman
P.O. Box 269
Exton, PA 19341
So the new job is working out for you?
Seems to be. Got a “3” rating on my four month evaluation, and according to my trainer that’s rare because most people aren’t up to speed until a year or more. And he doesn’t like to give 3’s because it sets higher expectations…and then if you were to mess up later it makes him look bad lol. But he said he had no choice.
High fives.
I dislike the Kochs and all, but I think the libertarian Galtian douche I hate most in this world is Peter Thiel.
JEB who?
No really.
Hey, just realized you’re a Virgo too, in the astrological sense only.
My Birthday was last week. My age is probably yours with the digits reversed.
Uh, strike that, I don’t think your 76. Was thinking I was still a sprightly 63. Haven’t had my morning coffee and it’s 8:50AM.