I hate to bring the candidates’ wives into the whole campaign. I mean, I know that that they are out there campaigning and are therefore fair-game, but I never said a bad word about Laura Bush is the eight years that she spent in the White House. I don’t believe in that, except in the most extraordinary of circumstances. But Ann Romney wants Republicans to leave her husband ALOOOONE, and I think it is pathetic. Ann Romney, by her own admission, has never worked a day in her life, and her husband hasn’t worked a day since he left his job as governor of Massachusetts seven years ago. She doesn’t get to tell anyone about hard work. She needs to STFU.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
But but but she supervised the help! So just stop it, you guys!
It’s hard work!
Here’s another version of “Stop it!”:
http://www.weareaustin.com/news/features/raw-news/stories/vid_46.shtml (linked in a Salon article. If there’s a way to embed this video, please run with it (if you don’t mind the mixed metaphor)).
I have a lot more sympathy for this would-be lyncher than I do for Ann Romney. Both seem unaccustomed to questioning their own beliefs and having them questioned by others. Both are feeling victimized. They were just expressing themselves in space they thought was safe and the world had changed on them without their noticing it.
But there’s a fear in this man’s anger that I believe is real. And while the irrationality of his protests is funny, I can’t laugh at him without also feeling a little mean. He evokes my compassion in a way that Ann Romney doesn’t.
He’s looking for sympathy through her….what a guy
That, or an over-reaction that he can then condemn as “Those mean old lefties beating up on poor, poor Ann. Shame! Shame! Shame!”
but here’s the thing shes complaining about Repubs who criticized the campagn
Ann Romney is defensive because she knows that she and her husband don’t represent the people. They are unable to disguise their privilege because they cannot fathom what it’s like to be poor or undereducated. They live in a bubble and they will never be able to empathize with those of us who come from more modest means.
Her “How dare they criticize us!” attitude simply doesn’t come off well. She ought to have known all along that Mitt was going to be slammed for his politics; she and Mitt come from a political background. The fact that their own party is criticizing them is what’s really putting her hackles up.
She really does need to keep out of the spotlight. For all her fine breeding and money, she’s comes across as a snotty, spoiled child who doesn’t want to be soiled by contact with anything outside her pretty little world.
Shut up, Ann. Whining is so unbecoming!
I love the little nickname for the rope line: Advice Line.
Silly little peasants, exchanging limp handshakes and dolling their “advice” to the great and powerful Mittens.
She’s a terrible actress, this Ann Romney, showing such disdain for the people Mitt wants to run.
It’s just so easy to picture Ann In another time…”They have no bread? Let hem eat cake.”
I mean, Mittens has already done that:
Can’t afford college? Get the money from your parents.
Can’t find a job? Start your own business.
And so on…
It’s beyond pathetic. How does she expect him to be president if she can’t deal with the fucking campaign lol? Cause as much as he’s getting ragged on while running, you get pounced on a MILLION TIMES more when you’re the president. Everything you say, everything you do, every policy you sign or don’t sign, haters will be there, justified or not. Indeed, she does need to STFU.
To a degree, we are indeed lucky Mitt Romney is running; what an awful candidate.
Somebody needs to learn the difference between a democracy and a kingdom.
I have a serious question for anyone who might know the answer. Does the Romney Campaign employ any women at all (strategists, PR flaks, etc) or is their only representative of the female gender Ann Romney? And I’m not talking about honorary co-chair politicians and surrogates who have nothing to do with the actual strategy.
They must – because they couldn’t possibly be that dumb, right? Come to think of it, none of their staff are particularly memorable. Do Mitt and Ann have issues with having anyone but themselves ever speak on-camera for the campaign? Nah, that would be foolish. Right?
Maybe my memory is just failing me. Maybe it’s just their confused message. Is it just me?
Andrea Saul was a spokesperson until she made an honest gaffe on the Mass healthcare law, but hasn’t been seen lately.
Maybe this is why they use her sparingly.
love ya, BooMan
Sigh…Romney will be the worst politician to win the Presidency…sigh…
romney winning…in ur dreams dude
It does strike me though that she is able to smack down people in the Republican party unlike her husband. If only he had been able to say “stop it” his campaign wouldn’t be floundering as badly now.
Ann Romney needs to “woman” up and get over. someone needs to clue her in on the treatment Michelle Obama and then candidate Obama got for the whole of the ’08 campaign & just be happy she’s not getting the same treatment. what her husband is getting is nothing.
could you imagine if Michelle Obama had this same reaction? She’d be skewered & not just by the left.
what makes me laugh now is how the males of the world just allthough Ann was ‘Mitts secret weapon and they were all leave Ann alone, and yet most women that I know to a tee never liked Ann Romney and even though they tried to make hay outta those Hilary Rosen remarks, every woman I knew agreed whole-heatedly with Rosen, and Ann favs among nonGOP women was not enhanced
Ditto. Right. On.
Michelle Obama had it coming at her from all directions last time. She dealt with it and now she is universally loved, or at least respected. She earned it! Ann’s never earned anything in her life.
Gathered from FB today:
OT, But Booman, I’m reading this morning, that Romney’s money advantage over Obama is not what it was lauded to be. seems all the money is really in hands of RNC and I bet superpac groups. so on terms of campaign funds, OfA has more money on hand than Romney does. so question will RNC use their money advantage to help Romney and his crappy campaign or use their resources for down ticket races & leave Romney on his own.
also I read that Romney camp gave their tops people $200,000 bonuses after convention for “job well done” I guess????
This is how rich people float, lamh. They buy loyalty. Or at least they try.
I wonder who’ll be the first to publish a tell all on the campaign from the perspective of a “trusted” confidant.
Does the name Sammy Gravano mean anything to y’all?
Could be just a bit of disinformation leakage, too.