John Boehner is now talking about Romney’s chances in Ohio in the past tense, as in, he’s already lost.
“One of the things that probably worked against Romney in Ohio is the fact that Gov. Kasich has done such a good job of fixing government regulations in the state, attracting new businesses to the state, so our unemployment rate in Ohio is lower than the national average.”
Boehner did preface that comment by saying that the election will be close in Ohio, but that doesn’t change his verdict.
Meanwhile, Herman Cain had this to say about Mitt Romney:
Cain said he would have been doing better if he was the nominee, saying that he’d probably have a “substantial lead” on President Barack Obama at this point.
“The reason is quite simple: I have some depth to my ideas,” he said.
Meanwhile, Princeton University’s elections expert Prof. Sam Wang now gives the Democrats a 74% chance of winning the House with median of a 16 seat majority. That’s much more bullish than I’m willing to be, but it is one more piece of evidence that the Republican side is crumbling under the weight of their own Stupid.
Not only that, but Nate Silver is now acknowledging that polls that actually call people will cell phones are unanimous that Obama has a big lead, that his convention bounce is not fading, and that Romney is basically hoping for something bad to happen because he no longer has any realistic chance of winning otherwise.
Well now we can all look at his tax returns
BYW all the right wingers are in la la land, all the polls are wrong and Mitt is actually winning, even though Ras has him down today
Arnold approves this message:
Also, phonebanking.
The post-convention bounce and dip for Obama has evened out in Nate Silver’s model. If you are right in your analysis, we should see the spread widen over the next six weeks with some sort of wobbling around the debates (the press will try spin the debates to keep it a horse race).
No Michigan, No Pennsylvania, No Ohio. No Chance.
I’d go so far as to say No Wisconsin and No Colorado also.
Yes, but I was just listing the major battleground states that the Romney campaign has essentially pulled out of. I don’t believe that any President has been elected without winning one of those three. I think Nate Silver said that, but I’m not sure. Look at those states on the map. We are talking about the central industrial heartland (aka rust belt). Republicans can only win these quintessentially blue collar states by bamboozling workers with the Red Menace or the Brown Menace or the Muslim Menace. That can’t happen here. The Red Menace is gone. The Brown Menace is just your neighbor Juan whose kids go to school with yours (an argument against separate bi-lingual schools BTW). Obama is visibly doing as least as well as Bush with the Muslim Menace, so the GOP is reduced to arguing that they are the friends of working people and care more than the scary black man. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! My boss (the Tea Party chairman) tried to convince how Romney deeply cares about the little guy and they are just photo-ops to Obama. I almost laughed in his face, but managed to restrain myself to a grin that I couldn’t suppress.
I’m already prepared to drink some wingnut tears… Are you saying I can hope to bathe in them as well?
Hope Boehner rides those losing coattails. Code Orange and out.
I always thought of Cain as a deep-dish candidate.
Never crusty, or thin.
Any bets on when Romney goes on vacation? November 1st or 6th? or before even?
Cain said he would have been doing better if he was the nominee, saying that he’d probably have a “substantial lead” on President Barack Obama at this point. “The reason is quite simple: I have some depth to my ideas,” he said.
How much depth? Nine-nine-nine millimeters?
It was Paul Ryan’s turn to screw up today. He spoke at the AARP convention. Met with silence, boos, and shouts of “You lie.”
There goes the last demographic.
What were those deep ideas? The 9-9-9 Plan. And uhhhh, hmmm. The 9-9-9 plan.
This could go down on record as one of the most bizarre campaign seasons ever.
Damn I sure wouldn’t want to have to be against Harry Reid in his boxing days!
Winning is nice. Crushing them is nicer. Keep pressing. No pity.
Okay, so I found two House Democrats that could help swing the House our way. Both are from Ohio: Betty Sutton in the 16th, and Charlie Wilson in the 6th. Both are in tight races that they can win, so I donated to both.
It will feel great to take back the House. Find someone in a competitive race and help them out!
Ha Ha!!!
Silver predicted a close race for control of the House in 2010…
The Messiah can’t get above 50 percent in any poll…most undecideds feel the country is on the wrong track, and disapprove of Obama’s job performance…barring a disastrous Romney debate performance…You Lose!!!
No he didn’t; his predictions for the House were off by 10 (he had Dems at 203, and GOP at 232, end result was 193, 242). He did predict the Liberal Democrats winning more than they did, though, and was pretty wrong about that British election.
How about those huge leads!!! Gallup tracking tied…
Whistle past the graveyard, Progs!!!
Interesting trends on President and Senate in Nate Silver’s graphs.
Might be time to place some resources on some strategic long shots.
For example, Louis Gohmert of Texas has D opposition for the first time. Might put some stuff out there to let the folks know how stupid their current nut is. (This is where I wish Anne Richards was still around.)
Some D SuperPAC money to Orrin Hatch’s opponent might make the age issue a winner. Can just nice out old Orrin talking about how much service he’s provided and he just deserves a rest.
In Texas, Ted Cruz (R) has a bio that says “his father came from Cuba”. Is that meant to motivate Hispanics to vote for a party that works against them? Oh yes, he’s the next Marco Rubio. Some well distributed inexpensive rural radio money might tighten it up.
Might also be helpful to pop a little money to Barrasso’s opponent for name recognition and GOTV. A Senate race in Wyoming is like a local election in a lot of places. Scaring the anti-healthcare doctor might be a useful exercise. Tie him to Mittens.
Mississippi and Tennessee are suffering from the lack of a strong statewide Democratic party. Both candidates are jokes.
And if the wave is strong enough,…
For the most part, I think the $$ you are advocating would not be particularly useful. It would be far more useful in building up the D infrastructure in MS and TN.
However, $$ against Cruz could easily become worth its weight in GOLD … next go around. It takes time to hang a weight around someones neck, and there just isn’t enough time for that now in Texas. But CUBANS AIN’T MEXICAN OR TEJANO!!!! and Tejanos know it.
In fact, for the most part, the Tejanos that I knew didn’t like Cubans at all. They thought them to be standoffish, high in the instep and not at all concerned with anyone but themselves and their immediate family. Tejanos are quite community oriented and most are descended from survivors of the early 20th century revoltionaries. Kinda like Spanish red-diaper babies.
Of course, I’m the whitest guy you’ll ever meet, so my opinion should be taken with more than a little salt.