John Boehner is now talking about Romney’s chances in Ohio in the past tense, as in, he’s already lost.

“One of the things that probably worked against Romney in Ohio is the fact that Gov. Kasich has done such a good job of fixing government regulations in the state, attracting new businesses to the state, so our unemployment rate in Ohio is lower than the national average.”

Boehner did preface that comment by saying that the election will be close in Ohio, but that doesn’t change his verdict.

Meanwhile, Herman Cain had this to say about Mitt Romney:

Cain said he would have been doing better if he was the nominee, saying that he’d probably have a “substantial lead” on President Barack Obama at this point.

“The reason is quite simple: I have some depth to my ideas,” he said.

Meanwhile, Princeton University’s elections expert Prof. Sam Wang now gives the Democrats a 74% chance of winning the House with median of a 16 seat majority. That’s much more bullish than I’m willing to be, but it is one more piece of evidence that the Republican side is crumbling under the weight of their own Stupid.

Not only that, but Nate Silver is now acknowledging that polls that actually call people will cell phones are unanimous that Obama has a big lead, that his convention bounce is not fading, and that Romney is basically hoping for something bad to happen because he no longer has any realistic chance of winning otherwise.