Mitt Romney has raised less money from small donors than John McCain did in 2008. And, overall, he has roughly $40 million less under his direct control than the president. His big donors have already maxed out, but Obama can keep going back to a massive pool of small donors. The RNC has a big money advantage over the DNC, but they don’t know what to do with it. Their ground game is pathetic. And how is Romney supposed to motivate people to work for him when he spends almost every day shooting himself in the foot and then putting his bloody foot in his mouth?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
With things looking the way they are now, at this relatively early date, the R’s should really worry. Romney looks like a loser and Obama looks like a winner. Big money interests who need to be in alignment ($$$) with whoever has control of the executive and legislative branches (regardless of ideology) are going to start pouring in the make-up contributions to the D’s and cut the R’s off.
The D’s could find themselves with tons of extra cash to focus on the lower priority races even. And the R’s could find themselves broke and without SuperPAC support if they keep looking as hopeless as they do now.
How many days do we have? 55 or something like that?
More like 45. You may be a little optimistic about the big money changing sides in this cycle. However, if the Dems can do well enough to hold both the WH and Congress, and also restrict the filibuster, so real legislatin’ can actually get done, then next cycle may see a lot more bet hedging from the riches. Or maybe I’m the one being optimistic.
Gallup 47-47
Rasmussen 46-46
This is getting good!
We don’t need a ground game…Republicans are self-motivated to get to the polls…we know that four more years of this pathetic regime will cause irreparable harm to our Republic!
You’re like a Men’s Rights Activist or a creationist. You repeat the same shit that I addressed in a thread below, never responding to my response there, and then you move on and post it again in another thread as if nothing ever happened.
Nick: [unsupported assertions stated as bald facts, often with an unwarranted tone of assumed superiority]
Me: “Well, now, the problem with that is that [data] and thus [logical inference], especially seeing as [more data].”
Nick: [word repetition of the statement I just argued against, as if I hadn’t said anything at all]
Just rate him a Megatroll and ignore him otherwise. You’re right, there is no dialog here, just shouting the same thing repetitively.
Really? You would 0-rate someone because you don’t like what they say? I thought 0-rating was reserved for actual spam, to make it disappear if multiple people flag it as such. A 1-rating is as low as I’d go for a real comment from an actual person, even if they really pissed me off. Ignoring them is a good strategy though, unless they’re just here to vandalize the thread. But that’s just me, I guess.
Not just you, Randy. I think those are excellent guidelines.
No, not just because I don’t like what they say – because of the behavior as described by Seabe. Tell me that isn’t spam.
And “real comment from an actual person” – how do you know? Are you not aware of the software – written for the DoD but now available to those organizations that pay – which creates fake personas for the purpose of commenting on websites? The behavior of those fake personas is exactly what we are seeing from that commenter.
Hey, do what you like. I’m not the Hall Monitor.
FWIW, I’m pretty sure our boy Nick is a real person. And yeah, he’s good at getting some of us wound up, apparently. A while back, I gave him a bunch of 1’s – and others joined me – when, like a stray animal, he came in and left his mark all over a comment thread. I think he actually learned something that day too because he seems to have dialed it down. Maybe some of the wisdom found around here will rub off on him and that flickering light bulb over his head will turn all the way on. There may be hope for him yet.
I say he’s a real person based on what he’s mentioned about his horses; as a horse owner myself, it rings true to me.
That said, he’s also an annoying and unamusing troll who contributes nothing of substance to our discussions, and I’m sorely tempted to hide-rate him every time he uses “progs” in addressing us, just as a matter of maintaining the site’s level of civility. It’s rare for our regulars (or even our infrequent flyers) to descend to ad hominems, but our resident troll seems to find his chief pleasure here in poking at us with whatever stick he has to hand.
That said, I shan’t waste any further pixels henceforth feeding his ego by commenting on either him or his posts.
randy, greencaboose is right. this guy’s a spammer. hell, nickn is just the latest incarnation of libertyforall, gw1776, etal. he just keeps coming back with his fomenting bs.
if l understand the scoop software that BT runs on correctly, it should be possible to block a spammer via the ip address…the fact that this guy keeps showing up, and some on this site continue to feed him leads me to the conclusion that he’s using proxy ip addresses…not a difficult thing to do…to get around the protocols that are supposed to eliminate chronic trolling.
bottom line, stop interacting with [aka: feeding] this provocateur or nuke his ass.
my 2¢.
I hear ya. Do as you see fit.
Personally, I think of spam as unsolicited advertising for boner pills, designer knockoffs and whatnot. But that’s just how I see it.
Carry on.
If Gallup and Rasmussen has it even, then Romney is toast.
Don’t feed the troll.
I cannot think of a better way to describe his campaign than your last sentence. Well done.
One thing I’ve been looking at periodically is what the odds makers are saying. Just curiosity, really, since I don’t even know how they set the odds. At any rate, Ladbrokes currently has Obama at 1/4 and Romney at 3/1, which is a big change from a couple of months ago.
I do know how the odds are determined at Intrade–it’s just the collective guess of everyone who’s buying and selling there. Right now Intrade has Obama at 70.7% and Romney at 29.7%. Man, I should have bought Obama when he was under $6 a share!
In-trade isn’t worth it; there simply isn’t enough volume.
It’s funny you say that. Krgthulu(aka Krugman for those not up on the Atrios-ese) put up a post about that today. Willard has taken a real nose dive on Intrade in the past 6 weeks. See here:
Yeah, the price change is fine such as it is. But the volume of people trading is too small to make a decent profit. Volume’s topped out at like 40-45k per day (that means at most around $315,000 in trades in one day). That’s what you see in penny stocks at The Race Track.
All I know is that I may or may not use a sports gambling website from time to time…and, were I to use that site, I would have had the opportunity to put some money on the election about 10 weeks ago at 3:2 odds in favor of Obama.
Nowadays, the same site does not even offer bets on the Presidential election.
Just sayin’.
Their ground game is pathetic.
Have you been following Dave Weigel’s Tweets today? He’s following around some AFP(aka Koch Bros. AstroTurf outfit) canvassers today.
Just got off FaceBook, with a bunch of the guys I served with in the Marines. I had pasted the picture of Obama/Romney with “Winning” and “Whining” as the captions.
Lots of profanity. Lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth of my turning from country, God and winning. I reminded them that I served the same country as they, I was an atheist when I was in the service (got beat up for it twice), and posted links to RCP No Tossup States, Electoral-Vote, and HuffPo Election Map.
3 unfriends so far. Expecting more.
Simple: he expected to get bailed out from his own sucking vacuity by massive outside money and a sucky economy the republicans fought mercilessly for.
There is a ton of PAC money pouring in for Romney here in Colorado but the margin-of-dimishing-returns principle appears to be kicking in for that. I mean, one bulk mailing to everyone harping on the debt under Obama may have some impact. 100 bulk mailings (it is now like 2 per day here in swing state Colorado) may have some additional impact, but not 100x the impact of the first mailing – maybe 1.5x the impact of the first mailing.
There may also be some blowback as people get annoyed at the deluge of bulk mail. Actually, that is more likely to be true with the robocalls – now up to 3x per day.
However, one point worth noting that surprised me is there is almost no kenyanmuslimniggerathiestmarxist shit in their ads – in fact most of the mailings are very factual, just highly selective with the facts – usually focusing on debt and unemployment and the fact that this happened while Obama was in office. Of course, they count the jobs lost during his first two months in their stats – but there is nothing here that is false, just misleading.
It seems that they do understand that the wingnut conspiracy theories won’t sell to those in the middle. But you can only scream “debtdebtdebtdebtdebt” so much before no one listens any more.
Unintended consequence – those mass mailings are saving some Union postal workers’ jobs.