No one could have predicted that choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate and embracing his granny-starving budget plan would hurt Mitt Romney with seniors:
New polling by Reuters/Ipsos indicates that during the past two weeks – since just after the Democratic National Convention – support for Romney among Americans age 60 and older has crumbled, from a 20-point lead over Democratic President Barack Obama to less than 4 points.
Romney’s double-digit advantages among older voters on the issues of healthcare and Medicare – the nation’s health insurance program for those over 65 and the disabled – also have evaporated, and Obama has begun to build an advantage in both areas.
No one likes Mitt Romney. And that’s what you should say to people you meet who express the intent to vote for him.
“What!? Are you kidding? No one likes Mitt Romney.”
“If you want to go down in history as some kind of strange weirdo who actually did like Mitt Romney, that’s your business, but I wouldn’t wish that on your grandchildren.”
This isn’t like admitting that you voted for Dukakis or Mondale. Most Democrats have no regrets about those votes. Most Democrats feel that history vindicated those votes. This is like voting for David Hasselhoff. Or Dan Quayle. Or Sarah Palin. No one is ultimately going to want to admit that they supported jackasses like that.
Maybe you could talk to the people who supported John Edwards over Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. They can tell you how it feels to have supported a charlatan four years down the line.
When it’s all over, no one will want to admit that they supported Mitt Romney. Not even a little bit.
The Republicans will airbrush him out of their history much more thoroughly than they’ve airbrushed out George W. Bush. And the reason is that George W. Bush brought them victory, twice, and that is still worth something. Just look at the federal courts if you need proof.
Romney has won no lasting allegiance or appreciation from any faction of the Republican Party, and he will be discarded like a pathogen.
“New polling by Reuters/Ipsos indicates that during the past two weeks … support for Romney among Americans age 60 and older has crumbled, from a 20-point lead over Democratic President Barack Obama to less than 4 points..”
Here is (I think) the original release, altho I can’t see them saying the margin of the gain comes from 60+.
Or if they say they’re voting for Romney, simply ask them why. If they say he’s a businessman with corporate experience, explain that we don’t want another corporate puppet for president. Surely they won’t try to tell you he’s an honest man, or even a good man. That would be absurd, and you could cite plenty of examples of his cruelty and lies.
So again, what this election boils down to is a vote for Obama from Democrats and a vote against Obama from the Republicans and their ilk. Romney is the albatross around their necks.
“oh,” you say.
“so you want a ‘ceo prez’?” you ask.
then, wait for it …
“like dubya?” you quip, as you slide the knife in …
But the hair! The hair!
A 16 point shift among senior citizens in 2 weeks is just HUGE. Gotta see this reflected in more polls before I believe it but wow.
I saw some interviews with people at that AARP convention and they had people who looked to be over 70 that claimed to be R’s who were just furious with Romney over the 47% comments and I wondered if this was a widely held opinion of him or if these were just D’s being overly dramatic for the cameras. This could be a more widely held view than I thought was possible.
And you know, once the old folks really get talking with each other about how much they distrust Romney & Ryan, this trend could grow and Obama could even win states like Arizona or Florida comfortably – something I used to think was near impossible.
We’ll see, anyway.
Not to mention, seniors also talk to their children and grandchildren about stuff like this — factor that in as well.
The political press is so desperate to keep this a horse race that they’re running b.s. like this:
“Republican pollster and political consultant Glen Bolger supervised the rural battleground survey and also provided analysis”
NPR could have put that higher in the story.
Ok, I read the article. Rural areas outside the Black Belt are predominantly white. I grew up in rural MO and the nearest black people were 60 miles away. I think the nearest black person to the house I grew up in NOW is 30 miles away.
Unfortunately, when you get a predominance of white people who know few, if any, people of color (black, brown, asian, PI, whatever) you get racism. Some is the in your face variety, but at the very least “I wouldn’t want my daughter to marry …” variety.
Its a fact of life. And the surprise isn’t that Obama is doing badly there, its that he’s not doing worse.
a tale of two campaigns
That’s because Romney has won no lasting allegiance or appreciation to any faction of the Republican Party. He won’t be discarded like a pathogen, no, it won’t be that easy for Willard. He will be held up like an unbreakable pinata and wailed upon for decades – “See him? This is why we lost to that (n-word)!” Johnny Mac will get some too, but Willard will be Exhibit A for the GOP on what not to be and do. They’ll utter the name “Romney” with more contempt then they utter the word “Carter” – for a long, long time.
“They’ll utter the name “Romney” with more contempt then they utter the word “Carter” – for a long, long time.”
Thus is the R-money legacy written and a well deserved “Arc of the Moral Universe” zinger it is.
Five more weeks of getting to know Mitt, and they’ll stay home, especially in the south.
He can’t have any contact with real people that doesn’t repel them. There won’t be a Republican “Get Out The Vote” effort, because there will be no cars or drivers.
No, they won’t vote for the ni-CLANG! but they won’t vote for the rich POS, either.
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