Mitt Romney kicked himself in the balls when he opposed the auto bailout, and it’s killing him in Ohio. That probably explains something that is puzzling Nate Silver. Why is Obama performing better in Ohio than he is nationally, when that never happens for a Democrat? It’s because one in eight jobs in Ohio are tied to the auto industry. It doesn’t help that the Republican governor of Ohio picked a high-profile fight with the labor unions and lost. If you think white working class guys in Ohio are lining up to vote for the “plutocrat married to a known equestrian,” you are quite mistaken. Ask them who is better on the economy and they will tell you ‘Obama.’ This is evidence that the GOP is no longer a national party. Ohio is supposed to be a right-leaning state that Democrats can occasionally win. But, right now, it is a left-leaning state. And it will probably stay that way, just like Michigan and Pennsylvania.