If you needed a lawyer and your choices were President Obama or Mitt Romney, who would you choose? They’re both smart; they both have Harvard Law degrees. They’re both very successful, although not so much as lawyers. Would you choose the guy who won a Nobel Peace Prize without even trying or the guy who insulted everyone at the Olympics so badly he was rebuked by both the prime minister of the U.K. and the mayor of London?
And what if you did hire Mitt Romney only to discover that he kept changing his theory of your case? First he told you that you could beat the rap. Then he told you he could get you a plea bargain to a lesser charge. Then he told you to forget that, but you could plea and get a lesser sentence. Finally, he told you that he never said or meant any of those things, and you probably ought to just plead guilty to everything and throw yourself on the mercy of judge. That’s essentially what Mitt Romney has done between 1994 and today. He has flip-flopped on nearly every subject under the Sun, all the while denying that there are any inconsistencies in what he has to say.
I don’t care if you are from Massachusetts, California, or Tennessee, no one in their right mind would hire Mitt Romney over Barack Obama to represent them in court. He’s too unreliable and he has a way of offending people.
And if you wouldn’t hire the guy to represent you in court, why would you hire him to represent you to the world?
But Mitt Romney doesn’t work for The Man. He thinks he IS The Man. He selects who’s gonna work for him and not the other way around! Why won’t those pesky voters fall into line and beg him to work his magic? They must want a handout! The damn parasites!
Please, come harvest my company and my job.
He’s going for the big prize this time. There’s this distressed property called The United States of America. Maybe you’ve heard of it. They’re so dumb, they’ll just beg him to take it off their hands and even finance the deal for him. Just think of the liquidation potential. Lots of undervalued and supposedly priceless assets to be harvested. Then just dump what’s left once all the good stuff is auctioned off. Get in on the ground floor with this guy. Minimal investment. Just a few million. It’ll pay off big!
simple post, but oh so true, BooMan
A telling bit of analysis there.
Meanwhile, Romney’s got a new ad up, one of those sincere into-the-camera-speaking types, to tell us how much he cares about everybody who’s hurting. Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog has the video, and a neat takedown of it:
While over at the Motley Moose, I came across another version of the ad, one which has, shall we say, been slightly tweaked with other Mitt material:
“Seriously, I’ve seen people held for ransom by guerrilla armies who read scripts more convincingly than Romney reads this…”
I watched the video before reading the post by Steve M. and the whole time I was watching it I was thinking “could you at least try to sound like you mean it?”
Steve’s take on this is perfect.
I’ve always wondered where his nickname “Mittens” came from, now we know: an opinion for each hand!
Now, on the other hand…
What’s amazing is that your hypothetical description of Mitt Romney, Esquire isn’t even as bad as the way he’s running his campaign. I think a better analogy would be that he doesn’t tell his client a goddamn thing except that of course they’re going to win, so don’t worry about it. In fact, even though you’re on trial for multiple homicide, he’s going to get you a big cash settlement. Just mind your own business and let him deal with the judge.
But, contrary to your attorney’s advice, you do pay attention to what he’s saying and he’s all over the map and really getting on the whole courtroom’s nerves. But if you try to say anything, he just tells you you’re winning, and he didn’t ask for your opinion.
Whoa, Juan Williams ate his wheaties. Juan Williams this morning to Faux newstainers “The polls are credible even if you don’t want to believe them.”. http://t.co/5P0jBe13“
That is great. I was wondering what the reaction to the polls the Fox viewers were being told to have today so I turned to Fox & Friends a few times this morning. I could only take a few minutes of it at a time. They are just howling non-stop about the Liberal Media Conspiracy to rig all the polls against their guy. Good on Juan Williams to point out that their own Fox polls are showing roughly the same thing and that the Liberal Media has nothing to gain by creating fake polls, just credibility to lose.
They’re setting their viewers up for the “Illegitimate Muslim President Stole The Election With The Help Of The Liberal Media” scandal of the decade. And if the Republican Governors succeed at flipping the votes to R in the middle of the night and they “win” they just prove their conspiracy theories right. Either way, their Authoritarian Follower audience will stick with them as the truthiest news outlet.
Sometimes I wonder if they (at Fox) actually want their guy to lose so they can keep the rage and victimhood levels dialed up to 11. It’s good for ratings. And Authoritarian Followers NEED a daily dose of rage to stay interested. If their guy is in office, they’d have to make up “good news” stories out of whole cloth like they did when Bush was in office (remember all the stories of the Happy, Prosperous Iraqis since Hero Bush freedomized them?) That must have been hard to pull off day after day.
They prefer the role of cheering for the winning team and manufacturing outrage against the whiny losers to being the whiny losers.
Making the assumption, and it’s a pretty good one, that Mitt loses convincingly in November, what is he going to do next? I’m not posing the question because I give two shits what happens to this idiot, but as he faces a downhill slide to the bottom of the race and sees a major humiliation coming on, what is next for him?
Permanent guest spots on Meet the Press, cuddled up next to Gramps McCain? Tucking tail and whimpering back to his corporate buddies and reassuring back pats from his church community? Sharing sour grapes with Ann?
Ryan can probably rebound, as the stain of this campaign wears off, but Mitt? Dunno.
When was the last time you heard of Dubya?
That’s where Mitt will go. I doubt they even let him back into the vulture capital business … and he’s too chicken to try to do it on his own.
I suspect he’ll be whitewashed from winger (follower) history like Bush has been and he’ll lay low and do occasional private speaking engagements at Americans For Prosperity (Koch) events. He’ll be a martyr for the plutocrat class because he fought the good fight to at least try to eliminate their taxes. And he’ll count his money, of course.
Boo…have you actually LOOKED at the polling? Why does Romney lead among independents in polling in Ohio and Florida? Even in the NBC and CBS polls? Do you honestly think Obama can lose among independents, and still win these states? Really?
Because since Bush soiled the word “Republican” people like yourself re-branded themselves “Independent” while the Center-Left crowd suddenly felt proud of the “Democrat” brand again.
Make that second part: The Center-Left crowd who formerly considered themselves “Independent” flipped their brand to “Democrat” once the wave of former Republicans re-labeled themselves “Independent.”
Say that ten times fast…
yeah, Nick. You tell ’em.
By the way, have YOU ever really looked at the guts of the polls? This from PPP in FLORIDA September 20-23, 2012 specifically states that most of the advantage Obama has at this time is:
“The main shift in the horse race comparing this poll to our last one has come with Democrats. Previously Romney was getting a pretty decent amount of crossover support from them, getting 18% to 79% for Obama. Now Democratic voters are more united around their nominee with 83% planning to support the President to 13% for Romney.”
Can he win with any support from “independants”? No. But if you show any monolithic block of voters that are going to vote for Romney, I’ll show you a bunch of Republicans … and I don’t care what they call themselves.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years of covering politics it is not to doubt the consensus of polls. Believe me, in 2010 I desperately wanted to believe that the pollsters were wrong, but I had already learned by then that they are not wrong. Polling these days is very accurate, especially on the state-wide level. There are methodological reasons why some pollsters show a tighter race than others, but they still generally swing together.
Here’s a tip since you are a Republican who is looking for hope.
What you seeing right now from the Republicans is not an honest critique of the polls. That’s not the point. The point is to give people some hope to cling onto so people don’t just disengage, stop working, and stay home on election day. Part of the reason I am talking so much smack is because I want you to disengage, stop working, and stay home on election day. I’m not lying to you. Your guy is going to get shellacked. But I am trying demoralize you. Your preferred media outlets are trying to counter me by feeding a line of bullshit that will blow up in your face later on make you feel stupid.
That’s what is happening.
Why can’t you address the over sampling of Democrats in the polls? Simple question! Pollsters ask, “Do you consider yourself a D or an R, and the D’s are7 to 9 points higher? Can address this simple fact?
ummmmm….Nick, saying you are a Republican today says something very bad about you. That is why fewer people are self-identifying as Republicans.
Saying you are a Democrat, means that you support the President. Many more people like the President than like the Republican Leadership of Boehner, McConnel and Romney. That is why more people are self-identifying as Democrats.
Of course, you are free to not believe this. In that case, I would suggest that you would be happy with the polls result that generated THIS.
Thank you, and have a nice day
And the point is?
Self-identified Democrats will not outnumber self-identified Republicans by nine points on Election Day exit, and you know it! You’re losing the Independent vote! Obama is truly Jimmy Carter re-Incarnared…there you go again!
How do you know that self-identified Democrats won’t outnumber self-identified Republicans on election day?
No “reasoned analysis”, no “but it just makes sense” and no “how else could it be?”. Link please.
Oh, and Fox News is not a trustworthy source. They sued for and won the right to lie on TV as a news source. Links here and here
Obama is not going to win a higher percentage of Democrats than Romney will win of Republicans…that leaves Obama two routes to victory…higher Dem turnout…or win Independents…sorry…we’re going to turn out due to the existential threat Obama represents to our Republic…you have to win Independents…can you do it? Not today.
Really? I really don’t know what to tell you… Get well soon? Turn off the TV, dude. Get or borrow a dog and go for a walk. Get some fresh air.
I might hire him if I wanted someone who would make me rich, without caring how he did it and who got hurt.
I wouldn’t.
I had the chance, and I didn’t.