I think it is cute that Mitt Romney drew a giant valentine on a French beach in 1968 and had someone take a picture of it to send to his sweetheart and future wife, Ann Romney. At the same time, I understand why Senator Jim Webb is so incensed with Mitt Romney’s avoidance of mentioning our combat soldiers during his convention speech. While Mitt Romney was sprawled out on a French beach, Jim Webb was serving in Vietnam, where he was wounded, and where he earned a Navy Cross, a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and a Purple Heart. Whether someone served in Vietnam or not is not something I get hung up about. I respect the people who went when their country asked them to go. I also respect the people who looked at the situation and decided that it would be immoral to fight in that war. I am not going to judge people who had to make difficult decisions based on imperfect information. But Romney showed up at rallies favoring the war even though neither he nor anyone in his extended family served a day in the military. I don’t understand that. To me, that makes you a chickenhawk. And I don’t like it when chickenhawks talk all tough about defense and war. Dick Cheney’s five deferments made me sick every time I saw him snarl. George W. Bush going AWOL during the Vietnam War made me sick when he put on a flight suit and strutted around on an aircraft carrier. These men didn’t oppose the Vietnam War at all; they were just afraid to fight in it. At least with Mitt Romney’s father, he worked hard during World War Two to make sure our troops had the vehicles and other materials they needed.
Sen. Webb isn’t a partisan guy, but I can see why Mitt Romney disgusts him.
“If nothing else, at least mention some word of thanks and respect when a presidential candidate who is their generational peer makes a speech,” said Webb, a former Navy secretary and decorated Marine who served in Vietnam. Romney was exempted from the draft, first as a student and then as a missionary.
“This was a time when every American male was eligible to be drafted. People made choices,” Webb said. “Those among us who stepped forward to face the harsh unknowns did so with the belief that their service would be honored.”
But that’s the pattern with Romney. Ann Richards said that George W. Bush was born on third base and thought he hit a triple. Mitt Romney was born at home base and thought he hit a grand slam. He never thought twice about guys like Jim Webb who were fighting and dying in a war that Romney supported, even as he lounged on French beaches daydreaming about his sweetheart back home.
Missionary work has its place, but you don’t get to be a hawk when you chose to opt out of a war you wanted your classmates to fight.
Maybe another Vietnam vet, John McCain can speak out about Romney’s advisers wanting to reinstate torture.
The hell with Cranky McSame. And yeah, Willard’s French adventures were sure to piss off Webb when he learned of them. Even 40 years, and plus, later Webb is still PO’ed about it.
He’s not the only one pissed.
He “…longed to be in VietNam…”. He got 4 deferements and a high draft number. I got 0 deferments and enlisted.
Saying he got a high number and so didn’t have to join is like saying abortion should be illegal and then saying “but I can have children” to avoid adoption.
Assholes. Every one of the chicken basterds.
When were you over there?
A lot of people who enlisted didn’t get to VietNam. Like me.
I find it particularly humourous that Mitt said if he HAD joined he would’ve volunteered for VietNam. The service sends you where they want. They sent me to 8th and I. I volunteered 3 times for asian duty. Closest I got was guard duty twice at the Thai embassy. And that was for gettting into trouble.
But like all Marines, I went to boot camp, I went to Infantry school and I wore crossed rifles when I reached NCO status.
Not really surprised that you were a Marine. Your comments have that feel to them.
As for me, when I graduated college, I got a mailing from the Marines inviting me to apply for the PL-PL/A program, which stood for Platoon Leader, Platoon Leader Aviation. The letter started out with “Do you have what it takes to be a Marine Officer?” I thought about that for about fifteen minutes and honestly answered, “No.” I told that story to two Marines (there are no ex-Marines) that I work with. One is a Korean war vet, the other a VietNam vet. The Korean vet said,”Just as well, can you imagine Tony leading a rifle charge?” Then they both laughed themselves sick., which I thought was a bit unkind. By the way, both those guys were quite good friends.
Instead I entered Civil Service doing technical work for the Navy which I was quite good at, getting two “O” ratings and two letters of commendation. If that makes me a chicken hawk, then so be it.
I was naval aviation and worked with some very fine Marine pilots and crew at NAS Guantanamo Bay immediately following the Bay of Pigs debacle. The Marines took photos of the Russian missile installations and we would ferry the film to NAS Jacksonville, FL. Another squadron based there finished the delivery to the intelligence folks in Washington. We also towed aerial targets for ships gunnery and air to air missile practice.
The Navy F-8 Crusader had 4 20 mm cannon and 4 ammo cans to feed them. The loading rule for a Jacksonville flight:
2 cans for ammo, 1 for spare clothes and film pouch, one for duty-free booze.
Chicken Hawks don’t serve. Then they get all patriotic and want to send others to die. And then get all pissy about “near traitousness” of the ones who oppose them.
Don’t do that and your not a Chicken Hawk.
Besides, if you don’t think you could be a Marine … you can’t.
Great epigram. I still work with the Korean War vet. I’ll tell that one to him.
I’ve met a lot of Marines in the Navy Civil Service and the USPS. If you are like them, you still wear your hair short, you stand erect without slouching and you are utterly dependable.
Oh Booman, according to CNN, France was an extremely dangerous place for a young American Mormon missionary to be at the time, so it must have been just like fighting and getting shot at in a war zone. There were protests AND marches all over the place so it was a really scary place to be, you know. I don’t know how the poor thing survived. He really deserves a medal or something for that. Or at least a gold star. Show a little respect, man!
Ah yes and yet he served as a Mormon missionary, a faith that does not allow alcohol, in France’s wine country. Methinks, conversion to the Mormom faith may not have been uppermost in his mission goals.
Somehow, I am inclined to think Mitt didn’t make many converts in France.
I wonder whose idea the heart-in-the-sand was.
So Team Obama is having Jim Webb going after Romney for draft-dodging as their next line of attack?
They really aren’t fucking around even a little bit, are they?
Mitt Romney very suddenly left Stanford (possible loss of student deferment) and entered the LDS missionary with new status and deferment from the draft. France was the place to be.
but you don’t get to be a hawk when you chose to opt out of a war you wanted your classmates to fight.
You do in wingnut land. SEE – Jonah Goldberg, Dick Cheney, et. al. A.K.A. “Other priorities”.
Excellent post. Somewhere the late Jack Newfield, NYC muckraking reporter extraordinaire and popularizer of the term “chickenhawk” in a brilliant and scathing set of 1980s Village Voice columns is hoisting a glass of whiskey in your honor, Booman.
How about that report on Red State about absentee ballot request in Ohio comparing 2008 to 2012? If that is an accurate barometer of voter enthusiasm in Ohio, it doesn’t look for Dems!
Well, if Red State is reporting it, then it must be worth taking seriously!
Ohio getting ready to steal again, huh?
Did you see the article on RCP about how Romney leads among independents in Florida and Ohio? Can Roney lose Independents by 4 points and still win the election?
“…Independents (45-41) break for Romney.”
ummmmmm…..Nick? Not to piss in your cheerios or anything, but yeah. Obama CAN win with a 4 point deficit. He is right now.
Further, If you assume that all Dems, all Reps and 86% of the Inds have made up their minds then that leaves 14% of Inds. If they break 45-41, with some voting Green, some voting Libertarian and some voting for the Beach party, then Yeah. Obama wins Florida.
But nice try.
Thank you and have a good bycycle ride with your fish.
There is no comparison to the President on the courage meter. Everybody knows that, but people believe what they need to.