I think the Republicans believe there is widespread voter fraud because they cheat constantly, whenever and wherever they can. They find it hard to believe that the Democrats don’t engage in the very same behavior. Plus, once, about fifty-two years ago, some dead people voted in Chicago.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I don’t think so. It is a truism that you accuse the other person of what you would do, but that doesn’t mean that you’d really do it.
Most people realize that registering people to a specific party means pretty much nothing, because the ballot is secret. I guess there is the old schlemeil about not contacting supporters because they were put on the other side, or people not voting because they are in the vast minority/majority but really? That stuff is small potatoes.
No, day-to-day conservatives are convinced that massive voter fraud is perpetrated by the Democrats for exactly the same reasons they are convinced that ALL polling agencies (except Gravis and possibly Raz) are in a vast left-wing conspiracy to steal the election.
Fox News and hate radio. don’t leave home without ’em.
The new trick is to re-register Democrats as Republicans in another precinct, wiping out their previous registration. When they arrive to vote, they find they are not on the rolls. Diabolically simple.
I think it’s largely projection on the part of the Republicans. They’re reflecting their own dishonesty onto the Democrats.
I see it as part of a long-standing Republican tactic from their political playbook. It’s their scheme to disrupt and attack Democrats on every level, from blocking local voters through tougher ID requirements to consolidating polling sites from neighborhoods to larger cities. It’s putting out constant propaganda about minorities and immigrants cheating and voting illegally. It’s discouraging early voting or voting from overseas, absentee.
The Republicans have always had networks and schemes to make rules that favor their outcome. What it looks like now is that they are off-task and off-message and losing their own party identity. They are both petriified and pathetic.
I hope the whole party implodes.
It’s why Jonah Goldberg wrote “Liberal Fascism”!
It’s generally safe to assume that Republicans are actively engaged in whatever they accuse Democrats of doing.
That’s why Santorum’s “Man on Dog” comment was so enlightening and amusing.
Also, too… ACORN!
Seriously, though. What ACORN was actually accused of was turning in voter registration forms that they knew to have phony identities on them – and they even marked them as suspect so the registrar would look into them because ACORN was required to turn in every form and not just dispose of them.
The Republicans and the outside contractors that they hire routinely dispose of applications that they suspect came from the wrong kind of person. They have a long history of doing this and they occasionally get caught doing it. But there’s little public outcry when they get caught. I wonder why that is.
So they say.
I’m in New York City (La Guardia airport) on business…how do you people stand this place?
LA is a much better Blue State visit.
It’s not a surprise a troll like yourself has poor taste in big cities.
I forget who it was who said it 10 or 15 years ago – maybe Buzzflash. “If the conservatives accuses the Democrats of doing something you know that they are doing it themselves.”
However, seeing all this voter registration fraud come to light I am very concerned that the point of the “polls are wrong” shit from the right is to justify the vote numbers that they hope to create in November. The electronic vote boxes still aren’t secure (I was an expert in computer security in the 1980s-90s).
Hoping that Obama’s team is on top of this. I won’t do the door-to-door stuff again this election (no time – local volunteer work for community groups) but if they need help on vote fraud I will volunteer.
This is my concern. If they can create the impression that the polls are actually very close, within the margin of error, then when the Diebold machines give a narrow win to Romney, it will be considered plausible.
Let us never forget that the exit polls in 2000 gave Gore a 7% victory in Florida. Nor should we ever forget how the media hid that fact – when the VNS (Voter News Service) issued their report explaining the Florida problems EVERY SINGLE MEDIA OUTLET followed their request and did not publish the report.
But worse, who even on the left remembers that in 2002 the media universally announced that the exit polls were corrupted and refused to announce them? That was the election with all the surprise GOP victories at mid term.
Agree wrt FL 2000. The polls and VNS had it right. Disagree on 2002 — I followed those statewide polls very carefully and never saw any good news for Democrats.
Oh c’mon. You’re from Philly, right? The city infamous for its walking around money?
Let’s not consign our once-mighty urban machines to the forgotten realm of history. There was a proud bipartisan tradition of bribing, buying, cheating, scamming and/or rigging your way to victory in this country going back to the eighteenth century. The Democrats grew out of it. The Republicans, as of yet, have not.
Did you guys know that in 12 swing states, Democrat registration is down 800K, vs. 100K for Republicans?
Thought you should know.
Everyone panic! Concern troll is VERY concerned about us.
I’m actually in New York, Poughkeepsie, New York, to be exact, for my Aunt’s funeral. Before meeting the family, I decided to drop my the house where I grew up…I’m sitting in the side porch…pathetic…this house is empty…so is the house next to it, where the Smith sisters grew up…every other house is empty…I wish you Progs truly understood the consequences of your policies…
More poverty…this used to be a vibrant community, where we played little league, went to PTA meetings, went to church, hung around on our bikes…
What have you done to our society?
You’re funny, Nick. This is like Herbert Hoover blaming the Great Depression on the progressives.
I bet you also believe that Romney being elected would magically cure all that ails our economy and the ensuing growth would trickle down all over and solve the poverty you conveniently concerned about.
Realize that Mitt Romney believes in the market policies that have fueled the last few decades of boom and bust Reaganomics.
Since you have been bleating about Milt Friedman and Ludwig Mises I suggest you look up Luigi Zingales. He’s from a similar strain but believes we should restore financial reforms like Glass-Steagall and be pro-market as opposed to pro-business.
Understand that Romney supports the existing market fundamentals and processes that led to the crash.
Our troll has an active fantasy life and some substance issues
They can’t win on the merits of their programs, because they’re only in it for themselves.
But that doesn’t stop them from winning, it just means that they have to get clever about the rules, and snookering the electorate.
Cakewalk for smart, self-absorbed, well-bankrolled miscreants.
This election is going to have a huge impact on the future, and we need to do everything we can to re-elect President Obama. Anyone who wants to do more should check out Work for Progress, which is hiring short-term Campaign Associates to send to Colorado (and other swing states) to spend the last few weeks of the election educating voters, turning people out to the polls, and ultimately helping President Obama win. To find out more or apply, call 617-209-WORK or email your resume to Patrick.
[Paid for by Fair Share Action, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contact us at: 1543 Wazee St. 4th Fl., Denver, CO.]
I’ve seen some
right leaningbrain dead folks voting but never actual dead people.you have it – the nail has been hit directly on the head!
Cheaters get so angry about getting caught that they make you think that you have just thrown the baby into traffic. They are outraged that you would think that they would cheat while they steal trophy after trophy and in this case election after election. Well, I’ve had enough of it…I don’t even waste my time explaining it to them any more. I shut them out of my life, turn off the Fox joke of a news show and never, and I mean never watch or listen again. Not too many weeks ago CNN joined the list of too right to bother with; NPR is getting listened to less and less now that the right has demanded that they don’t do anything political.