I’m one of the least materialistic people you will ever meet. Probably dysfunctionally so. I occasionally fantasize about what I would do if I won the lottery, and I admit to the ambition to one day have a place in the northern lake region of Italy. But I mostly wonder how I could use that money to help people. I have never measured my self-worth in financial terms. Still, a small part of me is disturbed that Glenn Beck is going to make roughly $60 million this year, and I am going to make squat. The man doesn’t even have a platform on a major television station anymore.
I know Glenn Beck has more talent than I do. I know that he’s more entertaining than I’ll ever be. But it just seems like we basically have the same job, which is talking about politics. I have a pretty good record of predicting what will happen, which is why I have my modest audience. Glenn Beck has a record of being totally wrong about everything always. It’s not that I want Glenn Beck’s money. I just wish we all lived in a world where the way people are rewarded was a little different.
I wish that drivers were awarded cars by their skill and how well they follow traffic laws. Rich teenagers would generally get old Celicas instead of BMWs, the guys who cut everyone off in their muscle cars would end up in vans, and I’d finally get the mid-line Lexus I obviously deserve.
My wife and I do a lot of activism here in Pasadena, CA co-leading Occupy Democracy – Pasadena and were just having sads about how run-down our house looked in comparison to one we were at earlier this evening. We do work that the government should actually pay us to to do – get people involved and empowered enough that all-in-all, we hopefully get a healthier electorate who will hold elected leaders accountable. That’s a service . . . that will always be unpaid alas.
But, most of the time we are just happy that we can be a part of creating the space for people to impact their community and other people’s lives in good ways. From a faith perspective, we feel we’re being mostly true to that idea of “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Maybe money isn’t all it’s cracked up to be . . .maybe.
By the way, we had a great “Citizens United” Teach-in back on 9/15. We also moved our congressman, Adam Schiff, to do his own constitutional amendment – HJR 111 – after 8 long months of wearing him down.
Your blog helps keep many of us informed and better able to do our work locally. When I get work again, I’ll try to back up this with some cash. YOU are appreciated!!
Glenn Beck is going to make $60 million this year? How? For his radio show? I thought Rusty Limpballs was higher paid. And Rusty is king of the GOP, so in that respect he deserves more.
I’m hard-pressed to think of a more despicable POS than Glenn Beck. In my opinion, Beck is worse than Limbaugh. Worse than Allen West, Michele Bachmann, Malkin, Hannity, Coulter.
Glenn Beck is The Worst.
It’s no secret why they are trotting this willing fool out now. He’s been hired to bring his special blend of creepiness to bear on his band of one-eyed lunatics.
More WH security will be needed, Beck spews dangerous ‘suggestions’ to his depraved base using the dog whistle method.
As far as talent, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I couldn’t watch Glenn Beck for more than a minute, because of his repulsive countenance, his inane rambling, and his major league assholishness.
I don’t really think he’s talented, just that he’s taken his weak DJ skills and applied them to being a ‘tea party shock jock.’ Somehow he’s struck a chord with the selfish, racist, bootstrappy crowd. They’re everywhere. Beats me what these people see in his juvenile shtick.
I’d also describe GB as being more ‘lucky’ than talented. I’m convinced that even HE knows he’s a lightweight, a sham, a clown, a charlatan, and a pimp.
I’d say there’s far more talent here at the Frog Pond than the vile Mr. Beck has. I wouldn’t come here if there wasn’t talent, REAL talent to be had. None of that ‘talent on loan from god’ crap. That’s so trite.
I think your average person would perfer to share a microbrew with Booman (or any of the other fine writers here), than have anything to do with that awful whore.
What an empty life GB must have. He should have stayed beneath whatever rock he was struggling under.
And besides, he’s losing his hair.
I’m an artist, so there you go. They don’t call us “starving artists” for nothing. I’ve always had to work part time and even full time regular jobs so I could afford to help pay the bills while my art was my true passion.
In my dream world, social workers, nursing home caregivers, teachers, and other people who take care of us would all make very good money. With more people living longer, we need decent care for our older community and for our poor. I fear what my own future holds; no retirement, no health care. I’m lucky to be doing my artwork and making some money, and I technically won’t have a set retirement age, but down the road I don’t know what I’ll do.
And yes, it galls me that blowhards like Limbaugh and Beck rake in tons of cash for inciting fury among the masses of brainless idiots. That’s just indecent.
You need a more fearful audience willing to buy more gold. It is pretty simple and straight forward. You just need to keep your eye on that ball.
Well, you could have made as much money as Glenn Beck but then you have had to think like Glenn Beck, be the kind of person (did I say person?) Glenn Beck is. Still want it? I didn’t think so.
The weatherman has a pretty good record of predicting what will happen, but the pretty people who read the teleprompters get paid much more than he does. Why? They attract more eyeballs to the screen for a longer period of time so that the station can sell more ads at a higher rate. The big money comes from appealing to the masses – at least a significant portion of a profitable segment of the masses. These are the potential consumers:
They’re here now – will you entertain them?
I always knew you secretly wanted to punish success with your talk of higher taxes on the rich.
I think you may be mistaking talent for a lack of principles, and a complete absence of shame.
Yeah, once you ditch principles, shame, honesty, etc., then an entire world of right-wing punditry and cash opens up for you.
Methinks you are just wistful because the Giants lost.
And to the Eagles.
The world is out of balance, clearly!
More like enraged.
Increasing income gap and erosion of support for middle class make it difficult imo. If/ when education, health care, social services were/ are more accessible, and maybe more support for cultural events income discrepancy would be/ will be less biting, especially since becoming Glenn Beck involves disavowing one’s humanity. Keep on keeping on, as they say.
I almost never post here. I read you every day, and have for several years now. I don’t read you because I think you’re enlightened. I don’t read you because I think you are the most geeky, nerdy, wonky, scientifically literate, etc. I read you because you possess a kind of basic sanity, a deep honesty, and an emotional equanimity that is almost totally absent on the right, and extremely uncommon on the left. FWIW, you are my favorite blogger.
And, after saying all of that, I’m realizing that I’ve never kicked you down any cash. That ends now.
Take care,
thanks for the kind words, Jay. I really appreciate them. I hope you drop more comments around here from time to time.
Glenn Beck gets paid by the 1% because he, like Rush Limbaugh, is a useful idiot.
I almost always agree with you Booman but saying that Beck is more talented than you is just plain wrong to my way of thinking.
He parlayed a brand of insanity to a certain segment of society either because he really is crazy as a loon or because he very deliberately made a decision to go all out insane with all his conspiracy theories and so on. That isn’t really talent just a attempt to make lots of money ala Limbaugh.
Crazy or opportunist asshole or both doesn’t neccesarily mean talented just because he makes money off of gullible listeners.
I took that comment to mean he thought Beck had talents as a performer that he lacked. But maybe he’s wrong? Perhaps he should join the local community theater and see what’s lurking there? Or maybe try out for the next Idol? Who knows what he’ll discover?
Boo, if you get that particular urge, contact me for a community theater connection (my cousin) in the Philly area. Unfortunately, you and he would not be at all compatible politically. I thought most theater people were avante garde lefties, but my cousin and Clint – guess not.
yeah man, I’m feeling you.