A sorry state of affairs for the most powerful nation on earth. It’s easy to ridicule, but my information about the attack was spot-on.
U.S. withdraws all its official government personnel out of Benghazi, Libya
(Atlantic Wire) – The State Department has officially removed all government personnel from the Libyan city of Benghazi, closing the consulate building and possibly ending any chance of an on-site investigation of the attack there. Although it has been three weeks since the assault there that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other embassy employees, the FBI has still not been able to visit the compound, set up any operations in the city, or even interview any witnesses who were present during the terrorist attack.
State says all U.S. personnel still in the country have been moved to the capital Tripoli and any “diplomatic outreach” will be done remotely.
The Washington Post reports that the main compound that was burned during the attack on September 11 was locked on Monday, but the buildings were empty and unguarded. Any thing of value has been looted or picked through by local and journalists, and it’s unlikely that investigators would find any useful evidence on site after such a long gap in time.
Photos have been released from the burned-out American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that show what remains of the damaged buildings in the light of day. The pictures show a compound gutted by fire and scarred by graffiti and looting.
Security Issue at US Consulate in Benghazi
US has its Libyan embassy in Tripoli and is secure and fortified. The temporary location of the US consulate in Benghazi looks more like a villa park.
[Posted earlier in my diary on Sept. 15, 2012]
BooMan, you won’t find the answers in a nice review of events at Foggy Bottom. There were plenty of signs this year the 11th anniversary of 9/11 would not pass quietly in Libya. The US consulate should have been evacuated. One should ask where lies the failures to recognize unfolding events ending in the deadly attack. As I have stated before, Libya has no central authority to maintain security. The nation is divided in militias according to the dozens of tribes. Insult to the prophet Muhammad and charges of blasphemy are considered extremely grave. Even in Egypt, president Morsi was careful not to criticise the protests as this would place him in a position he himself would be culpable of blasphemy. Most likely the security forces protecting the US consulate in Benghazi stood down when the Salafist militia of Ansar al-Sharia attacked and entered the building. Remember the stupidity of William Hague threatening Ecuador the British would enter its embassy and take Julian Assange by force.
Strange reply by Jay Carney, will be a long wait for review by FBI of Benghazi attack! Odd that Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice were baffled on Sept. 18 on what had really happened. Shameful. The US Consulate in Benghazi was a temporary location and provided no measure whatsoever of perimeter security.