I saw that interview with Andrea Mitchell live on her show this morning. She was visibly agitated, steaming actually. That was not just dog whistle. It was pretty overt and very smarmy. The only missing word was that one starting in N but it was clear to anyone what he was saying.
OMG I saw that today. What freaking dirtball. Then he danced around what deductions would be cut and bullied Andrea Mitchell like he was a Gestapo agent. No wonder people are scared of clowns.
I loved this, though I’m sure the Onion is weeping because at this rate they’ll soon be out of business. Sununu’s evidence that Obama is lazy? when delivering pizzas he complained “they’re making me do this work” !!!!!
You mean Sununu forgot to reveal that Obama couldn’t prepare because the was too busy eating watermelon and shining shoes? Just when you think nothing can boggle the mind any further, some GOPass comes along to compare the stumbling bumbler Willard, who’s never really accomplished anything except get born into a trust fund, with a guy who is one of the smartest presidents we’ve ever had. I hope the Dems have to guts to use a clip of this in their campaign.
All Obama has to do is take that clip, make an ad with just that, and play it every swing state. Everything about it is solid gold, right down to the reaction with the guy yelling ‘Elmo, too!’ at the end. Obama at his best.
Never underestimate the power of the mock. Play that in ads and Romney is……well, worse than he is.
The entire debate Obama stood there while Mitt racked up 38 minutes of video ad gold. Couldn’t resist a couple of zingers, though, the one about Donald Trump was hilarious (Donald Trump a small businessman? I don’t think Donald Trump considers himself small anything – not the exact quote; great delivery too).
The whole pizza delivery thing is hysterical as well. Andrea Mitchell should have replied to John Sununu, saying “they’re making me do this work” while delivering pizzas shows Barack Obama is lazy? On which planet do you spend most of your time?
In 2004, Kerry smacked George Bush around in the debates, but afterwards, the Republicans had a field day with the phrase “pass the international test.” Instead of putting American security first, you see, John Kerry thought that America had to “pass the international test.”
according to Romney spokesman John Sunnunnu, Obama “lost” because he is obviously “lazy & detached.
also from the mouth of Sunnunnu, don’t expect Obama to prepare for the next debate because “When you’re not that bright you can’t get better prepared,”
Dog whistle time.
I saw that interview with Andrea Mitchell live on her show this morning. She was visibly agitated, steaming actually. That was not just dog whistle. It was pretty overt and very smarmy. The only missing word was that one starting in N but it was clear to anyone what he was saying.
OMG I saw that today. What freaking dirtball. Then he danced around what deductions would be cut and bullied Andrea Mitchell like he was a Gestapo agent. No wonder people are scared of clowns.
I loved this, though I’m sure the Onion is weeping because at this rate they’ll soon be out of business. Sununu’s evidence that Obama is lazy? when delivering pizzas he complained “they’re making me do this work” !!!!!
Speaking of The Onion, both news-in-brief articles about the debate today are good.
Nation’s Debate Viewers Disgusted With Selves After Connecting With Mitt Romney
Sasha Obama Asks Father Why He Was Acting Like Such A Pussy During Debate
I could believe that second one was true.
You mean Sununu forgot to reveal that Obama couldn’t prepare because the was too busy eating watermelon and shining shoes? Just when you think nothing can boggle the mind any further, some GOPass comes along to compare the stumbling bumbler Willard, who’s never really accomplished anything except get born into a trust fund, with a guy who is one of the smartest presidents we’ve ever had. I hope the Dems have to guts to use a clip of this in their campaign.
Also, I can’t believe Sununu said “detachted” instead of “shiftless”, must have missed his cue card
I think it’s time to watch Spike Lee’s Bamboozled, a great movie
All Obama has to do is take that clip, make an ad with just that, and play it every swing state. Everything about it is solid gold, right down to the reaction with the guy yelling ‘Elmo, too!’ at the end. Obama at his best.
Never underestimate the power of the mock. Play that in ads and Romney is……well, worse than he is.
The entire debate Obama stood there while Mitt racked up 38 minutes of video ad gold. Couldn’t resist a couple of zingers, though, the one about Donald Trump was hilarious (Donald Trump a small businessman? I don’t think Donald Trump considers himself small anything – not the exact quote; great delivery too).
The whole pizza delivery thing is hysterical as well. Andrea Mitchell should have replied to John Sununu, saying “they’re making me do this work” while delivering pizzas shows Barack Obama is lazy? On which planet do you spend most of your time?
In 2004, Kerry smacked George Bush around in the debates, but afterwards, the Republicans had a field day with the phrase “pass the international test.” Instead of putting American security first, you see, John Kerry thought that America had to “pass the international test.”
This could be the same thing.