Yes, yes Spitt keep repeating the lie and it will become truth.
From – Truth squad:
ROMNEY: Let me repeat what I said, I’m not in favor of a $5 trillion tax cut. That’s not my plan. My plan is not to put in place any tax cut that will add to the deficit.
What is Romney’s plan?
He has proposed making the Bush tax cuts permanent for all income levels — then cutting all rates by an additional 20 percent. He would also repeal the alternative minimum tax and permanently repeal the estate tax.
The non-partisan Tax Policy Center concluded that Romney’s tax plan would cost $4.8 trillion over 10 years.
Romney said — once again tonight — that his plan would be paid for by closing loopholes in the tax code and by getting rid of some tax deductions and credits. But he has repeatedly declined to say which deductions he’d eliminate, saying he’d work with Congress to make those decisions.
Just keep repeating your lies you sick sociopath.
Missed the debate as the broadcast started at 3am European time and I didn’t feel compelled to set the alarm. I don’t think I could have endured 90 minutes of a debate where Willard was acting. I did see part of a broadcast by CNN afterwards. I turned that off when the acteurs in the studio lauded Romney as expections were low. CNN declared President Obama’s statement of the $5 trillion deficit as FALSE and the lack of Romney for not telling how he would compensate the tax cuts as INCOMPLETE. Just about tells the story of Willard’s life on the national political stage.
Seems like Willard could get away with murder on the first election debate night, so I turned the TV off and went back to sleep.
At least Turkey is providing some fireworks by a retaliation bombing in Syria killing their soldiers and nationals. Coming days Erdoğan will seek parliamentary approval for an invasion with UN and NATO blessing. Next debate on foreign policy could provide some explosive news headlines in the Middle-East.
Oui its been one depressing day. Now I’m terrified these guys are going to win. Nothing from Obama it reminded me of the budget negotiations and the debt limit. Just give it all away don’t even try. He is up against one well heeled propaganda machine. Lying is no problem for them. Its like the President thinks Repugs might vote for him if he lays low. Good god doesn’t he get it yet? I want a Populist yelling from the mountain top he must improve drastically.
I could send you a DVD. I have the mpg on my hard drive. I could make the DVD in PAL if you need it that way.