This is just a friendly reminder that in the real world, no one gives a shit about jobs reports, whether they are fake or not. People know whether they have employment opportunities without listening to their teevee.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
No, I give a shit. My former colleagues — Dems and Reps — work hard to produce these economic reports. And anybody who thinks they’re cooking the books is a fucking idiot.
Also true.
Just checked an hour ago. Four jobs in my former field within 30 miles. I’ll be there are 800 resumes for them.
Boo…we agree…even though the Mainstream Media Really Wants Obama to win…if given a choice…I THINK… They’d rather be famous…they’ll sniff out a cover-up…
A “cover-up” can’t last indefinitely, even with the MSM as a wing of Obama’s re-election campaign!
Anyone with half a fucking brain wants Obama to win. Or Gary Johnson. Or Jill Stein. Anybody but this Romney clown and his tea party posse and neo-con foreign policy.
According to Aristotean logic, if your premise is true, since I want Romney to win, I only have one-half of one brain!
In reality, I want prosperity and peace for every single human being on this planet.
Then why the heck would you want Romney to win?
Good thing you cleared that up.
They are very good spellers on his planet.
Still spelled it wrong! But you know what I meant!
no, not quite.
there is no syllogism here
Yes, you are correct. According to Aristotle, you have half of one brain.
Or, perhaps I was speaking figuratively, in which case, your brain only operates half as well as an average human being.
But I don’t really want to insult you. I want to lead away from error. So, keep reading. You will notice over time that I do a good job of predicting things.
You buy into the fix, Booman. Of course you can predict.
And, Arthur, quite frankly, you also know better!
One of my enduring pleasures is being insulted by you Arthur. One day I may show up at one of your paid gigs and heckle you for taking money from The Man.
I like your stuff for several reasons. You’re right about a lot of things. You have real expressive talent. You make me laugh in a good way with your wit and ability to use photography to make powerful points. I always respect you as an artist, whether on stage or on blogs. But you gotta talk to the Insane Clown Posse. Because, magnets? I don’t think you know how they work.
Show up any time, Booman.
I dare ya.
P.S. Just email me for specific dates and venues.
Any time.
I’ve got a Master’s degree in Physics and I don’t know how they work. When I was in grad school (probably before you were born) the raging question was “is magnetism just electricity in motion or a fundamental force of it’s own? Finding a magnetic monopole would answer that question.
I know how to use them. I can design a transformer. But I don’t understand how they work.
I believe in one thing…you mean well!
People are well aware of the local employment opportunities — or for certain jobs the national employment opportunities. And that is the baseline of comparison with any report.
The key information in the report that folks need to compare that baseline to for local jobs is the state-level statistics because the national statistics cover widely varying situations.
It would be an interesting exercise to map the state unemployment figures against support for Romney. It is highly likely that per usual the GOP messaging is going to folks who are likely to vote for them no matter what.
The more subtle thing is to once again attack civil servants who are just doing their jobs the way they have since the reports were first issued. There is no excuse for that kind of insult, and Hilda Solis has come to the defense of her civil service workers.
That’s just a typical suburban neighborhood, too. Regular folks. Sad.
No not regular folks.
Whatever else may be said of any Marine, they are not regular folks. And less than 1% of us know.
Maybe a poor choice of words on my part. Care to elaborate?
Nah, you got it pretty much right. I had the blues last night. It’s just that Marines are supposed to have more self-discipline than civilians and the non-combat services. For the most part that’s true.
But you mix booze, depression and Fox News…
Welcome to the Fox News world, Boo.
The VietNam War claims three more victims.
well, he’d lost his wife just the week before. so sad
His wife died five years ago. Not that the death of a spouse one week ago or five years ago is relevant to shooting and killing one’s neighbors.
Well, Marie-borg, among puny human, traumatic events in one’s personal life sometimes lead to depression, rage, and other highly-illogical responses, which in turn sometimes lead to violence.
yes, I misread originally, it was the 5th anniversary to the day of his wife’s death
sad indeed
Then why are so many people apparently “listening to their teevee?”
Because they don’t know shit until they are told to know it by the media.
“Conspiracy theory?”
Lissen up, Booman.
Deal with the idea of a secret agreement between the debate
so-calledopponents before you diss conspiracy ideas.Please.
I dare ya.
Arrhur…great analysis
What’s your solution?
Keep telling the truth, and let the deniers dig their own grave. As with Romney’s dishonest performance in the debate, the public will catch on eventually.
Somewhere in Georgia, a majority of voters will again endorse the conspiracy ravings of one
Dr. Paul Broun
This religious fruitcake serves on the House Science Committee with the religious rape-denialist Akin. On paper, both men are highly educated; so, their displays of sheer ignorance and stupidity demonstrates what fundie religion does to a brain.
Broun had some hard knocks which may explain why he turned hard to religion. Even smart people can be weak-minded under stress. People say that there are no atheists in foxholes. I would say instead that it’s really hard to be an atheist in a foxhole — not everyone has the strength of character.
But you really have to have gone way way down the rabbit hole to think the earth is only a few thousand years old.
Belief that the world is only a few thousand years old seems to be an article of faith among the fundies I’ve known and those men all had at least an undergraduate degree.
Whatever his “hard knocks” have been, it doesn’t excuse becoming an ignorant asshole.
Republicans don’t believe job numbers. They don’t believe poll numbers. They don’t believe science. They don’t believe birth certificates. They don’t believe thermometers.
Yeah, let’s put these guys in charge. The stick-your-fingers-in-your-ears-and-go-la-la-la-la-la party.
They’ll only come around to climate change when there’s no ice left for their scotch on the rocks.