Booman wrote on Friday last (10/6/12) in his post-debate fiasco article Things Got More Real.

Before the debate, I thought it was likely that the Dems would pick up at least two and perhaps as many as four Senate seats, and that they would easily retake the House. Now, I think we may net one Senate seat and probably won’t retake the House. But things are fluid.

Oh, what bullshit!!!

Things got more real???!!!


Everything is “real,” Booman, and everything is going precisely according to plan.

PermaGov plan.

Bet on it.

But things are fluid???!!!

Of fucking course they’re “fluid”!!! All kinds of things can happen during a campaign. The function of the media is to channel that fluidity into a course that is desired by the controllers. It’s a control mechanism, duh.

Read on.
As I wrote a scant three days ago…and as I have been saying since Ron Paul was very effectively non-personed by the media months ago during the RatPub debates:

Consensus, consensus, consensus.

Blah, blah, blah.

He won, she won, they won.

More blah, blah, blah.

I got yer “consensus,” right here!!!

The fix is still in.

Obama gets four more years, but not a majority in the Senate. And the media get a “competitive” fight.

Read this. (Emphases mine.)

The Supine Media and the Secret Debate Contract

Rigging the Presidential Debates

By Ralph Nader

The three upcoming so-called presidential debates (actually parallel interviews) between Obama and Romney show the pathetic mainstream campaign press for what it is – a mass of dittoheads desperately awaiting gaffes or some visual irregularity by any of the candidates. The press certainly does not demand elementary material from the candidates such as the secret debate contract negotiated by the Obama and Romney campaigns that controls the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), the campaigns’ corporate offspring.

A similar secret contract between George W. Bush and John Kerry in 2004, obtained by George Farah, executive director of Open Debates ( showed just how the two Parties rig the debate process. Both Parties agreed that they would: (1) not request any additional debates, (2) not appear at any other debate or adversarial forum with any other presidential or vice presidential candidate, and (3) not accept any television or radio air time offers that involve a debate format. Were this deal to be between two corporations, they could be prosecuted for criminal violation of the antitrust laws.

This year voters are not allowed to know about the current backroom fix between Obama and Romney.

Farah revealed more. The Bush/Kerry closeout of the voters and the media extended to their agreeing not to ask each other direct questions but only rhetorical questions, and to clear any questions from the audience by their chosen moderator prior to the debates. Of course third party candidates are excluded. In 2000 and 2004, national polls showed majorities wanting me in the debates – the only way non-billionaires could reach tens of millions of voters – but the captive CPD and their compliant director, Janet Brown, created other exclusionary barriers.

Nothing seems to motivate the mainstream campaign press into challenging the two Party duopoly, its definition of important questions, or the rancid corporate sponsorship of the debates down to the hospitality parties the corporatists hold at the debate locations in Colorado, New York and Florida this October. The reporters must like the free wine and food.

Nor did the supine press inform the voters of recent written requests by numerous organizations in the Pittsburgh, District of Columbia and Portland, Oregon regions inviting the presidential candidates to debate in these areas ( Heaven forbid that the people strive to shape the presidential debate process and weaken the duopoly’s grip. Imagine a democratic process.

Substantively, the supine press applies its own rules. Rule One is to avoid pressing questions that extend the public’s agenda beyond what the two major candidates are wrangling over. So if they don’t debate pulling back from unauthorized wars, invasions, incursions or other important foreign policy moves they are not asked. Rule Two is to ignore what major civic groups or groups with credible track records propose for the candidates to address. So Obama and Romney are not pressed by the press to expressly respond to many important issues including: what they would do on law enforcement against corporate crime, fraud and abuse, whether they favor a $10 minimum wage that catches up to 1968, inflation adjusted, for thirty million workers, or on their positions on either a Wall Street speculation tax that can raise big money or even a carbon tax.



Are you political junkies seriously debating the “issues” here? Are you actually considering which of these two professional serial liars was most truthful? Please. It is a stone-cold guarantee that these two fighters (or at the very least their managers, trainers and promoters) had a secret set of negotiations out front that in boxng terms would look something like this.

Looka here, podna. You don’t hit me too hard and I won’t hit you too hard,  Let’s give the rubes a good show. If you do hit me too hard or foul me in any way I will be forced to start throwing real punches, and as soon as that happens the fix will go right out the window. Neither of us want that because Blinky Palermo and the rest of the people who really control this game think nothing whatsoever about killing folks or at least injuring them very, very badly. Neither of us wants that, right? So play nice. See you in the ring.

In point of fact, the rules that are set up probably more resemble World Wrestling Federation matches than pro boxing. Elaborate choreographies are likely in place for all three rounds of the debate action.

Let’s make it close the first round. Champ. You gotta look a little…lackadaisical. You know…like you’ve got the weight of the world on yer shoulders? And you, Mitt. No more of that tripping over your own feet move. The rubes are getting wise. Save it for the second or third round, depending on who’s looking better. Try the old zinger hold and fail instead. And Champ, later on you kin put a few zinger holds on Mitt and put him nearly to sleep a couple of times. The marks’ll be screaming by the end!. We’ll make some money!!! Bet on it.

Like dat.

Grow the fuck up.

W.E.B DuBois knew what was up over 50 years ago.

There is but one evil party with two names, and it will be elected despite all I can do or say.-W.E.B. Dubois (1956)

Bet on it.

You been…and continue to be…had.

From the left, the right, the front and the back.

As the execrable 1990 Texas gubernatorial candidate Clayton Williams so famously said during his campaign:

Williams publicly made a joke likening rape to bad weather, having quipped: “If it’s inevitable, just relax and enjoy it”.

I’ll betcha alla you leftinesses were up in arms about that shit, right? Justifiably so. But here y’all are 22 years later, following his advice to the letter. Enjoying the hell out of the process, too.


Wake the fuck up.

Like I said:

The fix is still in.

Obama gets four more years, but not a majority in the Senate. And the media get a “competitive” fight.

Like you said:

Now, I think we may net one Senate seat and probably won’t retake the House.

So who the fuck is the master prognosticator” now, Booman? This scam is going just exactly as i have said it will go. No landslides, just “Four more years” for the present quite obedient PermaGov frontman. Why changes horses in mid-scam? But also…why give that horse carte blanche to go in whatever direction he might desire?

Here’s my own promasturbation….errr, ehhh, sorry…prognostication.

Four more years for O’Bomber and a split federal legislature. Cain’t trust them RatPublicans, neither.

Bet on it.