I don’t think Mitt Romney’s problem is that he doesn’t tell enough anecdotes about his personal life. What do you think?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Trying hard to grit my teeth and allow Ann to say he has ‘extraordinary compassion’, but ya know Ann, his role within his faith is expected to demonstrate wisdom and compassion. Checking that box off solely within that framework doesn’t give him creds outside that framework where he has decidedly demonstrated decision making that set people out into the street.
Just as a broken clock can be right once a day, Romney can claim compassion just as often.
Mitt hasn’t alltogether been shy about his lifestory. He and Ann have shared that they were so poor during college that he didn’t work for 5 years but lived in a basement apartment with income from selling stocks. He’s told us to borrow from our folks to pay tuition indicating that that’s what he did because there’s no mention of his student loans. This is Mitt’s personal story. I wish it were mine.
Really? Seems like a pretty awful tradeoff to me.
Yeah well, the paid tuition part is pretty appealing, ha!
Mitt Romney’s problem is that he’s Mitt Romney.
I wonder if he’s seen a drop in support from Mormons, a constituency he was sure he had in the bag. Locally, I have noticed that Dean Heller, fellow Mormon, has distanced himself from Romney after the 47% comments came out. And of course Harry Reid’s pronouncement of Romney being a bad Mormon didn’t help him much, either. But opinions within the LDS church are always a mystery to us outsiders.
In any case, Mitt Romney, Compassionate Vulture is still better then Mitt Romney, Heartless Bastard Vulture.
Can you blame him?
How’s Shelley Berkeley doing?
She’s doing fine. Neck and neck race though. Should all depend on who can turn out the voters.
Very good
Ken Jennings has been zinging Romney on Twitter as well. The day before the debates:
“Big night for Romney tomorrow! (He has never met a black man before.)”
One of the best things to come out of this election cycle for me is the realization that Mormons are not monolithic. Of course, I should have known that just by thinking about it, but it’s nice to see it demonstrated.
I think the Momcat may have nailed Mitt Romney. We were watching Lawrence O’Donnell’s rehash of the debate when she called him Schrodinger’s Candidate.
Oh, for sure, I want to hear more stories from Mitt on his personal life. I really want to hear about more of the people he’s enjoyed firing. Has he cut the hair of any fags lately? This is who Mitt Romney is, and America deserves to know.
How he cuts in and eats his dinner ahead of his kids (because they take too much time), etc., yes I want to hear more anecdotes like that. I’m impressed with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s apology book tour, in which he usually slips into saying what a fantastic guy he himself is, what a great exammple of an immigrant making it in the USA (my summary, NYTimes, dead tree edition) I hope Mitt takes his cue from that.
With all his money and a lifetime planning his campaign, would have thought he would have hired better writers. It’s not the number that’s wrong but the quality.
Writers? We don’t need no stinkin writers when God anointed us to be president.
Mitt Romney’s problem is that he opens his mouth at all. That never works out well for him.
Give ME a Break regarding these anecdotal stories!
Wasn’t Mittens a Morman Elder, or some other title connotating “Priest”?
When you are “in trouble” who you gonna look for; a Layman, or a Priest?
And, Mittens still has trouble coming up with less than a dozen of these “stories(?)”!
He’s a Bishop.
Which is not much like a Catholic bishop; Mormons use clerical terms rather differently than other denominations. For instance, “priests” in the Mormon sense are typically high-school boys, deacons even younger than that, and “elders” are typically eighteen years old (and up.)
A bishop is an officer in charge of a “stake”, which is a collection of “wards”. Wards are congregations of several families in a certain geographical area; here in Salt Lake City, where there are lots of Mormons, wards are small enough to walk across easily. I assume that in less Mormon-dense areas they’re much geographically larger.
(Looks like I got that wrong. Bishops are in charge of wards, not stakes.)
Our problem is that we get what Romney wants, not what we want.
His problem is that not everyone thinks this is OK.
I don’t recall much demand for such how-cool-am-i stories, and frankly, only those already smitten would have the stomach for them. On the other hand, many have asked for the tax returns that might provide some insight into how our protagonist actually thinks and operates.
As they say, the plural of anecdote is not data. However, the accumulation of data -is- information.
Let him attach one fascinating glimpse into some aspect of his charming personality to each tax return.
I stopped hoping for “kinder and gentler” republicans once I got to know George HW Bush’s family and supporters. Mitt’s soulless public behavior speaks for itself.
The last time any Republicans advocated “kinder and gentler” public policies, their lead advocate was Herbert Hoover. Since then they’ve used the “good husband and father” (which even Nixon was) reputation to mask their draconian and cruel public policies.
His problem is that his etch a sketch is running Mac 9 in a Mountain Lion world.
He has a personal life? Is that when he can’t find any more dirt on the rug and plugs himself back into the wall socket?
Roomney, very good
very good
He is overwhelmingly not likable.
He is scrapping for every vote.
Anecdotes help, unless they are about taking his dog for rides.
I call bullshit on these stories.
Don’t you find it a little too convenient that the only two examples of his compassion, happen to be about people who have passed away and cannot corroborate his story?
This guy is a liar through-and-through, we cannot trust anything that he says.
As my dad always said, I’d like to buy Mitt for what he’s worth and sell him for what he thinks he’s worth.
Obama pokes fun at own debate performance
I think a big problem will be his so-called “big” foreign policy speech. Which Romney will show up at that one?