Finally, something I can wholeheartedly praise Chuck Schumer for doing… Yes, ask for a higher top marginal income tax rate and raise the capital gains tax. Screw the Washington consensus.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I know this is really “unserious”, but this really mad me mad. Coupled with Romney debate line comparing Obama to his five lying boys and I’m just disgusted. Too sensitive I know, but still, Stay classy Romneys–1
More projection from the Romneys; what else is new. Don’t get mad, get even.
I’m glad there’s five of the little Mittnitwits, they should be able to fill one of these all by themselves next month.
What he said about his spawn was, ” I’m used to people saying the same thing over and over again hoping it becomes true.” Not obstinate, just saying things not true over and over again. Serial lying, IOW. But at least they are apparently not flipfloppers about it.
At least one of the sons disagrees with the abortion plank of the Republican Party: His wife and he are using a surrogate to become parents. There is a clause in the contract saying if something goes awry the fetus can be aborted.
Yup. That’s my main man …. Chuckie getting the leftie base hot for 2016.
Finally! Lets act like Democrats. This is only commonsense.
I saw Romney today promising capital gains and dividend tax cuts for the middle class which will net me and a majority of other voters exactly nothing. At his rally they cheered anyway.
Its out of control. Ignorance is dangerous.
Senator Schumer’s proposal does not raise the marginal tax rate nearly enough.
Fifty percent should be the rate at which they settle. Schumer should be proposing a rate of 70% for all earners over $5 million.
Something not so nice from Chuck:
The money quote:
I don’t see anything insidious there. The entire goal of Pete Peterson has been to privatize SS and/or lower tax rates in exchange for “closing loopholes.” Schumer is telling them to fuck off with their loopholes. This means there will be no deal.
If we can trust overhauling SS is “scraping the cap” rather than raising the age. Sure Simpson, Bowles, McCain and others could keep working past 66 but they were & are on the dole.