Seriously. I never realized what condescending assholes these gingerbread men have been all these years. You know what, you little gingerbread bastard? NEVER. AGAIN.
Looks to me like Biden was borrowing a smile or two from Bill Clinton this past week. His humorous takes on Mitt’s performance gave just the right tone. Humor is an effective way to erase the credibility of a liar’s lies without coming across as an angry white/black man. That the Right thought it was disrespectful is just frosting.
That’s one smile, with half of Biden’s teeth showing. Can you juxtapose the entire Kennedy performance with the Biden performance.
Biden wasn’t mean…he was buffoonish!
Sorry…if you read the transcript, Ryan intellectually won the debate. I knew it was over after the first exchange regarding Benghazi.
Biden’s only true blood drawn was the “two letters” segment…Ryan should have been better prepared.
Read the transcript…
Dude can you get me some of what you are smoking. It really must be good shit.
Unfortunately, I can’t help you–I haven’t “smoked” since 2004!
Tell you what…put up a portion of the transcript where you thought Biden scored a clear hit, other than “two letters”…
Biden’s only other semi-effective point was on Afghanistan…I.e. we’ve done our job, we’re getting out no matter what…
Ryan should have hammered away at the fact that this unequivocal timeline will mean more Americans die between now and then…
Seriously. I never realized what condescending assholes these gingerbread men have been all these years. You know what, you little gingerbread bastard? NEVER. AGAIN.
Looks to me like Biden was borrowing a smile or two from Bill Clinton this past week. His humorous takes on Mitt’s performance gave just the right tone. Humor is an effective way to erase the credibility of a liar’s lies without coming across as an angry white/black man. That the Right thought it was disrespectful is just frosting.