Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Month’s Theme: Random (your choice).
Link of the Month: Macro photographs of snails and insects in the rain, by Vadim Trunov.
AndiF’s Random
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Lines and Curves I
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Lines and Curves II
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Lines and Curves III
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olivia’s Random
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Layers 1
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Layers 2
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Layers 3
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Next Theme: (Friday, November 9, 2012) Black and white, but not limited to colour
as suggested by BobX.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Just a few this week.

That looks like fun. Where were these taken?
And how’s kitty doing (wow, beautiful eyes!)?
Thanks, wildflower festival, what that had to do with these two? Fun for the kids. We attended the classes for the afternoon.
Miss Hope is doing well. No more scratching the walls. She has taken to the scratching posts and kitty tree. Yea!
That’s definitely good news. 🙂
Those top two shots are really nifty — what kind of celebration was going on?
And the kitty is adorable.
Thanks, I guess the previous reply answered your question. They had a lot going on for the kids. Which was really good as it kept them busy while the adults were in class.
Great fungus by the way.
Great colors.
Were they inspired by these tribes?
That I don’t know, I think they came from either Cirque du Soleil or one of Disneys’ parks, which is where the cirque is located. I didn’t really get any info on them.
Interrupting lunch.

Still life
Still death
Still upright
Nice shots (I especially like the first one with the soft moss). Are they from Norway?
Yes, the two top ones were taken close to a lake about a mile inland from the cabin.
The bottom one is on the path down from the cabin to the dock.
Did you know I spent all of July and part of August in Sweden? I met a lot of Norwegians there, but there was no time for travel, so no chance of visiting Norway.
Yes, I saw some of your posts about being for an extended period in Sweden. If you have the opportunity, maybe you will make it across the border next time.
I would love to!
Beautiful place, though the water looks like it’s a bit chilly.
This was taken September 6, so it was probably no more than about 60 deg in the water. The kids went swimming there the week before and estimated it to about 63, but once September arrives, it tends to drop quickly.
I “still” like them. I wouldn’t be surprised if “Still Upright” isn’t when you go back next year.
They may look that way, but are surprisingly resilient. There was a fifth trunk in that cluster that I cut down about four years ago to widen the path. Had a hard time getting it down, and these ‘still’ barely budge if I try to push on them.
The top shot brings back memories of growing up in New England, laying in the soft moss patch, and napping in the wood during summer.
Love the ‘shroom flukes and the rolling hills.
Thanks Jim. 🙂
Fog’s Edge
Frosty Edge
Wind’s Edge
Love it! I have become so much more aware of skies since I became interested in snapshotery (can’t call what I do photography, so that’s my term for it).
The first one looks almost like a French Impressionist painting.
Hurria is right, it’s a great shot.
Beautiful – great theme idea too. Love the frost one, wow that’s my favourite of the bunch!
The mushroom people
“It rained! it rained!”

Cliff dwellers

Cozy cottage

Fun set — almost as much fun as getting rain. 🙂
Since we got some rain the woods have sprouted ‘shrooms aplenty. There were some huge ones on the camp trails, but they were all knocked down. It looked like turkeys had gone after something where they were growing.
Yea! more fungus. Late rain and our lawn is full of toad stools.
Ha! Those are great — love the first one due to the quantity of them. 😀
As I had been using my Canon Powershot SX200 IS for 3 years and have taken thousands and thousands of photos I felt I had come to a stage where I needed to advance a litte. Got a wonderful bridge camera, the new Panasonic DMC-FZ200 and absolutely love it. And as today’s theme is random I will keep the photos I post today very random but limit them to those having been taken with my new camera.
First I had to play a little bit with the different settings, so I chose one of the flowers on our balcony and took photos with the 12 different settings, here are two of them (here’s the set with all 12):
“Cross Process”:
Gorgeous colour.
Then I just went out and had a little fun with the zoom, different light situations, etc. Here are a few examples of the photos I took in the past month:
Here are a few taken in the Rosenhöhe Park in Darmstadt, Germany:
Great tree, lighting is perfect.
Two random shots:
From a trip to Strasbourg last week:
Ooh, love these all. Love the colours and depth of field and all the different subjects.
And finally, a few shots of two guys practicing their parkour talents, also in Strasbourg:
Sorry about posting sooo many photos today. But can you tell I’m excited about my new camera?
Deservedly excited. All the shot were well worth seeing. I especially liked the shot of the various squashes and flowers.
Hope you keep having a great time with your new camera.
Great colors with the new camera. I especially like the patina on the angel.
Congrats on the new camera! Looks like you’re having a great time with it. Feel free to share the photos – we’d love to see them. 🙂
Here is one I had never noticed before, seen on my recent trip to Cape May. Tall and narrow, its mirror twin is right next door. It may end up in a painting. Circa 1880.
Nice house. Do you think the windows at the basement were originally coal chutes?
Maybe. It’s hard to say with a house by the Jersey shore. It might have been used only as a summer place.
That would make a great painting if you could get the sunset/sunrise reflected in the windows.
That would be cool.
What character – love the scalloped shingles!
And there’s very little of the added on “gingerbread” common in the period. This is a bit more progressive in style, foreshadowing the less cluttered buildings to come in the following years.
Ugh, forgive me my rather pretentious-sounding response above.
Tiny critters in the countryside outside of Borlänge, Sweden
Tiny Critters in the Countryside Outside of Borlänge, Sweden
Besides your sweet dog, I really like the second snail shot — very nice detail.
Thanks Andi.
I really liked the way the flower petals are visible through the fly’s wings, but don’t know what to do with it.
Agree with Andi – that second snail shot is wonderful. Love the detail. And your furry friend has a glorious coat – how do you both keep it so clean?!
Thanks Olivia. His coat tends to stay pretty clean for the most part, and even when it gets dirty, it seems to self-clean. However, he does get regular baths, especially when we are going to shows.
Swedish Flowers
Look just like the flowers on my Swedish pillows.
The white ones are really tiny.
The gradients of blue in #2 are spectacular. Great set.
Thanks Bob! That was taken on the West Coast – Washington State. My brother was married there last month.
OK, this is not about the snapshots – they’re pretty bad – but I wanted to show someone the two Golden Sebright pullets I bought yesterday. They will probably top out at 20 ounces when full grown. It was really hard to find Sebright pullets or hens, and I am probably going to try to talk this lady out of another pullet, and a couple of hens when I go to pick them up in two weeks.
What interesting looking birds — I love the black “outlines”.
That’s called lacing, and it is the most obvious characteristic of the Sebrights. Those are golden Sebrights, and the other color they come in is silver, which is white or pale grey with black lacing. There is a full-size breed, Wyandotte, that also has lacing on all the feathers.
Hopefully I will get some more interesting shots of them after I get them here, and if so I will share.
The lacing is beautiful … wow.
Looking forward to seeing more photos!
I checked in & found that this week had a FFFF up.
My mail app is out & I don`t doubt andiF sent me a notice (which I could not access)
I`m still working on my project which leaves me little time to stay abreast of things.
Copper Band Butterfly
(A new fish)
Back Yard Art Show
(4 shots, click for larger file)
Tingley Spines
Pajama Pete
Yep, I did send you an email reminder. I’m glad you showed up on your own because I love every one of the photos you posted.
Hi Head! Good to see/hear from you. Love all the beautiful colour and detail in your photos … Pajama Pete is my favourite of the bunch. 😀
Great to see you also.
Wanna play Peek-a-Boo