We laughed at the Republicans’ conspiracy theories about skewed polls, but to a certain degree it is a natural tendency to doubt news that you don’t like. With the polls tightening to an uncomfortable degree, you will begin to see Democrats raise questions about methodology and bias, too. There is, however, a difference. We have reached the end game of the election cycle and the pollsters are now applying a “likely voter” screen. Reputable polling outfits will give you both numbers. In most cycles, and this one is no exception, the Democrats will do better in the overall poll than they will do in the likely voter screen. This is simply because Democrats get more support from younger voters and from voters on the margins of society, both of whom are less politically engaged than average. Measuring the likelihood that someone will vote can be done in a variety of ways, but if the methodology is solid it will pick up on the mood of each party’s marginal voters. If it’s done poorly, it will pick up on the mood of the parties’ bases. If Democrats were enervated by Obama’s debate performance, they may have seemed less likely to vote when interviewed, but any Democrat who is interested enough to watch a debate is probably going to vote. If they are charged up by Biden’s performance, they still aren’t much more likely to vote than they were before the debate.
What matters is whether any minds were changed and whether a few people were inspired to vote who might have sat the election out. That’s why debate coverage matters more than the actual debate, because the audience is much larger for the coverage and it includes precisely the kind of people who are not reliable voters.
So, it’s not a conspiracy to say that I am a bit wary of putting too much stock in any individual likely voter screen. The way I look at it is that the president is not going to do as well as he should because the Democrats vote less reliably than the Republicans, so a good poll of the general public will overstate his support. However, calculating just how much support he will lose is much more of an art than a science. That’s why the best thing to do is to look at the aggregate of all polling rather than to focus on any single poll. Hopefully, all the polls combined will tell an accurate story.
Biden lifted the Democrats’ spirits with a fun and satisfying debate, but he can’t get people to the polls by himself, and neither can the president. It’s their campaign team and volunteers like you who can mitigate the Republicans’ advantage with “likely voters.”
It would be helpful if the polls asked the question, ‘did you watch the debate personally?’ and then ‘where did you look for opinions after the debate?’
I’m curious if independents are forming their opinions by watching directly or taking a pundit of choice’s cliff note disection instead. As these debates have underscored, there is the first gut feeling then that is layered with the educational process of community analysis and/or gossip.
CNN’s snap poll saying Ryan won, here is a link. Check out the new updated fineprint:
An obvious biased poll says the GOP candidate won, and yet people are still using it to say the debate was a draw! CNN earning their title of FoxNews-lite!
Since the GOP had a +8% enthusiasm advantage, I don’t find it a very biased sample. Essentially a draw, but a win for Dems who were demoralized by Obama (and I know several though I actually worked on a local campaign this week).
Also meant to add that this whole last few weeks has really revealed just how much of a paper tiger Obama is. Everyone was starting to talk blow-out and then boom. One bad performance and suddenly Romney is almost as acceptable and it’s tied. That’s really shallow support.
I think there is a frontrunner effect at play here. A lot of Obama supporters – myself included – weren’t bracing for a tightening. This race has been a solid Obama lead all along, and even today remains a slim Obama lead. This is pretty different from, say, 2004, where the race shifted 3 or 4 times between Bush and Kerry.
Almost all the LV models show Romney winning right now. Gallup is +2 today for instance. Today is the last possible day we can blame it on post-debate bounce (Friday last week) as opposed to real gain. I think the race HAS shifted.
I have to agree. Nate Silver’s nowcast has plummeted to just 56.1% chance of a win for Obama and the trend line is as steep as any I’ve seen in an election race this far along.
The polling numbers are real and they are across the board. All we can do is hope that the Obama team has drilled into the data in great depth, understands the issue, and has a great plan to solve.
One possibility we can sorta hope for is that a large part of this is Democrats being dispirited after the debate and Republicans suddenly getting enthused. But if that is the case it’s still really bad because it means the numbers before were artificially good for Obama because the GOP response was artificially weak. That won’t be the case moving forward. Perhaps there will be some bounce back from the Democrats based on Biden’s performance but it will still be very close.
The most worrisome part is how thin the level of independent support appears to have been. All that foundation laying with the months of attacks on Bain then the 47% … all forgotten because he looked like a nice guy on TV.
The GOP really wants to privatize (translate: destroy) medicare and SS – Ryan admitted as much last night. But I suspect that 95% of the low info voters don’t really know what those systems are unless they are near retirement age. They just assume it will all work out for them.
Sure. Like it did for the old folks in the Great Depression.
Again, it seemed to me that voters didn’t want to reelect Obama, but Romney was just so clearly unacceptable that Obama was the better alternative or you just sat it out if you didn’t want to vote for him. As others have said, now that he tried to be generic Republican there’s been a big shift.
Maybe it’s among those Republicans who found him unacceptable because of the Tea Baggers and now think he’ll be less crazy so instead of sitting out they got into the game? And we know that GOP policies are so crazy people refuse to believe them.
And of course, now Mittens has saved his money to do a massive air-war in the last weeks v. the long game of Obama team.
Looks like Obama blew it all away trying to get Romney to like him.
On another note…Biden’s not doing very well with the fact-checkers!
Gee, looked around (because you didn’t post a link) to find out what you were talking about and this is all I could find from Think Progress Ryan’s 24 myths in 40 minutes.
Guys and gals…
One cannot predict the future…
Even one minute ahead of time (I might drop dead right NOW…NOW!)
Stop trying to worry about tomorrow…you’re alive NOW…
Be grateful!
Of course, I’m a jerk who only partially practices what I preach…
And I apologize to anyone on this blog who felt I was attacking them as a person…
Sam, no one here really cares what you have to say. You are nothing more than a minor annoyance. Kind of like a gnat.
Bzzzzz Bzzzzz Bzzzzz Bzzzzz SWAT!
What was that? A gnat.
I’m glad that Obama has such good SS protection, cause I suspect it’s gonna get uglier and uglier the closer we get to election day.
Man At Romney Rally In Ohio Wears Shirt Saying “Put The White Back In The White House”
You know what I really wish for all the haters? That they could be magically transported (“raptured?”) to the world of their dreams, and that we could check in on them around 2030 or so to see how they are doing.
Where the Ryan Budget is the law – they hit 65 and find that they are given essentially discount coupons for health insurance but they’d better have no pre-existing conditions and it is legal for the insurance companies to cancel them as soon as they get ill. That the social security trust fund was lost in the Romney stock market crash of 2016. Where people who are too sick or old to work have to beg for charity – but the charities have little funds because the rich people pay no taxes so have no incentive to contribute to charities, and the few people left in the middle class can’t because the charity deduction, along with the mortgage deduction, has been eliminated.
Where sex education is banned and the wingnut-owned pharmacies legally opt out of providing birth control – which all of them will because this is their dream. Where the response to skyrocketing teen pregnancies is state-mandated monthly pregnancy tests so they can detect abortions.
Yes, quite the utopia. Only one minor complaint in 2030, and that’s the weather. This wingnut “heaven” has been getting hot as hell lately….
My hope is that this pic becomes viral so it can last through the weekend. It’s been floating around since early evening, but the buzzfeed boys just “dumped” it at about 9:30 to 10:00 so it will probably be overlooked. My goal is to tweet it to as many people as I and try my best in my own little way to help it along it’s viral way.
I know I’m Black, so racism is a way of life that I’ve lived with all of my 35 years it ain’t new to me, but I can honestly don’t live my life looking for it at every turn, so with all the things I figured contributing to what’s been going on with the Obama “soft support” numbers since the debate, I never really thought (or maybe I really hoped) that race wasn’t a “real” guiding factor against Obama, but damn if I can come up with a good enough explanation for what’s going on. I just can’t for the life of me believe that 1 debate was all it took for Obama’s “soft” support to waver. It’s just got to be other factors too and I sincerely beginning to think that race is a factor.
It’s one of the reasons I frankly apprehensive of the next POTUS debate. As much as I wish Obama could be like Biden, I just know that he can’t, he really has to walk a fine line. I’m sincerely beginning to believe that people just look at Romney and think hey this dude looks like a President and that’s enough for them, since to thiese people, Obama NEVER looked like what a US President should or ever has been.
Sure the KKK and white supremacist are for Romney/Ryan, but man I hope I’m wrong and race is the least of the factors. But there is no way to really know, it’s not like the conservs I know are blatant to me with their racism, heck for all I know they could be, as the O’Jays said, “smiling in my face…backstabbers”
Anyway, I think I’ve been up to long. Good night guys.
I keep trying to walk all my friends back from the ledge as they whine about the polls, the polls, the polls. And I actually had a good night phone banking last Wednesday now that the focus is on turnout. But I am starting to doubt myself lately too. What happened to “Everyone dislikes Mitt!” What happened to “Debates don’t matter”? How on earth could Romney’s campaign make such a stunning turn-around after one debate? Suddenly, he’s believable? And of the things that were said to matter–economic good news–now that doesn’t matter? It’s all about one debate of three? All I can think is that the support for Obama was soft to begin with, and we were deluded into thinking the win would be big. But even if that’s the case, I don’t see how Romney could change his campaign on the fly in one day, and the race changes. He changes everything all the time. Why is he suddenly believable enough to alter the numbers?
McCain/Palin was ahead for a little while in 2008, too. Yes, that was early in the campaign than this time around, but if people can shift so easily toward Romney, that means they can easily shift back to Obama too. We can’t take any vote for granted, but we also shouldn’t believe any voter is unreachable just because they’ve recently come around to Romney.
Thanks, Xantar. I realize hope is not a viable plan, but I hope you’re right.
also wait a few days and see what happens with the polls.
…and wait to see what SNL does this weekend. We could all use a good laugh at the week’s events.
here’s a nice ad though
Great that you are doing phone banking!!!
I’ve been phone banking for 8 months in Midlothian VA. There are plenty of other people who’ve been more dedicated, so I’m not patting myself on the back. Last week, one of the paid OFA staffers, 23, fell over from exhaustion and had to have surgery–a stent. That’s an extreme case, but those young staffers are pushing themselves hard. Others are volunteers who work two or more days a week and open their homes for phone-banking and data entry. I hope to God all the hard work on the ground game in VA pays off.
Very impressive, and sounds like it will pay off. thanks for posting.
here’s a nice upbeat Obama ad
I don’t see the value in polling anyone that isn’t a likely voter.
If you’re a registered voter, but don’t plan to vote, then who cares what you think?