It happened again.
(CNN) – A single shot was fired Friday at an Obama campaign office in Denver, Colorado, a police spokeswoman said.
The shot resulted in no injuries, although people were in the building at the time, Denver police spokeswoman Raquel Lopez told CNN.
How many Romney offices have been shot at? If you can count to zero, you have your answer. How many liberals have been arrested for political terrorism involving violence such as this against Republicans over the two decades? I hate to repeat myself but if you can count to zero, etc. How many conservatives had killed people or committed acts of violence based on their ideology over that same period? The names James Adkisson (shooter and killer of Knoxville Unitarian Church members), Eric Rudolph (bombings and killing based on his anti abortion and anti-gay agenda), Scott Roeder (assassin of Dr. George Tiller) come to mind? There have been many, many more politically motivated plots, threats, and acts of violence by the right wing I do not have the space to include here. They include several plots to assassinate President Obama, and calls for his assassination by conservatives.
To be fair I can think of one incident involving the conservative, anti-gay organization The Family Research Council by a man that volunteered at the DC Center for the LGBT Community. That’s it. But hey, that means in our warped political climate both sides do it.
Yeah, right.
If they have a “vehicle of interest,” then this wasn’t a random shot from a mile away going through a window, like the bullet that hit Eric Cantor’s office. This was somebody shooting at the office.
I bet we see more and more of this as the election gets closer, and Obama holds onto the lead.
I’m good with calling this an act of terrorism.
I wish Booman would again post his story on how the Nazis obstructed the German parliament until they got power. After losing an election badly they found a way to destroy a desperate democracy. I know it violates the rule when hitler is mentioned that means the debate is over but it is haunting. The Repugs are encouraging the dark angels of the human soul with their asinine rhetoric.
IIRC although they were a minority party they used Brownshirts to block access to the Reichstag except for Nazis. Then they passed the Enabling Act
Think of the Tea Party blocking all Democrats from entering the Capitol. They then pass whatever Legislation they want over Obama’s veto. Then, when Constitutionality is questioned, they stop four Justices from entering the Supreme Court.
I forgot part of the scenario:
Only allowing Republicans to enter the Capitol building, Republicans proceed to impeach and convict Barack Obama and Joe Biden, leaving Speaker Boehner to succeed to the Presidency.
I have predicted violence afterwards if Obama wins re-election. Others have their doubts. I hope I’m wrong but in my little corner of the world I have never seen people as riled up as they are now.
As I’ve commented before, my little unincorporated area is over75% registered Republicans and voted over 90% for McCain. Over 45% are ex-military on pension plans (their mile-wide attitudes of entitlement explain a portion of my anti-military positions). It’s a very nice little place as long as we don’t mention national politics. (Local politics are fine – when every position like Sherriff or Mayor is contested by two Republicans party labels don’t cloud people’s thinking – though of course the biggest slur the local politicians throw at each others is “you are just like a Democrat”.)
4 years ago there were no McCain signs up until he picked Palin, then they sprouted quickly. A fair number of Obama signs showed up, including me and the next door neighbor. We still have neighbors who won’t talk to us because of that.
This year the density of Romney signs is quadruple what McCain had 4 years ago – reminds me of the density of Obama signs in the “liberal” enclave in Colorado Springs near the college 4 years ago. When you hear people talk (and remember, they talk openly if you are white because they assume you agree) they spout the craziest stuff from the craziest radio shows out there. Oh, fox has been firing them up for 16 years now, but I’ve never seen anything like this.
Probably the biggest thing is that they REALLY BELIEVE the 47% lie – that 47% of the people are collecting government payments and doing nothing. The gall of people like one neighbor – who is very nice but who spent 20 years in the coast guard and now collects a fat 60% pension (and is likely to continue to do so for 30 more years) and works part time – complaining about others receiving government payments is beyond me. In the coast guard, of course, he never came within 6000 miles of a military battle.
They believe that Obama has caused all the economic problems – and that any that came before him were caused by laws that forced banks to give loans to deadbeats (not said: dark-skinned deadbeats). They believe the deficits are due to his giving trillions to his brothers in the ghetto. And they believe that this is part of his secret plan to destroy the country. Finally, they believe that the only way he’ll win is with vote fraud.
Honestly, if you and everyone you knew deeply believed stuff like that and then your guy lost, violence would seem the rational course of action.
Oh, and because of the climate neither I nor my neighbor are putting up signs this year. I’ve counted 7 people with Obama signs out of about 4000 houses – only 1 of those also had an Obama sign up 4 years ago.
I’ve heard it said. Like you say, if you are White, they think you agree with them. When they venture into that territory just nod slightly. When they look around and breech the N word, just smile politely. All the garbage will come spewing out.
Oh, I hear it, too – but much less often. Not in public places but private parties, etc.
That’s the difference between now and the 60’s. When we all die off it will better. Not perfect, because there are still young bigots, but better.
On the good news front, the polling trend may have finally reversed. Last night the 538 update was more good news for Romney with straight, steep trend lines in his direction. Today’s update shows a bounce-back.
538 uses a model they finalized in the spring and never changes – they just feed the daily poll data in and the numbers are spit out. Unlike other sources of polling info this is very reassuring. 538 has shown the stark bad news and now shows a hint of possible good news.
Oh, GOOD! Let the good news start rolling out.
I read that when Obama practiced for the first debate John Kerry acted as the Romney stand-in.
Bad bad bad. What he needs is someone whose strategy is to say whatever lie sounds good at the time and not worry about fact checking. Someone who’ll make shit up on the spot and count on his opponent not to call him on it for fear that there might be a grain of truth in it.
The best example of Mitt Romney’s debate strategy is Bill O’Reilly. But since he’s probably not going to help I suggest they get Steve Colbert.
Two thumbs up – and get Jon Stewart’s writer stable as advisors……
The daily RAND poll – which is different because it uses the same sample over time – also shows an evening out yesterday and a slight uptick today.
Nate Silver correctly cautions that this is a slight change and may not represent a trend. Absolutely correct, Nate. But after over a week of a free fall in the polling trends this is a very welcome change.
Look, it had to bottom out somewhere. There are only so many people to influence by a debate – first the live viewers and then those who get the info second hand. And even if they repeat the same performances on Tuesday there won’t be a second “Romney bounce” to match the first. What we have now is a tied race, with Romney slightly ahead in popular vote and Obama slightly ahead in the electoral college. You can read from Nate and others about the trade-offs between the two – both types of polling have their strengths.
I think the best Romney will do is a tie – which unfortunately almost certainly leads us to a Florida 2000 situation again – possibly in multiple states. Most people forget but New Mexico was also a virtual tie in 2000 but the wingnut army didn’t descend on New Mexico because it had no effect on the outcome – and ultimately the count went to Gore. In another Florida 2000 situation I am going to bet on Romney right now, because sorry but I have seen ZERO evidence that the Dems will fight any harder now than they did in 2000.
Therefore, we need a significant uptick. Obama … you are on the clock.
So the R’s get crazed supporters shooting up Obama’s offices. Meanwhile, Springsteen has signed up to campaign in Ohio alongside Clinton.