I think it’s un-American to try to win an election by rigging the rules so that it’s harder for the other party to get out their vote:
During his keynote speech at an election law symposium at University of Toledo on Friday, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted (R) claimed two recent court decisions restoring early voting on the last three days before the election was “un-American.”
It also makes it harder to accept the outcome of a close election if the other side made your voters stand in long lines. That’s what happened in 2004, and that is what early voting in Ohio is intended to prevent. Let’s have people express their will and let the chips fall where they may. But trying to win by making it hard to vote in densely populated areas is simply cheating. And cheating is supposed to be un-American. In any case, it’s wrong.
Are you kidding? It’s as American as apple pie. Cheating? Yes. Wrong? Absolutely. un-American? No way. Between not listening to the court order, to limiting the right of people to vote…it’s damn near carbon copy of the American tradition.
This guy needs to get his ass handed to him ny the DOJ.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You kill me Booman!
Like Scalia and Thomas, he’s an “originalist.” Democracy was for white men of property or whatever other criteria the individual states chose.
Hopefully the Democrats can line up a solid candidate to kick this WATB out of office in a couple years.
John Husted is not a tea party republican: he is a Rovian republican with the same mission as Blackwell-by any & all means prevent a Democratic electorate from winning.
At his Husted’s direction, Ohio ballots will counted by Hart InterCivic in Austin, Texas, another evoting corporation in Republican hands and incidentally with close ties to Bain Capital investors. (Farther south then Blackwell sent them in 2004 and the mis-count will be just as safe.)
The punch card domino game begun in 1999 continues.
Will planes fall from the sky again?
Uh Oh. Ohio is lost, early voting or no. Votes counted by a Bain company in Texas? It’s lost.
Don’t you know? The private sector can do ANYTHING better. Don’t you want vote counting done by the best means possible? Probably cheaper too. 🙂
A complete conflict of interest! Ohio is lost.
Fox reported today (I was at lunch at work. I don’t pick the channel.) the Real Clear Politics has Romney ahead in electoral votes and Pennsylvania in play. What say you?
Nate Silver has Romney at 246 electoral votes and Ohio for Obama. With Romney’s son Tagg counting Ohio’s votes that means 264 for Romney. And how many other rigged vote counts are there?
Cancel the stuff about Real Clear Politics. Although Bloomberg calls them “the most respected election site”, a quick google check reveals they are Republican shills.
The same way private for-profit food service companies took over military mess halls. Troops are happier with those $100/plate chow.
Food service exists in the private sector. Voting is a completely governmental function.
Just another Katherine Harris.
Un-American! BooMan, you are the poster child for the myth of American Exceptionalism
If you think that, you need to get out more.
The term “American Exceptionalism” always confuses me because it seems to mean different things to different people.
Care to tell us your definition of the term in the context you just used it?
American exceptionalism (n) the belief that America (as in The United States of…) is some kind of qualitatively unique and special entity such that the term un-American actually means something.