Let’s do a little exercise. I am going to provide you with some couplets. They are things Mitt Romney said at different times about the same subject. And I want you to try to explain to me how they do not contradict each other. Ready? Here goes.
‘It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam.’
‘I longed in many respects to actually be in Vietnam and be representing our country there.’
Now, a cynic might think that a coward occasionally wishes he had courage, and that someone who counter-protested draft resisters at Stanford might have a little lingering guilt about using a religious exemption to avoid being drafted. Otherwise, the two comments cancel each other out and one must be a lie.
Here’s another:
‘This is a completely airtight kennel mounted on the top of our car.’
‘They’re not happy that my dog loves fresh air.’
Here, a cynic might note that putting your dog in an airtight kennel will result in asphyxiation after a few hours and that is why no one manufactures airtight kennels. They might also point out that a dog that loves fresh air would probably not love being asphyxiated on the roof of Mitt Romney’s car. But what he meant was that the kennel protected the dog from the worst of the wind and that it only evacuated its bowels all over the back windshield of the car because it’s what dogs do when they’re having a good time.
Ready for another one?
‘I saw my father march with Martin Luther King.’
‘I did not see it with my own eyes.’
Cynics, being cynics, might point out that you can’t see things with other people’s eyes. To see things, you must use your own eyes. But those would be very gullible cynics because George Romney never marched with Martin Luther King, Jr.
‘I respect and will protect a woman’s right to choose.’
‘I never really called myself pro-choice.’
This is somewhat like ordering a hamburger and then telling the waitress who delivers your meal that your didn’t order beef on a bun. The first statement was obviously time-limited, and the second one was probably untrue.
‘I’ve been a hunter pretty much all my life.’
‘Any description of my being a hunter is an overstatement of capability.’
I’d like to supplement this couplet with an additional quote: ‘I’m not a big game hunter… I’ve always been a rodent and rabbit hunter. Small varmints, if you will.’
When you call yourself “pretty much” a lifelong hunter, you mean that you are not a lifelong hunter. This became clearer during his subsequent statements.
“We’re going to cut taxes on everyone across the country by 20 percent. Including the top one percent.”
“I will not reduce the taxes paid by high-income Americans.”
He said the first in a primary debate and the second in the first presidential debate. This one can’t be salvaged.
Feel free to create your own couplets.
How about these lies…
“America is the one indispensable nation…”
“I believe in free enterprise…”
“Israel is our closest ally…”
Do you think he actually believes it?
He LIED about Romney’s position on the auto bailout…
LIED…read the NYT op-Ed…LIED
From the point of view of the post World War Two situation, America was indispensable. It remains that way, but to a lesser extent. Obama definitely believes in free enterprise, as do I, and as do almost everyone reading this blog. The United Kingdom is our closest ally, and Canada fits in there, too. But Israel is a very close ally.
I think Obama’s right saying Israel is our closest ally. Israel’s dependent on the US for its survival and continued existence. Israel’s was an infant of a country when the US adopted them after WWII out of the hugeness of our collective heart. Now it’s grown up to become a thankless, reckless adolescent, but it’s still a child. Until it grows up, ’til it’s a little better able to manage on its own in the world, they’ll remain our little bubala, and our closest ally. Obama’s got it quite right.
Maybe the other way around.
The US is Israel’s closest ally. (Maybe their only real ally.)
They need us more than we need them.
You got that right. Furthermore, Israel acts less like an ally than like an ungrateful little shit that takes whatever it can grab then turns around and screws its benefactor. Narcissistic is a word that comes to mind.
It wasn’t the result of the hugeness of your collective heart, it was the result of the ruthless and very skillful application of economic and political pressure along with one of the most effective P.R. campaigns in history. People’s careers and in some cases lives were destroyed in order to induce the United States’ “adoption” of what began as a very bratty child, and has become the thankless, reckless adolescent you described.
And by the way, Israel is less your little bubala than an albatross around your neck that you can’t dislodge because it has a stranglehold on your politicians.
Oh, never mind on my above comment. I see you meant geographically closest when you said the UK and Canada. You’re right, of course.
You don’t quite get why America is “indispensable”, or “exceptional”…
It is the first nation in the history that EXPLICITLY stated that the SOLE role of government is to protect the rights of INDIVIDUALS…that’s it! Pretty radical…
You guys just don’t get that…you probably never will…that’s why Easteoods Schtick was so brilliant…Government is our servant, not our master…politicians are our employees…talk about radicals… The founding fathers were the ultimate radicals…
By some amazing coincidence, we became the most successful nation in history…
Y’all just don’t grasp the connection
Are the “donut” police coming?
I love how y’all preach “tolerance”, yet have to muzzle opposition.
OK, Drew, that was a nice description of the myth. Now, how about we talk reality?
Which reality? I gave you mine, you give me yours…
No, what you provided was the American myth. The reality is something far different.
What is your alternative reality?
It’s reality as opposed to your fantasy.
Boo…I am paying about half of my income in various taxes…government regulations are truly in-fucking believable…government beareaucrats and trial lawyers are opportunistic parasites that see successful businesses as tickets to wealth, or a means of excercising petty power…
Did you know that an employee can punch a time clock, in and out, then claim they worked overtime…even though their time card indicates otherwise…and sue for treble damages…and the EMPLOYER has to PROVE te employee is lying?
Have you researched the laws in California relating to CLAIMS of sexual harassment? Employer is presumed guilty unless proven innocent for the actions of INDIVIDUAL employees…
Blue states are a fucking joke…
Do the research.
Who pays your bills? Uncle Sam?
Actually, this might be a teaching moment…
The onerous taxes and regulations described above hurt the “middle class” more than me…
My managers and trainers earn middle-class wages…50k to 80k…
I have a choice where to invest my savings…open new health clubs, thus employing managers and trainers, earning “middle-class” wages, or stocks/bonds/real estate/precious metals…
Those “passive investments earn a much lower return on investment than opening a health club, but have much less risk…
So, if I open a health club, I’ll make an additional 100,000 per year, but will create, depending on how successful the club is, 6 to 15 good paying “middle-class” jobs…no club, no jobs…
My money earns less in stocks/bonds/real estate/gold, but less risk…
and I already made 1.7 million last year…
What’s worse…I make 1.8, and create 10 good paying jobs, or I still make 1.7 with no jobs? But I paid my “fair share”!
Y’all’s ignorance (includes Obama) about wealth creation is truly stunning.
And you wonder why Romney will win this election based on spouting statistics describing Obama’s pathetic economic performance!
Oh, boohoo! Workers have rights. What a terrible thing. And worse yet, once in a blue moon a worker tries to abuse those rights. BooohoooohOOOOOOO! Life sure sucks for “job providers”, doesn’t it? Don’t know why you guys even bother.
First, it’s the trial lawyers who are the primary a users…ambulance chasers that seek out “victims”, then hold businesses hostage…
I only have a 6 percent profit margin…Every dollar spent in legal fees defending a bogus lawsuit is one less dollar spent on labor costa or expansion…
Blue state regulations equals less employment and less take home pay…
The real shame is that honest, hard-working, productive employees suffer the consequences of the actions of dishonest, lazy employees…
Truly pathetic…
We tried having a society without Medicare and Medicaid. We tried having a society without Social Security. We tried having a society without an EPA and FDA. We tried having a society with ever increasing wealth concentrated at the top. We tried having a society where management has unchecked power over employees.
History? How does that work?
I’d say Obama probably believes all of that. I do not. I don’t think you believe America is one indispensable nation anymore than I do either: it’s not one nation at all. You’re living proof.
You are an ignorant and intellectually dishonest moron, like all conservative males.
Did you miss the “couplet” idea that Booman introduced here? You might want to look that word up, it wasn’t covered in your “business admin” courses. In any event, for each example you need to show ANOTHER quote by Obama which clearly undercuts the statement you have (supposedly) quoted him as saying. That’s the game—get a clue, you rightwing dimwit. Good Luck.
As for Rmoney’s “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” NYT Op-Ed (and his various other lengthy statements on the matter which you ignore), Rmoney’s entire point was that he opposed the demonic federal gub’mint giving additional new capital (“bailouts”) to the failed car towns—EVEN in a “managed” bankruptcy. The private capital markets were the only option for plutocrat loan shark Rmoney, although he was willing to permit gub’mint “guarantees” of (private) exit capital—but that is not capital itself. The new capital absolutely could not come from the fed’rul gub’mint in Rmoney’s view. And if you read the NYT piece, he thought the “aid” the gub’mint should give Detroit was such things as funding independent research into new fuels, for Christ’s sake!
Of course, as a result of the ongoing financial market meltdown there was no private capital available either before, during or after bankruptcy for the auto companies, as every major figure in the drama has repeatedly stated. Which you obviously are ignorant of. So it is Bishop Rmoney who is (as always) lying to you on this issue. You’re just too stupid to care or to understand the lie, and have instead been happily gorging on right wing sewage from the usual cesspools. Urp!
Pardon me for being linguistically picky, but I believe you meant to say that the dog evacuated its bowels all over the rear windshield.
And eliminated the blood liquid contents thereof?
Romney is a coward? Really?
Yet voters are rallying to the turd (and I’ve never before called a candidate that). What I hear from Democrats is, “You know, Obama doesn’t really have a plan for jobs and housing. Crazy as it seems maybe we ought to try Romney’s plan”.
This is the way the voters thought in 1980.
I was going to take the USPS incentive to retire, but now I’m hanging on to the bitter end. SS and Medicare won’t be worth anything.
Where are you again?
Illinois. Chicago Suburbs.
someone who counter-protested draft resisters at Stanford might have a little lingering guilt about using a religious exemption to avoid being drafted.
I can’t imagine that Romney feels any guilt about not going to Viet Nam.