The national chairman of Romney’s campaign the toad-people isn’t very diplomatic about Colin Powell endorsing the president’s re-election:
John Sununu told CNN last night, “When you take a look at Colin Powell, you have to wonder whether that’s an endorsement based on issues or whether he’s got a slightly different reason for preferring President Obama?”
Asked what that other reason might be, the Republican added, “Well, I think when you have somebody of your own race that you are proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him.”
Not too long ago, King Toad called the president ‘lazy’ and ‘not that bright.’ Back in August, he was at the forefront of the totally dishonest campaign to deceive people into believing that the president had dismantled the work requirement for welfare.
At this point, it’s hard to dismiss this fake Twitter feed as a hoax. And, yes, I know Sununu issued some kind of half-ass apology for his remarks about Powell. No one cares.
Ha ha ha.
Saw that. First time I ever laughed at a political ad.
Obviously not the kind of humor that appeals to or is understood by those with reptilian brains. It’s a bit too nuanced for them. Plus, we all know that it’s only appropriate to talk about that “sexy-time stuff” when it relates to women’s sluttiness, restricting contraception or one of those “god’s will” pregnancies.
Not that bright huh. This from Dumb As A Post.
Those tweets have to be a hoax. Sunnunnu isn’t smart enough to come up with anything nearly that witty.
Trying to create a racial outrage to distract from the rapist protectors and the war on women?
No one cares what Sununu thinks, just ignore.
to accuse Powell of endorsing Obama because he is black because they are basically supporting Romney because he is NOT BLACK.
It is unfair on Powell though.
Sununu IS a toad; a bitter, angry, racist toad.
Ya know, these Republicans and their smarmy, snotty racist comments really piss me off. They talk about how Obama doesn’t respect or support this country, but they pull out all the stops to vote down any and everything he proposes to help move us forward.
And with their dogwhistle statements, which are more like foghorns, they show more disrespect and contempt than they would have ever shown anyone else.
Goddammit, he’d better win!!!
This idiot was on CF13 after the town hall debate while I was in the Dr.’s office waiting. The dog whistle went off and one word slipped out…A$$@#$%…well, those that were paying attention…let’s just say there was a lot of laughing and snickering going on in agreement.
Yep it’s a matter of calling the faithful, and of the faithful seeing who doesn’t laugh at the “joke”. Same good ole Southern social control of yore.
Sununu should get the Pat Buchanan treatment whose racist comments got him kicked out the pundit pool of guests. These racist rants need to haunt him long after the election. People should contact the sponsors in protest of any program where this toad appears.
One can only hope that Mitt’s bonus check to Sununu is returned for NSF.
“somebody of your own race…”
Well, yes indeed, White Male Sununu. Does this explain why we incredibly have white males supporting the smilin’ (white male) Bishop by over 2 to 1? And why we have a (white) Repub prez campaign that has openly decided their only route to victory is to rally the American White Tribe to an unprecedented level, over 60%?
Or does this stellar Sununian reasoning only work for one race?
I think at this point we have to acknowledge that we have a severe problem in this country: the white male. As a demographic, they appear to be overwhelmingly irrational, emotional, ignorant, immune to reason and stuffed with so much built up resentment and victimhood that fantasies of loading up the monster pickup with their basement armory and killing everyone in line at the neighborhood Taco Bell likely occur on a daily basis a million times over.
They are simply enraged that a non-white male has been elected prez and may be re-elected, and that Obama’s administration and appointments are not 99% of time members of the heretofor exclusive wielders-of-power club. At least we have a pretty clear idea of what is meant when the American white male screams “Take our country back!!” Emphasis on the “our”.
And enough with dragging poor harmless animals like toads into our rancid politics, they have enough image problems without being compared to braindead hate-filled humans like John Sununu….
Hey, I resemble that remark.
I have been informed that the International Brotherhood of Toads have objected to your characterization of Sununu as a toad. They go on to point out that toads who behave as Sununu did are called “sununus”. And suggest that Sunnunu “go Cheney himself”.
Apparently the sewage has backed up in our shining city on the hill, and half the country is OK with that.
Paul Krugman sez this morning:
More time won’t fix the problem. Junk is baked into the process because it works.
Michelle Goldberg once said:
Wow. Large families, home schooling … look out.
So that must explain why Sununu is supporting Romney – he’s the Great White Hope.
Hey !! Let’s not be dissing toads here !! Being a herpetologist, I LOVE TOADS, and, even though they drink through their asses, they aren’t anywhere near as sh^&&y as John Sununu. So let’s watch it in the future … HypnoToad for Prez.
All hail the HypnoToad!
Well Sununu talks through his ass.
Yes, and the amazing part is some folks like the way that sounds.
I heard Powell’s complete reasoned well-thought-out remarks on Progressive Talk Radio this afternoon and I have no idea why Powell does not change his registration. He doesn’t belong in the same party as Romney and Sununu.