We’re still here…got the kayak paddles at the ready in case we have to make a break for it tomorrow…
But seriously, school is closed Monday and Tuesday, my office is closed tomorrow and maybe Tuesday, and we’re just waiting for the oldest to get home from work tonight. Apparently, we are pretty close to right in the path of the current Sandy projections. I hope the sump pump doesn’t give out. And the MiFi is charged so we can stay online. 🙂
In the meantime, here’s my favorite endorsement of the political season (thanks to JanetTinMD and SecondNature for sharing it with me!):
I was waiting for the next thread to post it. Looks like you’re ahead of the curve anyway, CG! I am off as well, but I gotta say I better not lose power. I’d rather be at work working than stuck at home with no power.
Hope you stay dry and pump doesn’t give out.
Great endorsement video! certainly conveys my picture of what a Romney presidency would be like (hopefully we’ll never know for sure)
nice and subtle the way he’s cooking dinner – lucky he gives himself flexible hours so he can get home in time for that
Stay safe! Stay dry! Thinking of you here in SW Ohio, where we hope to remain on the fringe of the Sandy disaster.
Thanks for sharing Joss Whedon’s ad. I didn’t think I could love him more, but I do. People don’t realize, or they just don’t care that Romney will truly cast this country down a well that we will never pull out of. A win for Romney would truly be apocalyptic.
Hang in there!
Here in NoVA Sandy has been a nothingburger so far. A little wind, a little rain. It could certainly make one complacent.
I hope folks on the coast are taking the warnings seriously.
Jeff Masters’ blog at WeatherUnderground:
(Emphasis added.)
Stay safe everyone.
I, for one, look forward to the Halloween decorations, skeletons, witches and all, screaming past the windows in gale force winds.
It will be a suitable start to a Zomney Apocalypse.
Joss Whedon is God. That is all.
Agreed! Shiny!
I, for one, welcome our new zombie overlords.
The video was fun, and funny, and I didn’t even know who Joss Whedon was. I could feel all the inside jokes as they whipped all around me, but I could only guess at the references.
Is there any particularly good starting point for getting acquainted with Joss Whedon?
Because–equality is not a concept. It’s not something we should be striving for. It’s a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
We need equality. Kinda now.
[Applause from audience]
So, why do you write these strong female characters?
Because you’re still asking me that question.
I didn’t know much about him either. Here’s his very impressive IMDB profile. Mostly writer / producer stuff.
Firefly and Serenity ~ oh yeah, I’m a fan.
+1 !
And don’t forget “Buffy”.
Thanks for all the responses on Joss Whedon. I am off to poll watch all day, so looking at all this good stuff will be my treat when I get home.
My goodness. Thomas Friedman is making sense today. I wasn’t prepared for that.
Thanks for the Joss Whedon. He’s one of my favorite television writer/producer/directors. I first became aware of his talent with “Buffy The Vampire Slayer,” and the spinoff “Angel.” Whedon is also an unabashed Anglophile having gone to school in England in the late 70’s. This is why the stodgy Englishman character Giles played an essential/prominent role on Buffy which allowed Whedon to pepper the series with loads of Anglo references.
Whedon is also a third generation entertainment writer. His father and grandfather wrote for television and Broadway productions. He utilizes a writing staff that is known in Hollywood as “The Northwestern Mafia,” since most of them are N.U. grads from around the same time that a young Stephen Colbert graced the campus.