CNN interview on damage from storm surge. Governor Jack Markell from Delaware in remarks on Sandy and federal disaster relief from FEMA: “Romney is an idiot.”
Would Romney abolish FEMA? His campaign says no
DAVENPORT, Iowa–As Hurricane Sandy bears down on the East Coast, Mitt Romney’s campaign is pushing back against suggestions that he wants to abolish the Federal Emergency Management Agency–insisting that he would simply prefer to see states take a greater role in disaster relief.
At a GOP primary debate in June 2011, Romney, when asked about FEMA’s budget woes and how he would deal with it, had said, “Every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states, that’s the right direction. And if you can go even further and send it back to the private sector, that’s even better.”
During that debate, the moderator, CNN’s John King, had gone on to ask if that included “disaster relief.” Romney suggested it did.
The Center for American Progress, a liberal group, called attention to Romney’s remarks in an email to reporters on Sunday.
Asked for clarification today, Romney spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg said the GOP nominee wasn’t implying he would get rid of FEMA, but rather that he simply wants states to play a greater role in disaster response.
Hurricane puts spotlight on Romney’s past FEMA remarks
(USA Today) – With Hurricane Sandy bearing down on the East Coast, comments that Mitt Romney made during the GOP primary about federal disaster relief are facing fresh scrutiny.
Back in December 2011, Romney commented during a GOP debate that it was “immoral” for the federal government to unnecessarily spend money on disaster relief in the face of yawning deficits.
Some liberal commentators, including Matthew Yglesias of Slate, said the comments underscore that Romney wants to cut funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, but the Romney campaign has pushed back against the assertion.
“Gov. Romney believes that states should be in charge of emergency management in responding to storms and other natural disasters in their jurisdictions,” Romney spokesman Ryan Williams said in a statement.
During his time as governor in Massachusetts, Romney requested federal emergency aid for the Commonwealth on several occasions:
— In December 2003, he requested funds from the George W. Bush administration for 12 of 14 Massachusetts’ counties following a massive snowstorm there;
— In January 2005, Romney requested FEMA funds for snow removal after record snowfalls there, according State House New Service;
— In June 2005, his administration requested FEMA funds to deal with the Red Tide outbreak.As governor of Massachusetts Romney received mixed reviews when it came to disaster preparedness and at least one state Senate committee issued reports that indicated Romney left the state vulnerable at the end of his term.
“Do you hear me NOW?” ~ Mother Nature (h/t Second Nature)
Climate change dooms Romney’s chances?
Not necessarily.
Worst case scenario?
A little more than half of the ones that vote.
Bet on it.
The TV machine has been on pretty non-stop here over the last 36 hrs. My jaw dropped last night when I first heard Christie’s praise for Obama. He has since done a number of additional interviews with various stations.
Clearing the way for an Obama victory and a clear field for 2016?
Christie must be reading Nate Silver and not buying Rove’s math. Perfect time to throw Mitt under the bus. Not only clears the field for 2016 but Christie can make himself look good with the federal aid and assistance he’ll be collecting.
You write:
Partially, for sure.
But you have to remember…in his own way Christie is quite honest and plain-spoken. And that honesty and plain-speaking are what have made him a major figure in the RatPub Party. He’s just doing what he has always done.
Is his honesty “correct?” Some of the time.
This is one of them.
I am sure that he watched the debates…all of them…with a “Whaddayou? Kiddin’ me or what!!!” look on his face whenever Romney spoke. I can’t imagine the two of them having a frank conversation. In fact, I can’t imagine Romney having any kind frank conversations. It’s all push-and-pull, bob and weave with him. Christie? He’s pretty much straight ahead and damn the torpedoes. I’ll bet he had to bite his tongue so hard it bled when he met face-to-face w/the Zombney.
Christie’s honest? How long has he been on the stump for Romney? Always interesting to see the folks taken in by so-called moderate Republicans such as Christie and Mitt (in 2002).
On the politician honesty scale, he’s way, way up there. Of course, that means he lies through his teeth when he has to, but most pols are almost compulsive liars. Christie’s compulsions are…different. A compulsive eater, no doubt, and a compulsive truth-teller too, even when it gets him in trouble.
I find it rather endearing.
God Almighty!!