New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has endorsed Barack Obama. While the endorsement is certainly half-hearted, it is nonetheless helpful. Every little bit helps. Probably more heartbreaking for Mitt Romney is the endorsement from The Economist. Almost literally, no one gives a crap about what The Economist thinks. The people who actually do are frequent dinner guests at the Romneys many homes. These plutocratic endorsements should have been a cinch for Mitt Romney, and he lost them both because he is a gigantic liar.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Mitt Romney can go suck a dick.
But not mine. I’m choosy about that.
He probably uses his teeth anyway.
OK, this is why Mike Bloomberg is a sniveling, craven billionaire living in a billionaire’s bubble. A quote from his “endorsement.”
“In 2008, Obama ran as a pragmatic problem-solver and consensus-builder. But as president, he devoted little time and effort to developing and sustaining a coalition of centrists, which doomed hope for any real progress on illegal guns, immigration, tax reform, job creation and deficit reduction. And rather than uniting the country around a message of shared sacrifice, he engaged in partisan attacks and has embraced a divisive populist agenda focused more on redistributing income than creating it.”
First off, he accepts the right-wing framing of the partisan dynamics of the last four years. No surprise, there. After all, as REPUBLICAN Mayor of New York in 2004, he rolled out the red carpet for the GOP PR Campaign of Fear. He allowed a devastated post-911 NYC to be the backdrop for the Party That Shamelessly Exploited 911 for political gain. He had his “personal army,” the NYPD, act as a Constitution-trashing Gestapo that rounded up protesters and bystanders alike, eventually costing the city millions to settle the civil rights lawsuits associated with those false arrests. Did the GOP reimburse the city for using it’s police force as a private army? Of course not. Did Bloomberg ever apologize for any of that shameless behavior? Of course not. Billionaires in bubbles don’t apologize.
So he basically a Republican hack when push comes to shove. So why endorse Obama at this late date? He knows Romney is going to lose. He knows he will be relying on Federal help to rebuild his city. He knows that crony capitalism and Republican incompetence in governing will be an impediment to that rebuilding effort. So here is a craven endorsement.
But that endorsement of right-wing framing of the last four years is what is really insulting. Where is the mention of the most obstructionist Congress in history? Missing. Just like Mike Bloomberg’s soul. And keep your hands off my giant soda, bitch!
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Endorses Barack Obama
OT, but wow, these mofos think we’re stupid. Vote 4 Romney cause Lincoln freed the slaves?? …
Now that is rich.
Yeah. All that ad could do is reassure white Republicans that they’re not really members of a racist party. Like having Michael Steele as their party
mascotchairman.If I didn’t know any better, I’d think it’s parody. If you did a scene with a group of dumb white guys in suits around a conference table before viewing the ad and then, afterward, patting themselves on the back for their marketing genius, you might have a decent comedy sketch.
I served dinner parties. I knew dinner parties. Dinner parties were a favorite of mine. Somehow I cannot picture a Rmoney dinner party, because it’s a hard thing to fake. Betcha can’t name an actual Rmoney guest.
I am fervently hoping that Jeb continues to tie his future to this loser. So nice to see smart republicans abandoning the sinking ship.
Well at least the parking is easy, if you don’t mind waiting for the elevator to come back up.
And never mind your wallet, keep your eye on your jugular with this crowd.
Jeb’s future is his inheritance.
EVERYBODY hates Romney. Everybody.
He’s running and keeping up in the polls because he’s not black and he’s not a Democrat. Period.