That was the comment made by a Republican Congressional candidate John Koster. Here’s the audio of his statement:
I know you may have seen this already at the Great Orange Satan, but I felt I needed to respond personally to Mr. Koster. You see I know of many cases of incest, so it isn’t rare to me. For those with little stomach for the details of the women I describe below, all people I know, please read no further.
My first wife was a victim of incest as was her older sister. Her father raped them anally so they would not get pregnant. He was an alcoholic. He was also the minister of the church my family attended, and no one knew, for he was universally admired because he was such a good preacher. The incest went on for years.
My great-grandfather, also a minister, and a butcher by trade during the week, had thirteen children, eleven who lived. After his wife died in childbirth he began raping his daughters. Most still at home left the farm where they lived as soon as possible. My grandmother stayed behind. She never admitted to us whether she was also a victim, but I have my suspicions. My great aunts only told us of his rapes of them after he died.
I worked as a counselor for emotionally disturbed adolescents after I received my undergraduate degree. I specifically worked at one place where six teenage girls resided together, the oldest 15 and the youngest twelve. Four had been raped by relatives, either fathers or step-fathers. One 12 year-old was pregnant at the time I worked there, as a result of rape by her father. Twelve years old, Mr Koster. And no, she wasn’t permitted the choice to abort the child. Her parents would not consent.
I know of another woman, a friend of mine, who was raped by her brother over a period of 3 years beginning at the age of nine. As a result of the physical trauma she suffered, she cannot have children.
I imagine I’ve known many other incest victims in my lifetime who did not reveal that they had been raped by relatives. Incest is a highly under-reported crime. However, the studies that have been done paint a picture that incest is far from an uncommon occurrence for women in the United States. A 2006 study found a rate of child sexual abuse of 27.9% in two parent families of both black and white women. Studies of incest rates of in the US as of 1991 found that:
[T]he studies report childhood memories of contact sexual molestation at rates ranging from 6 to 45 percent for women and from 3 to 30 percent for men.
The lower incidence figures in these studies turn out to be due to the method used in compiling them, As one moves from the lower to the higher figures, one discovers that the interview techniques begin to acknowledge the resistances of the respondents to such emotional questions. The lower figures are in response to written questionnaires or brief telephone calls, contacts that were considered intrusive by the respondent, while the higher figures, such as those of Wyatt and Russell (48) were the result of carefully structured face-to-face interviews lasting from one to eight hours.(49) […]
Yet even these astonishingly high figures are only a portion of the hidden true incidence rates. Four additional factors raise the actual rates even higher:
- The groups interviewed do not include many people in the American population who have far higher than average sexual molestation experiences, including institutionalized criminals, prostitutes, juveniles in shelters and psychotics (52),
- the studies only count admissions to the interviewer of abuse, and it is unlikely that no conscious memories were ever suppressed during the interviews,
- a large percent of each study refused to be interviewed, and these may have been the most victimized of all,(53) and
- most importantly, these studies include only clear conscious memories of events-unconscious memories, which are usually only uncovered during psychotherapy, would increase these rates.
So, Mr. Koster is talking out of his anal orifice. Incest, based on my personal experience with the women who have shared their stories of incest, and based on the best available statistics we have on the matter, is not rare in the United States. Tragically, it is a all too common experience.
I understand Mr. Koster opposes a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion, even in cases of rape and incest. That is his right to hold and speak out about his views on the subject. But to make such untrue, inaccurate and misleading statements regarding incest among women in order to support his claim that abortion should not be available for women is an insult to those who have suffered from incest or who know of and care about victims of incest. The effects of incest last a lifetime.
Mr Koster’s party affiliation means nothing to me in this matter. Any Democrats who hold the same views, and use the same “incest is rare” argument to promote their own social policy goals, also deserve our scorn. We know from the scandals in the Catholic Church that many instances of childhood sexual abuse were covered up, or that the victims were too ashamed to come forward. Imagine yourself, if you can, as a child who is being sexually abused. Who do you tell when your own family members are perpetrating these crimes.? Who do you blame in these situations? As an adult, to whom do you feel comfortable sharing these horrific intimate details of your life? Most women never talk about what happened to them as children, of the sexual abuse by a father, brother, cousin or uncle because it is too painful, they feel too ashamed, they don’t want to stir up trouble in their family or they simply don’t want to re-live those painful experiences by revealing them to other people, even their partners and significant other.
Mr. Koster, I demand you apologize to everyone who has ever been sexually abused by a parent, sibling, or other relative. Your ignorant, (at that being generous on my part) comments are beyond offensive. They are a slur on every incest victim, and rub salt in psychological and physical wounds that will never truly heal.
Incest? That never happens.
This seems to be a favorite line of illogic for a GOP argument. “It’s snowed at my house today so there’s no global warming”
And I’ll bet that this guy’s friend who bore the child is not a proponent of incest. Incest rape destroys the core being of a family, there is no safety, no comfort.
For a short time I lived in a town where there was 5x the national average of incest. When you drove in, the neighborhoods were beautifully manicured, in fact there was a city ordinance that no lawn would measure more than 2″ growth or the City would mow it and send you the bill. It was a town that screamed control.
“Mr Koster’s party affiliation means nothing to me in this matter.”
It should. Since Koster is a GOPer, his statement about incest probably means that he’s been shagging his entire family: girls, boys, dogs, parrots, whatever.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Well, I’ve been following his campaign pretty closely over the past year (as well as his run against Rick Larson in WA-02 in 2010) and to my knowledge he’s never denied any of that. QED.
And if he does deny any of it, you can be sure he won’t produce the long form certificate.
Me too.
Looks like we managed to help it to the rec list,
Don’t all of the cases you’ve described here really fall more under the category of rape as far as the abuse and criminality are concerned? I think the candidate actually meant consensual incest, and he actually seemed to be implying that abortion might be okay in those rare cases, which seems even more strange and inconsistent with his views regarding accepting the consequences of rape.
I have no idea what he meant, only how I understood it. In my view there is no such thing as consensual incest.
Of course there’s consensual incest – among adults who are direct blood relatives. But that’s very rare. Incest in which at least one of the pair is below the age of consent is far more common, which by definition makes it rape. And when there’s an extreme power dynamic involved – a 17-year-old daughter, let’s say – it’s doubtful she’s in a position to freely consent, either.
So, yeah, usually it’s a form of rape. An especially pernicious form of rape.
Here’s Koster’s quote;
He doesn’t specify which “type” of incest he means – i.e., whether it involves minors – but 99.9% of it does. So for him to claim he was only referring to adult relatives would be even more outrageous than the other interpretation, since he’d be washing child incest victims out of existence entirely, not just almost entirely. Either way, it’s a crime that thrives precisely because of its invisibility, and quite aside from the rape issues, Koster’s comments are enabling to people committing this crime. Period.
Anyone who knows an incest victim well enough to know their secret should be horrified by this man. Just reading his comment…
Thank you for finding this and writing about it, Steven. I had not heard of this one.
Here’s the district he’s running in:

WA-CD1 is a close race, too. Statistical tie, with his opponent seeming to pull ahead lately. It doesn’t seem to me that it should be close at all with this guy running.
Anyone from the Seattle area want to comment about the race, press coverage, etc? I’d like to understand this one better. This guy should not be able to win that district, right?
First of all, that is not the district he’s running in. That was WA-01 prior to redistricting. It is now, thanks to a plan the WA Dems inexplicably signed off on, a gerrymandered district that stretches from the NE Seattle suburbs all the way to the Canadian border (100 miles north) while somehow missing the two main cities in that stretch, Everett and Bellingham. It is about evenly divided between wealthy D suburbanites (Microsoft is in the district, so it’s techie-heavy) and rural Tea Partiers like Koster. He’s running against Suzan DelBene, a self-financed former Microsoft exec and corporate centrist. (Disclaimer: Darcy Burner, who lost to DelBene in the primary after DelBene poured in a bunch of her own money at the last minute, is a personal friend and former colleague.) DelBene is no treat (though she’s not bad on foreign policy issues), but Koster is a genuine troglodyte.
All the polls show this race to be very, very close, with a slight lean to Koster until recently. Of course, DelBene is still the same self-funded (and corporate-funded) millionaire she was in the primaries, so hopefully she’ll use her likely media buys to hammer this in the days remaining; WA is a very pro-choice state, one of the few to have abortion rights in our state constitution.
But Washington votes by mail, and ballots have been in people’s hands for two weeks already, so it won’t have as great an impact as it would have a month ago. And DelBene, should she win, will be no treat. She’d be replacing Jay Inslee (D), now slightly ahead in the polls for governor and running against another Tea Partier, our AG. Inslee is a true progressive. The Dems in our state legislature signed off on making WA-01 more conservative, and, either way, it will be. But Koster would be light-years worse.
Broader disclaimer: I’ve got two reasons to not be objective about this. One, I have a personal investment in the race because of my friendship with Darcy. Two – and I’ve written about this publicly, it’s no secret – I’m also an incest survivor, and because I’ve written about it I’ve known and corresponded with a lot of others, male and female. I know what it does to people. And what being forced to carry and even raise the baby while living in the perp’s house does to people. So, yeah, I take this douchenozzle’s comments very, very personally.
the GOP hates women.
I’m sorry for what your wife and sister went through.
Thank you! I appreciate the French culture and feminine approach to egalité. Much better than the Yanks, their constitution and taliban religious spill-over. Speaking in terms of an American Revolution, they could use some enlightenment.
Recent major news items of males getting rid of their pregnant spouses:
True horror scenarios I was aware of due to troubles with my former son-in-law and his Dutch Reformed version of the taliban.
I found a better link that explains fear of God in upbringing of a child – Dutch Reformed and The Fruit that Eve gave Adam.
As a father I wanted to be open-minded and accept a person of another faith. My [former] son-in-law has proved me wrong as a member of a Dutch taliban church organization. Before my daughter’s marriage he denied belonging to the extreme branch. He blasted my daughter, suffering from PPD after childbirth, her illness was god’s punishment. He filed for a divorce and took the child when my daughter was most vulnerable. What a great a$$hole …
That town I mentioned above? Well it’s Dutch Reform, 9 churches in town.
For folks wondering what it looks like politically, Steve King’s base in his Iowa district is rural Dutch Reform. He represents them well.
It’s “rare” because no one talks about it, and because the perps don’t “look” like molesters. Until a few years ago, I had no idea it was so common. 3, count’em, THREE of my female co-workers, out of a total of SIX, let drop in workplace conversation (after months or years of working there) that they had been molested by family members/preachers, etc. I never would have guessed it was so common. These women would NEVER have answered surveys about this devastating part of their lives. Only intensive counseling sessions would have uncovered it (or the subject came up among friends).
Just goes to show how abysmally ignorant the religious right is.