How would you like to discover an unknown group calling itself Americans for Limited Government sent out mailers to your neighbors allegedly informing them of when you have voted in the last several elections? Even further, how upset would you be if they sent out false information about when you voted? Well that is what happened to numerous people in several states and they are not pleased, to put it mildly:
The mailers showed the residents recent voting history, along with the voting history of some of their neighbors. Many who have received the mailers have complained that it is not only an intrusion of personal privacy, but also incorrect.
“I opened it up and it basically told me what my voting history was and the voting history of four of my neighbors,” Indiana resident James Daily told WFIE. “What was shocking to me was it showed that I had voted in the last election, but two years prior to that, I didn’t vote and unfortunately that’s not correct. I’ve voted every time in an election because it’s my civic duty.”
Raw Story (
The group’s Facebook page has been inundated with complaints by angry recipients of these unanticipated intrusions of privacy. I don’t understand what was Americans for Limited Government’s agenda in taking this step but I know how I would feel if anyone started publishing my voting record to my neighbors, much less one filled with inaccuracies. I’d assume they we’re trying to bully and intimidate me, regardless of their political affiliation.
So go over to ALG’s Facebook page and let them know what you think of their little Big Brother stunt.
Charles G. Koch Summer Fellow Program
My dad got one in the mail yesterday. I know because I’m the one who checks the mail. I normally throw out political mailers, but that looked more legit so I didn’t throw it away. Pathetic.
What do they mean by “voting history”? – how he voted, or just whether he voted?
just whether he voted. That’s a public record at least to the degree that you can pay to find out.
Not sure, I didn’t open it. It had tabs along those doted lines so you had to tear them off to open it. I know he’ll vote Republican so I didn’t bother throwing it away, but I figured it was just some organization that he belonged to and might want it. Now I know to throw them away.
It’s the most effective turnout weapon there is.
Is it obvious to people receiving the mailers that they are coming from GOP associated groups?
they’ll get mad, but they’ll be damn sure to vote. That’s why it works so well. And only a small fraction of people, even if they are mad, are going to change their vote over it.
The story goes that MoveOn is doing something similar.
Assholes are not only to be found on the right.
The story goes…??
Is this a rumor you wish to promote, or do you have a reliable source?
I don’t know if I count as a reliable source, but we got one of the ones from MoveOn. Though it’s not as specific, noting that my wife has voted in the last five elections, which is three more than the average voter in our neighborhood. This wasn’t particularly news since our neighborhood is an academic one with a few professors scattered in amongst a bunch of students. Nor was it particularly upsetting as it was A) accurate and B) an aggregate comparison naming no other names.
Thanks for the info Kelly. It seems that the letter your wife received differs significantly from the one Steven D writes about since it does not call out people in the neighborhood by name. It is beyond intrusive to do so. Encouraging people to go to the polls is fine, using public shaming as a tool is not.
You’re welcome, and yes, the MoveOn one is not particularly disturbing. My only issue with it is that it does offer some ammo for the false equivalency brigade.
I genuinely wonder what affect the tidal wave of anti-Obama mailers and broadcast ads is having on the persuadable voter. I suppose the “if Obama wins the world will end” theme may actually work with some … but I’ll bet more than a few look at all that money spent on those ads and figure that maybe the rich do need to pay more taxes.
Since I’m running for office, I have a database. I know EXACTLY WHEN every person in my district has voted. This is a public record, folks. THis is NOT intrusive. Now, admittedly, in the past this has not been made public. But your RECORD of VOTING is public. WHO you vote for is NOT known, but IF you voted is.
This is only surprising since you haven’t seen it. It’s the public record, like arrest records, home ownership records, and many others.
Sending it out to your neighbors is intrusive.
So, it’s OK if I know, but not OK if I tell you that I know?
Fascism American-style.
Today’s mailbox had one one anti-Obama mailing … nice respite … and one from Colorado Fair share saying that I’d voted in 2 of the last 4 elections, that was more than my neighbors, and please vote again this year. It didn’t mention my neighbors by name.
I looked it up and CFS is a nonpartisan non-profit which is basically Democratic. Not sure what the strategy here is – unless they got my name from OFA.