One hundred and fifty-seven members of Princeton University’s faculty and staff have made donations big enough to be disclosed for a presidential candidate. Of those 157, only two gave to Romney. The other 155 gave to Obama. Jay Nordlinger thinks that is a problem with Princeton University rather than an indication that there is something wrong with the Republican Party or Mitt Romney. I can’t imagine why an astrophysicist or Nobel Prize-winning economist wouldn’t want to support the party that denies evolution, plate tectonics, and global warming, and espouses Voodoo Economics. Or just take Jay Nordlinger and the National Review. Their hostility to academics is hardly welcoming. Right wing media are a neurotoxin which is why sociology and psychology professors at our elite universities aren’t interested in reading them outside of an experimental context. You spend $40,000 a year to send your kid to Princeton so he can learn something, not so he can sound like Donald Trump. Speaking of which, I am pretty sure the Wharton School would like to revoke Trump’s diploma.