In his article Does Fox Help or Hurt the GOP?, Booman wrote:

I consider Fox News to be a neurotoxin.

Booman…all network news is some kind of neurotoxin. Fox is just a more virulent version. Whether a drug turns its consumers into raving right-wing zombies, self-satisfied leftiness fools or sleeping centrists bent only on getting more “stuff” is immaterial. None of what is said on the news (well…almost none) is in any way true. In fact, if something is being covered on the mainstream network news in a fairly heavy and consistent manner one can rightly assume that it is disinformation of some kind.

I’d think that this would have become generally obvious to the American people during the runup to the Iraq invasion if not before, but the evidence points otherwise. The total non-personing of Ron Paul and the awful set of “predictions” that this would be a very close election are merely the most recent versions of this purposeful disinformation effort, and the coverage of the coming mythical fiscal cliff…”Oh, the horror of it all!!! The Republicans are going to crash the country now!!!…will be the next round in this seemingly endless media bout between truth and lies. The RatPubs aren’t going to crash anything because it would cost them money too. It’s all tactical political manureing…errr, ahhh, maneuvering…and nothing more.

Read on.
Booman also wrote:

Watching the network actually damages your brain and makes it harder to think clearly. This is mainly because it is designed to trigger emotional responses and to force you to make logical connections that don’t exist. It actively misinforms, but that’s not what does the brain damage. The damage is done by essentially un-teaching you how to think.

This is a precise and accurate description of how the hypnomedia works. All of it, Booman, from the slobberings of Rut Limpbough right through the oh so witty shenanigans going on at MSNBC. It’s all bullshit, and most of the population of the U.S. has been hyped into choosing one form or another of that bullshit and then deeply inhaling its fumes while rhapsodizing over its excellence.

And, ultimately, there has to be a price to be paid for making a huge segment of the American population stupid and misinformed. It’s a deal with the devil. You win an election today but you can’t govern effectively and wind up losing elections tomorrow.

More sleeping accuracy, Booman. Good for you. Now just broaden your view another 180 degrees or so and you will begin to see the truth of the matter. You write “You win an election today but you can’t govern effectively…” Is that not exactly what happened to Barack Obama in his first term? And to George Butch II as well? “…you can’t govern effectively and wind up losing elections tomorrow.”


Four more years of fiscal cliffs, valleys plus whatever other hustles can be rustled up and if the PermaGov so wills it…if after careful deliberation they think that it would be in their best interests…Obama will be painted as a well-intentioned failure and another “saviour” will be trotted out as the next champ.

Yet, on the whole, I don’t think the modern GOP could exist without Fox News. They couldn’t mobilize the support they have without the network.

Broaden the scope of that statement and you get a more accurate translation.

Yet, on the whole, I don’t think the modern Permanent Government could exist without the hypnomedia. They couldn’t mobilize the support they have without the trance networks.

Oh yes!!! Right on the money.



Once again…sigh…all major news purveyors in the United States are owned lock, stock and barrel by the corporate, PermaGov state, and if there is any “truth” whatsoever to be garnered from their various maunderings, that is it.

PermaGov ownership, lock, stock and barrel.

Bet on it.

PermaGov ownership and a consistent overall push towards whatever stasis is in the best interests of that PermaGov. One network might be pushing in one direction while others are pushing in different directions, but the overall result of that series of vectors is wherever the controllers want the ship of (stasis) state to sail.

The finest control mechanism ever invented. Bar none.

I’d post my “NEWSTRIKE!!!” thing again here, but why bother? That’d be like making a polite request that a stadium full of junkies voluntarily give up their very high quality free heroin.

Jones on, babies.

Jones on.
