The (Progressive) Zombie Taker Apocalypse is at hand according to noted conservative libertarian paranoid weapons hoarder Jeff G at Protein Wisdom, and be warned you slacker, government loving, things and stuff wanting, professional leftists, academics and other assorted leeches on the body politic, your time will come, and when it does there’ll be hell to pay:
We now have dibs on “I told you so”– not with respect to the President or the professional left or even many in the media and academia, who have spent decades finessing history and massaging narratives and dumbing down the “masses” until they could seize this particular historical moment, to sabotage the last best hope on earth and turn it into just another socialist police state run by a permanent ruling class and its bureaucratic army (that is, them) — but with the useful idiots who they wooed and fooled and used to secure their power. And though that’s cold comfort, at least it’s something to hold onto when it all goes pear shaped. […]
Not being surprised at the coming collapse will hopefully give us an edge.
One other thing, and I’m serious about this: consider some sort of identification, a kind of marker, that lets others of your kind know who you are and where you stand implicitly. Get over your aversion to tattoos; a small “live free or die” or “don’t tread on me” somewhere on your person might just one day save your from the zombie hordes. Hell. Use henna if you have to. If you’re into irony, maybe a yellow Star of David sewn to your suit jacket.
Because make no mistake. They’ll be coming. They have to. It’s just a matter of how long it takes before the revolution starts and the country divides into factions. The takers have now voted themselves your labor and liberty. But I suspect when it comes time to forcibly take it, that’s when the seriousness sets in. […]
Be your own master. Smile. Knowingly. And wait.
Our time will once again come.
By all means go get yourself that tattoo so when the rebellion against the tyranny of – Blacks? Hispanics? Obamacare Death Panels? Married Gays? Vaginas? – comes you won’t shoot your fellow travelers by mistake. May I suggest you place that tattoo on your foreheads, just to be sure you recognize the “White Hats” who you come across traversing that barren, socialist landscape in the last great war to reclaim America for the only people that matter: white male bloggers with fantasies of Armageddon.
Vive la Revolucion!
I am bemused.
I don’t think he knows what bemused means. If he does, than I am bemused.
Even if it meant what he thinks it means, it would still be stupid.
I think a month from now, we will look back at this whole post-election period and come to the conclusion that the high point, when looking at reaction from the right, was Romney’s concession speech.
It may have been woodenly delivered, sounded somewhat insincere and bitter, but it at least called for a conciliation, a working together, and a prayer for Obama’s success.
Nothing I have heard or read from the right since then comes even close.
Which tells you just how much Romney ever “led” this movement, or how much anyone ever took their cues from him.
I found it interesting that Obama called on Romney to pitch in on on solving the problems of the country, that he would appreciate his help. Romney will disappear down the same rabbit hole that Bush fell into a couple years ago. We will hear very little from the “leader of the party” from now on. The man was never the leader of the party. There is no leader of the republican party. He was the money stuffed suit that they pushed to the fore because he would be the easiest to manipulate once in office.
On another note. I find it very offensive of the conservative talking heads inferring that everyone that voted for Obama is looking for a hand out. They are only verifying the words of Romney in the 47% speach after whining that he was taken out of context, etc. I am more relieved than ever that Romney and his ilk were defeated. They were not only dishonorable but dangerous. Be aware, the fight goes on.
Yes, one might even think that such universal bitterness and bad will would be an interesting “story” for our professional journalists…..naw.
Ya’ll just keep riding that self-pity big wheel. Or should I say powered wheelchair?
Since Obamacare robbed 716 billion out of Medicare–those pity scooters are no longer covered.
The whole rant smacks of trying to recover lost testosterone. And the best he can come up with is a load of adrenalin. And even that is weak.
That is one frightened rabbit you found there, Steven D.
There are now products on the market.
Perhaps he can get into Rush’s stash.
Nah ~ that’s what the 44 magnum prosthesis is substitute for.
You know. They. Those nice young men in their clean white coats in the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes…
There is a whole bunch of these “wolverines/run to the hills” posts going around. This one is god, but my favorite by far is the one from Libertarian Republican. It is well worth the visit. if laughter is the best medicine, “End of Liberty in America” may be the cure for cancer, AIDS, and herpes all rolled into one.
So awesome!!
my friends on FB can’t believe it’s real.
That was a great read; particularly the comments. It’s good to get inside the minds of these people, though it wouldn’t be good to stay there long. They are great at making up their own universes. This whole “moochers” story they’re repeating within their echo chambers is just a natural outgrowth of the Southern Strategy. It’s intellectually lazy but fits so well with what they already believe. The result will be that the rank and file Republicans, Libertarians, Tea Partiers and other wingnutters will misdiagnose the cause of their decline and fail to address it.
Karl Rove understands. But these folks haven’t been listening to Rove for years. The people who have been listening to the guy have been putting up serious bucks and now it’s clear they got the shaft. Where oh where does poor Karl go from here? Will Fox even want the guy after his little hissy fit?
Well now you blew it, didn’t you. Jeff is probably searching FB to unfriend you even as we speak. Your loss.
I read that post and then the comments, and Hoo Boy! it’s hilarious!
These extremists are just plain old nuts. They live mentally in some sort of fantasy America that existed only on black and white TV shows from the fifties. Anything less than Leave it to Beaver is some sort of Communist death camp for them.
So when I read this, and their ridiculous comments, I just laugh right out loud. Maybe they will all pack up and head out West to cram themselves into bomb shelters, clutching their guns and canned goods. Good riddance!
Last I heard they were going to take over New Hampshire or someplace out that way. I would strongly advise them to take over Texas, and then secede.
That is priceless! I wonder if he knows about the healthcare and gun laws in the countries to which he is considering fleeing.
I also find it interesting that he hates the EBT welfare “moochers” but finds no fault with the abuse by Walmart of the food assistance, Medicaid, and housing vouchers by which we taxpayers subsidize that company’s crappy employment policies.
I don’t think he knows what a boycott is if he thinks it is just voicing his complaint to the checkout person who may very well be a welfare “moocher” since the company s/he works for doesn’t provide benefits or pay her/him a decent wage. Ammunition is pretty cheap at Walmart so libertarian principles be damned.
Yeah. Costa Rica is an interesting choice, having even given up its military and shot its economic wad on protecting its environment.
Did you just expose the true identity of Nick/Greg/Neal??
Speaking of which, just where is our favorite freshman?
Multiple bans. Maybe Booman finally blocked his ISP?
Or he can’t face the whipping he so much deserves.
Move to “Costa Rica, Switzerland, Italy, Argentina, Hong Kong, Israel…”
ALL of which have socialized medicine for citizens and permanent residents.
Loons. Perfect Loons. (no offense to Canadian money ..)
The Momcat went NSFW over that one.
Jeff: Get help. I’m serious.
Our time will once again come.
I dunno, kinda reminds me of this tune.
Back when I was a John Cole kind of conservative I would regularly stop by this site. Even then, during the early 2000s, Jeff G was really “out there.”
This, however, is about as pure “wingnuts heads explode” as you can get. Wow, just wow.
I thought this was pretty shameless by Fox News.
Oh, yes, please conservative GOPers.
Get that tattoo on your forehead, or on your hand.
May I suggest, just the simple, elegant: DCLXVI ?
It will definitely cement the Fundie Xtianists to your cause. They’ll look at you in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WAY, I guarantee it.
If they want a kind of marker, that lets others of their kind know who they are and where they stand implicitly, a straitjacket would provide precise and immediate identification.
The yellow star of David thing is just creepy.
There were ads all over this thread for depression clinics. Sometimes Google ads approach Onionlike tragic irony.