The funniest thing about Mark Thiessen’s piece is that he is mystified that a “community organizer” could out-organize a Bain Capital outsourcer. But what could be more predictable?

How on earth did Barack Obama, the community organizer, harness the power of data in the 2012 election like a Bain Capital numbers-cruncher, while Mitt Romney’s data-mining effort crashed and burned like, well, Solyndra?

Mitt Romney was not the cool candidate. He ran on competence. But having the data system your campaign is relying on to turn out the vote crash on Election Day is incompetent. Not testing that system before Election Day is inexcusable. And letting a community organizer run a more precise, data-driven, metrics-based campaign than a Bain Capital executive is incomprehensible.

There is nothing incomprehensible about it. President Obama hired people who believe in science. President Obama’s team used trial and error to hone the best possible practices. President Obama is a trained organizer which means he is very good at organizing people.

Mitt Romney is an expert at hiring people to cut corners and find loopholes in the law and hide large amounts of money and to loot pension funds. He is trained to deceive and defraud people, and to cheat and steal. He designs and exploits systems that are rigged so that he cannot lose. He doesn’t organize people. He fleeces them. He’s a con man. Just ask his billionaire supporters.