I have to laugh at the Republicans’ strategy for doing better in Senate elections. Yes, getting better candidates is a good idea. They had a better candidate in Dick Lugar. The Republican primary voters rejected him. They had a better candidate in Mike Castle, but he was rejected, too. The problem with the GOP isn’t about the quality of their candidates. The problem is with their base.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
These guys are actually to the Right of Goldwater. They make Joe McCarthy look sane.
I had to listen today to a load of crap about Obama conspiring with Muslim extremists to kill the Ambassador in Libya. GOD! I DON’T THINK I CAN STAND IT ANYMORE!
They REALLY think that the President of the United States is a Muslim mole bent on the destruction of America.
Nobody makes Joe McCarthy look sane. But he does have many fellow travelers in the fact-free world of paranoia.
In Goldwater’s time the Fundies had yet to raise their political face and the anti-science brigade had been quiet for a few decades as they reaped the reward of a better standard of living that science had delivered to them. Thus, it’s not possible to assess how “conservative” Goldwater would have been within the current political frameworks. However, his ambition was great enough that it’s likely that he too would have said or done anything to win.
Where abouts in N IL do you live? NW Suburbs? Fox RV? Rockford?
Northwest Suburbs , the land of Joe Walsh signs. I think we have a law requiring campaign signs to be taken down. I’m tempted to spray paint “Loser” on all those Joe Walsh signs.
I grew up in AH, where my mom still lives.
A nice town. I used to live in neighboring Buffalo Grove.
Keep floating on De Nile, Republicans.
Now this is interesting. Could the establishment have prevented the likes of Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock from being nominated without obviously stealing it from them and pissing off the Tea Party? Or is Moran floating on De Nile again?
Floating on a Reed raft for sure. They would fracture their whole party. The TeaBaggers would bolt like the Dixiecrats. And blame Obama, of course.
As one savvy political observer I know observed, if the 2002 version of Karl Rove were still alive, this never would have happened.
In 2002, Karl Rove told NH Sen. Bob Smith, “You’re not running for re-election. If you do run, you’ll lose. I’ll make sure of it. The party is going to support John Sununu Jr.”
Smith didn’t listen and ran anyway. Sununu crushed him in the Republican primary and won the general election.
That’s what Republicans are talking about. The 2002 Karl Rove would have made sure that Akin, Mourdock, etc. didn’t win their primaries.
As I sit here waiting for those “gifts” that Mitt Romney said the Obama campaign promised me, I’ve never been happier that Mittens lost and the GOP is currently in disarray.
Since you seem to have the inside scoop BooMan, when can I expect those gifts.
when you get sick, or when you go to sign a mortgage, or when you have to pay your credit card bill, or when a natural disaster hits your community, or when your kids turn 18 and need health insurance, or when your car gets twice the gas mileage as your old one, or when you need to take out a college loan or pay one back.
when your gay friends get married and can serve in the military. When your wife gets equal pay at work. When your son doesn’t get sent to Afghanistan or Iraq. When your daughter can get access to the full spectrum of women’s health options. When you and your family go to get wellness exams. When the bridge you’re driving on doesn’t collapse. When you can get credit for weatherizing your home. When your Social Security doesn’t disappear in the down stock market. When you get fired and don’t lose your health insurance.
Obama has provided you a gift for every day for the rest of your life.
damn, and I was expecting reparations, a cadillac and an Iphone.
I guess I’ll settle for the things you mentioned.
Yeah. Where’s my bling? I was to understand I’d get a new Escalade and some gold chains or something. Damn, I guess I’m just not “urban” enough.
Yeah, but where’s the fucking tax write-off for my car elevators and my show horses? Huh? Huh? Cat got your your tongue, Mr. Libruhl Socialist??? 😉
ummmm…sorry to mention this, Booboy, but MY son-in-law leaves for his 3rd tour in Afghanistan in January.
Speaking of the Senate, someone should really send grandpa back home to Arizona.
“Questioned About Missed Briefing On Benghazi, McCain Snaps At Reporter”
My guess is that if McCain had a magic lamp right now that he could rub, he would wish to rewind the clock to that town hall meeting in 2008 where he shot down that crazy haired woman’s claim about Obama’s scary Muslim thing. Maybe his asshole wouldn’t be so puckered up right now if he had let off a little of that steam way back then. We might all be better off for it.
Wondering if maybe his colon is all stove up right now. He’s obviously in some sort of distress. Somebody send him some Ex-Lax or a gift card for a free enema.
LOL. Yup, the answer is better candidates!
I do have to hand it to you for always finding these comedy gems and succinctly filleting them. I have to wonder if the Repubs wouldn’t be better off retaining you to critique their arguments before they make them, sort of like how corporations hire a hacker to point out where their weak spots are. (no offense intended)
Yes, indeed, Repub coaches, your losing team has many unsolvable problems, but your insane cadre of primary voters isn’t one of them! Good luck with your diagnoses, Rightwingcircus Ringmasters…
Anyone else laughing at the irony in John McCain actually saying that he think Susan Rice is “not that bright”. This from the man who was okay with picking Sara Palin???
The man is ridiculous
The stupid is strong…
Oh my — McCain reveals just how stupid he is (as are most legacy “C” students).
His choice for smart:
Susan Rice:
Well, this just proves Rick Santorum’s point during the primaries. Susan Rice…..what a SNOB!!!
So sayeth one of the handmaidens to the 1%.
I agree with your point, but I sincerely wish you would have picked something else upon which to grade Sarah Palin. Let us not confuse education or opportunity with intelligence.
You can prove yourself to be uber-intelligent by achieving the kinds of things that Susan Rice has, but the inverse is not necessarily true. Some of the smartest people I know have never set foot inside of a university building, and others have bounced around from school to school. There are legitimate reasons that things didn’t work out for them, but a lack of intelligence is not among them.
In my case I “bounced” around Ole Miss, UNM, CalBerkely, UMN and UH (and no I didn’t spell UNM and UMN wrong).
Lots of people bounce. Most of us aren’t following a 3rd rate basketball player, tho.
What they mean is that they again need to replace the wrapping paper on the stinky fish they’ve been peddling since 1932. It’s not as if that isn’t a GOP tried and true method to win elections without most of their 45% base ever noticing that they get screwed whenever the GOP wins.
The other problem is the hidden agenda thing, which keeps getting harder and harder to keep under wraps.
Like Romney once again leaking his actual beliefs, in a conference call this time, for all the world to hear.
That was a fart so great in the Church Of Republicanism that conservatives everywhere are running from the pew.
If you want to facilitate the accumulation of great wealth by way of an alliance with frightened neanderthals, message discipline is everything.
Or more dumb voters like those in TN CD-4. The christianists in that district returned Scott DesJarlais, the serial adulterer doctor and abortion advocate for the women in his life, to Congress with 55.8% of the vote.
the Repukeliscum are doubling down on denial.
We need to start a huge push to get the house back in 2014
Yeah, the GOP today is kind of proving Saul Alinksy wrong. “There are no bad masses, only bad leaders.” The Tea Party is a clear example of bad masses. I don’t think any leader could have done anything useful with them.